Biomes & Nature [Tobbvald's Tinkering] The Contagion (f.k.a. Corrosion)


Skeletron Prime


Greetings. This is an idea that came to me a long time ago, after gaining a lot of attention back on TO it's now time to repost it here.

Upon visiting the pink dungeon and seeing all the eye-ornaments an idea struck me, that it bore a striking symbolic resemblance to the Crimson, both the pinkish red and the eyes present, and then I realized that Corruption, with its more generic demonism and evil could be related to the blue dungon, but where was the green dungeons place in all of this? It bore no resemblance to the Hallow, since hallow in its very essence could not be related to something as foul and evil-looking as the green dungons ornaments are. This was my calling in a way, to create the third dark evil, the rotting green menace of The Contagion. Together with its antithesis, The Covert, they form a clash of Life and Death.

Making a third "Dark" evil completes the pattern shared by "Evil hardmode biomes" and Dungeons, and also completes the pattern of Demon-eyes. The RBG-pattern is everywhere in this game, ignoring it would be like missing an opportunity.​


Summary for lazy people

-all the dungeons connected with one "dark" evil each

-will replace crimson or corruption in a world, a 3rd alternative evil.

-[themes]: greyish green, wetlands, the source of the zombies, moss, Cordyceps

-giant evil butterfly-boss, the dreaded Behe-Moth

-armor's focus: raw close-range dmg output

-new sword-type

more to come!


I will leave the following little rant here from the old version to help clarify some things. Previously it became quite a discussion whether we need a third evil or not, with people saying "it would be just as redundant as Crimson was".

The "Redundant" Argument

And as far as the "Redundant" argument goes, I have one thing to say: Why not?

How many vanity-sets are there in Terraria again? That's right, too many to count. Not any single one of them adds armor, or can even be sold for money, yet they are there. That is the beauty of this game, the endless variables and place for growth. Adding multiple evils has the added benefit of new and unique armor-sets and accessories, not to mention different enemies and bosses and weapons and above all atmospheres. If you see little positive things about it, what is there that requires you to have anything against it?

-If nothing aesthetic was allowed in this game purely for that fact that it was just that, aesthetic, this game would have none of the great atmosphere that it now possesses. Some people may say otherwise, but some of us actually feel a different vibe in our playthroughs depending on what sort of creeping land-sized evil we are confronted with.



The Corruption could be compared to a worldly cancer, and the Crimson is an expanding and consuming mass of flesh. The Contagion is a rotting wound of the world, filled with a zombifying plague.

I have drawn inspiration from multiple aspects whilst creating this biome. The two most important are foggy mosscovered marshlands, where people of past times have fallen in and been mumified by the environment, combined with Cordyceps, a parasitic mushroom that literally takes over the brain of smaller insects and caterpillars and can continue doing so after the host is dead. Combine the two and you get some pretty horrifying zombie-like entities. This is what will roam the Contagion, various caterpillars and zombified monstrosities, the environment will be in the tint of a greyish green, with barren, moss-covered tress and sickly overmoistened grass.

This is what The Contagion-caverns and Arena would look like in a map-like format:


The inner chamber is the arena, with a random amount of Virus Kernels
surrounding it.

Virus Kernels are supposedly the source of The Contagion. They act the same way as Shadow Orbs and Demon Hearts does, smash them and collect loot from them.

This is a Mossy Altar
, the Contagion equivalent of the Demon Altars, nothing more to it really.




In this biome, much like all other biomes, wood can be harvested. The trees of the Contagion are called Witherwillows, and drop witherwillow. (Naming similar to Rich Mahogany)

With this wood furniture and armor can of course be made. More on this in due time.

I have also been thinking of more appropriate sprites for Deathweed for each biome, since only one is actually bluish in hue.

This is what I guess Deathweed in a Contagion-world would look like, since the color of the stem is derived from the biome's primary color, and the leaves are based on the secondary color, or the "imbuement color".


Ore: Maladium, Bars would look like this:


The stone will be called Blightstone. And looks something like this:

The first thing to note is that a Contagion/Covert -world will not have Hallow's Lightning Bugs, but will feature something similar.

There will indeed be a 35% Bait Power critter, it will spawn with the same abundance as Lightning Bugs, but in the Contagion, during daytime; the Maggot



The Fishing pole of The Contagion is called Looming Lure, same stats as Fleshcatcher.


The fish to be found is the Green Skewerfish, used for brewing The Fury Potion, wich adds 6% to both critical strike chance and damage.




These little critters are exactly what they look like, the Corrupted bunnies of a Contagion-world. Same stats as their purple equivalent.


Stats: similar to FaceMonsters

Behaviour: Somewhat unique, will spawn in same abundance as FaceMonsters do, but both on surface and in caverns, can climb block-surfaces, but NOT background walls, will then burrow through the ground always targetting the player, moves much slower than any other burrowing enemy. A typical scenario would be them slowly emerging from beneath the players feet or out of walls with little to no warning, slowly creeping towards the player, about as tall as the player.

Parasitic Roots.



Stats: similar to Zombies, but a bit stronger hp and attack

Behaviour: These creatures will crawl along the ground towards the player. They lack the ability to jump, but can instead sink into walls and reemerge on top of them, similar to the eventbosses. They are the typical commonspawn of the Contagion, prepare to see lots of them.

Drop: Same as Burrower.



Stats: similar to FaceMonsters

Behaviour: moves fairly quick, poses a threat trough their towering size, almost twice the height of the player.

Drop: Same as Burrower; Parasitic Roots.

Hardmode Enemies



Stats: similar to Clingers, deals a bit more damage on direct impact.

Behaviour: spawns in clusters inside walls, 1-5, ManEater-type. They don't extend until the player is about one step outside their reach, then they all extent almost instantaneously, possibly giving the player a good scare in the process, fairly harmless as long as you have time to react.



Stats: similar to Crimslime

Behaviour: Similar to other Slime



Stats: two subtypes, either quicker and smaller with more HP, or larger and multi-phased.

Behaviour: Two types, both use the same AI as Burrowers, but are far superior stat-wise, will creep slow towards the player, through walls, take a big beating. One type has more HP and is smaller, the larger one will have half the other's HP but spawn a moth-like enemy simliar to Behe-Moth when they die. The moths drop Miasma upon death



Stats: 600 HP, overall tanky, ridiculously slow movement

Behaviour: Almost stationary, these massive ice-golem size enemies slowly crawl through the Contagion-infested caverns and fire bursts of Miasma (More on this further on) when a player is in sight, they are one of two sources of Miasma, the hardmode imbuement-material of The Contagion, similar to Ichor or Cursed Flames in their respective Evils.



Stats and AI same as Dark Mummies, these infested mummies wander the Contagion-deserts.
Drops: Link of Death


The Boss: BeheMoth

To summon the boss of The Contagion, Combine some Parasitic Roots to make

Grub of Something

Using this will summon Behemoth.​



Stats: 150 HP for each Binding

Behaviour: Upon summoning BeheMoth will lower from the ceiling hanging from 3 Root-like bindings, similar to how Plantera clings to walls, only these 3 bindings are completely immobile. During the first phase Behemoth itself can not be harmed in any way, the larval shell is far too thick. But the Bindings can be destroyed fairly easy, the hard part is reaching them. During this phase a fairly spread out and easy to avoid rain of pollen falls from the roof, this is the main hazard of this phase as the player has to avoid being hit at all times.

(Technical notes regarding spawn)Upon summoning I think the easisest way would be to make it similar to a combination of King Slime and Plantera. Meaning he spawns at a certain leverage in comparison to the player, namely upwards. This gives time for the 3 "hooks" to determine the 3 valid grapplepoints and either latch out or onto them. The result would be the larva falling from the sky, getting suspended from nearby walls and cliffs, or if underground slowly lowered down through the ceiling. If he lands flat on the ground without any protrudent scenery nearby I suppose he should just crash on the ground, breaking through the shell initiating the second phase in the process.



Stats: HP: 1200 Defense: 12

Behaviour: Upon destroying the last binding BeheMoth falls to the ground, shattering his larval shell. Out from the remains of the husk rises the true form of BeheMoth, a giant evil-looking butterfly. In this phase it starts flying around in the upper half of the arena, mostly out of melee-range, occasionally taking a wide sweep along the ground, occasionally firing bursts of pollen-projectiles at the player.


Drops: Chitinous Spores



This is the part I think most people are here for, the sweet loot gained from raiding this putrid marsh.


The Unholy Water Equivalent: Water of Death


Armor: Thornplate.


Defense: Same as Shadow and Crimtane

Increases raw damage and movement-speed

Set-bonus: An aura of Thorns reaching out 4 blocks out from the player randomly upon dealing damage, dealing additional damage and warding off enemies.



Sword: The Splinterer, shorter range than BloodButcherer, little bit stronger dmg than Lights bane, slower swinging-speed than Bloodbutcherer, furthermore it is also slightly more expensive to craft. The thing that makes up for all of this is that it can be double-clicked to swing a second time almost instantly after the first, as if the player were wielding two swords at once. This will let the player either making two quick chops, dealing more damage than any other sword of the same tier, but then need to wait longer for the next chop, or use it rythmically and get a DPS similar to light's bane.


Pickaxe: The Disuniter


Spell: Vilethorn, I think it fits this theme better, Corruption will instead get a new more fitting spell.​


New spell for Corruption: Nestlatch. It shoots out a pod that releases a swarm of mini-eaters that swarm around the pod for a while, and despawn together with the pod. Enemies wading through this local eater storm take a decent amount of damage and suffer a speed penalty whilst inside of the cloud. It can only fire one at a time, and the pods can stick to all surfaces, including other creatures, though they are always aimed outwards so the bearer won't be affected as much since they'd have to travel "towards" the cloud to come into contact with it.


Bow: The Fibre Crook, Same stats as its Crimson and Corruption counterparts.


Gun: The End render, semi-automatic, shoots bursts of 2 bullets, similar to Clockwork Assault Rifle, only slower. base damage: 12


Spear: The Withered Pike, same stats as its Crimson-counterpart.


Flail: The Sinistar, same stats as its Crimson counterpart.


Accessory from smashing orbs: Band of Force, 8% increased raw dmg

-Can be tinkered with Band of Regeneration to make-


Charm of Sacrifice, 10% increased raw dmg, increases damage taken by 5%, but provides a small regen-increase.

-And as an extension of my previous Tobbvald's Tinkering, Sword-balancing , I present to you;


Combination-sword: The Brink of Deformity, same stat-proportions as its predecessor, weaker than Night's edge, Slow swinging-speed but it can be double-clicked to swing a second time almost instantly after the first.

HardMode Gear

As with all Evils, grinding for a new imbuement- and spell-ingredient will be present, in the form of Miasma:

It will inflict a new debuff: Miasmic Snare. It is a combined effect of gradual damage and movement-slowing effects with 3 levels. The first level features poison-like damage ticks, also slowing targets to a degree. Level two increases both parameters, Level 3 is only a little weaker in DMG from Cursed Flames, and enemies struck by this level are completely stationary.You advance the levels by time of exposure, spam the attacks inflicting it during a longer time for increased effect. It appears as a growing amount of small purple piny balls in increasing number depending on the level of effect.


Spell: Miasmic Haze, shoots out a cloud of Miasma, similar to magic harp in behaviour, aim further away for longer travelling distance, bounces slightly off walls, always de-accelerating speed. Fairly quick use-time. The longer you stand inside the cloud the higher the level of Miasma Snare.


Flask: Flask of Miasma, similar to other flasks, makes weapons inflict Miasma Snare for 14 minutes.

Bullet: Thistle Bullet, inflicts Miasma Snare on impact, 12 Dmg.


Dungeon Chest-Loot: The Curtain Ripper, this is a completely unique weapon for the melee-class. Imagine a shortsword. Imagine that this shortsword extends with 5 blades in a fan-like aimable pattern. That is a pretty good description of The Curtain Ripper. Its range may be short, about the length of a gold shortsword, but it has incredible knockback, and if you hit with all 5 edges it has an insane damage output.


True-Sword: True Brink of Deformity, Same properties as Brink of Deformity, but even stronger.
Thanks For Reading

I'd love to hear comments and feedback for all of this, but please look through the thread before asking things seeing as those questions may have already been answered by the OP.

To the confused newcomers from TO: I have indeed decided to rename this biome to The Contagion. It is a name I find far more fitting given the properties it actually posses.

Something important to note is that this thread has a sister-suggestion, The Covert, the corresponding "good" biome.​
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oh its finally moved here!Good oprotunity to improve the name:guidesmile:
I still however disagree with your corruption replacement though it doesn't fulfill the same role that the crimson rod and vilethorn do (namely a slow lingering attack that remains in place and damages enemies passing through)
Awesome post, but where/how did you make the sprites for the post?

I think it should have a late game boss too, when the hardmode stage activates a area in the biome becomes deadly, allowing the player to stay in the "upgraded biome" for a few minutes without proper equipment (maybe a helmet made with the items from the Behe-Moth with other things ofc, BALANCING OP). The mobs in the upgraded version would take away time that the player had in the area, but as a result of this risk the mobs are a little weaker otherwise it would be overpowered and quite frankly terrifying. As it would be very dangerous the area should be very small to start and only spreads through the underground contaigion and at like 2-3x slower than the crimson would.

The "Super boss" could be a Wave moons meet bosses type of fight. Maybe the area around him becomes a bullet hell with "pollen shooters" firing non-stop at him with mobs swarming the player. Later on the shooters become tri shooters and they finnaly become arms with around 10000 hp each that swing at the player 3 times before burrowing and becoming invunrible while the player has to fight off a limited amount of mobs before they strike again.

This boss fight would take place in the chasms found in the contagion and could be made from the Chitin plating and a variety of items found in the "super contagion" . As the fight starts the chasm is transformed into the "super contagion" and the entrance being sealed off.

P.S The pollen shooters will fire 4 times in a wave of bullets, then stop for a few seconds then continue firing, the projectiles bounce 3 times before disappearing. I can't think of a good name for the "super contagion" another disease bassed name could be used, (epidemic, pandemic etc)

P.SS Just suggestions, feel free to edit anything if you like any of it.

P.SSS: The "super-contagion" could be activated by the player as a new end-game thing.
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Just edited my post, let me know if you feel like any of these could help.
These are cool ideas, but keep in mind that this is a suggestion for an alternative, meaning that it is made to be of equal power and tier of the other two (Corruption and Crimson). Adding this would throw the balance overboard unless similar things were made for the other two, but considering that Contagion is the one not even in the game I would suggest making that a separate suggestion of your own for maybe Crimson or Corruption instead, and see where that takes you.
Oh wow, dude... This is AMAZING. I'm personally a pretty huge fan of swamp-like biomes in the first place so I would just love this.

I kinda wish the crimson had it's own version of "deathweed" and if it eventually does I'd like to see what the contagion cooks up.

EDIT: Please add the contagion-based tools soon!
This is still one of my favorite suggestions from the old forum. Good to see it (and the other tinkers!) back up here! While I liked the name Corrosion, I do agree that Contagion is more fitting.

One thing that I noticed missing which should be fairly simple to add, is the Shadow Orb/Crimson Heart alternative. It's mentioned as "cores" but doesn't actually seem to have a full name that I can find! That, and a sprite.

Also, there is a rather humorous typo in the Behe-Moth spoiler:
Behaviour: Upon destroying the last binding Behe-Moth falls to the ground, shatting his larval shell.
Might wanna fix that. XD
This is still one of my favorite suggestions from the old forum. Good to see it (and the other tinkers!) back up here! While I liked the name Corrosion, I do agree that Contagion is more fitting.

One thing that I noticed missing which should be fairly simple to add, is the Shadow Orb/Crimson Heart alternative. It's mentioned as "cores" but doesn't actually seem to have a full name that I can find! That, and a sprite.

Also, there is a rather humorous typo in the Behe-Moth spoiler:

Might wanna fix that. XD
Thanks for pointing those things out! And regarding the cores, and what they should actually be, that is actually so far undecided. The way I see it is that it's one of those real key features lorewise that really must be thoroughly thought through, as it has potential to influence the potential theories around the biome's origins. Just look at The Corruption and its Shadow orbs. If you have any ideas, because to be honest, I don't, those ideas would be very helpful! ;D
It's either adding this, or putting the cyber into terraria. Gotta say i'm kinda leaning more towards the contagion, mostly because of the corruption's grasp, which looks like absolute swag.
I love this idea, I think it would be a great addition to Terraria as I have said before. The only thing I don't really like though is the Coruption's Grasp. It seems a bit too wonky to be a good weapon. Other than that it is truly a great suggestion. :guidegrin:
Thanks for pointing those things out! And regarding the cores, and what they should actually be, that is actually so far undecided. The way I see it is that it's one of those real key features lorewise that really must be thoroughly thought through, as it has potential to influence the potential theories around the biome's origins. Just look at The Corruption and its Shadow orbs. If you have any ideas, because to be honest, I don't, those ideas would be very helpful! ;D
Possible core ideas:
Chattering/rotting skull
Hand of glory (rotting hand holding a light)
I love this idea, I think it would be a great addition to Terraria as I have said before. The only thing I don't really like though is the Coruption's Grasp. It seems a bit too wonky to be a good weapon. Other than that it is truly a great suggestion. :guidegrin:
Glad you like it! -And yeah, about the weapon, I think somewhere early on at TO the discussion went similarly, I have considered adding something different more fitting for the tier, because Corruption's Grasp kind of clashes with demon scythe just a few tiers away. But other than that what's your opinion on moving Vilethorn? If of course a suitable replacement was made? -And do you have any ideas for said replacement because I don't really have the time for either spriting or thinking about that right now (Covert will probably go up today:redspin:)
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