tModLoader Too Many Accessories - a really unbalanced mod

Curiously, how do you actually equip multiple Chest Accessory Enablers? I made sure the config menu option for "Only 1 of it's kind" is set to off.
I figured out how you do it. Say you have 3 chests full of accessories. Have 3 chest enablers. Set the first one to the first chest, then put it in the second chest. Set the second one to the second chest, then put it in the 3rd, set the last one to the 3rd, and then equip it.
Hello, I'm working if anyone knows a solution as to why the Chest Accessory Enabler won't work on my multiplayer server. I tested it in a solo world and it worked so it isn't conflicts with other mods, and every other part works in the mutiplayer, just not the Chest variant.
Hello, I'm working if anyone knows a solution as to why the Chest Accessory Enabler won't work on my multiplayer server. I tested it in a solo world and it worked so it isn't conflicts with other mods, and every other part works in the mutiplayer, just not the Chest variant.
Have you tried to open the chest before using the chest accessory enabler on it? Chests are only loaded into the client when the chest is opened.
For that same reason, I'm not sure if someone else changing the items in that chest updates your player's accessories or not. Have to try and find a more elegant solution.
Oh wow. This didn't go the way I expected (I assumed there'd be a bunch of accessory tinkers of previous accessories, sort of like Fargo's Soul Mod).
Have you tried to open the chest before using the chest accessory enabler on it? Chests are only loaded into the client when the chest is opened.
For that same reason, I'm not sure if someone else changing the items in that chest updates your player's accessories or not. Have to try and find a more elegant solution.

That did it thanks. No idea why that didn't seem like something to try but it is what it is. Appreciate it!
I tested using with the Even More Modifiers mod and it makes it even more broken especially using with Chest Accessory but it will become "ignore" the effects of modifiers unless place the 2 of same item; one is on the inventory while the other is on the chest, that's the only downside of the that mod
I can't seem to be able to get it to work with multiple chests; I have the config set to 10. Are you supposed to be able to have multiple on one item, or is it meant to be limited?
V1.0.2 Changelog
- Fixed a bug where certain loaders only worked when placed in the Accessory slots or, in the Chest Enabler case, only when chained with multiple chests.
- This does not fix the bug that Accessory Sharer only loads the other player's accessories from where it was placed onwards, meaning that if you want to use it to the fullest, place it in topmost real accessory slot.

how can you add set bonuses?
only downside to the mod
The problem is that it is impossible to add the set bonus without some major hijinx. The set bonus is somewhat hardcoded to be only calculated based on the currently equipped armor, by checking the head, body and legs match a set of ids. This is unlike accessories, in which all you have to do is call "UpdateAccessory" and "UpdateEquipment" on the item itself. Update equipment also handles armor defense and individual bonus (+range % on headgear, ie), so that can be added. But Armor set bonus, unfortunately, could only be added if we placed every head in the head slot once, with all combinations of body and legs available in the inventory and chests, as well as vanity. Doable for one set (vanity), but for all possible combinations of sets in the inventory and possibly chest(s)? No way.
The problem is that it is impossible to add the set bonus without some major hijinx. The set bonus is somewhat hardcoded to be only calculated based on the currently equipped armor, by checking the head, body and legs match a set of ids. This is unlike accessories, in which all you have to do is call "UpdateAccessory" and "UpdateEquipment" on the item itself. Update equipment also handles armor defense and individual bonus (+range % on headgear, ie), so that can be added. But Armor set bonus, unfortunately, could only be added if we placed every head in the head slot once, with all combinations of body and legs available in the inventory and chests, as well as vanity. Doable for one set (vanity), but for all possible combinations of sets in the inventory and possibly chest(s)? No way.
Ah, ok it would definitely be cool though
Hello i have a problem here. Im not able to use more then one Chest as Accesiores Slot. Everytime i use Chest Accessory Enabler on another Chest, the old stats are vanishing. My Chest Limit is raised to 100.
Ever wanted to have every accessory and armor in the game equipped at once? With this mod, you can!

This mod adds a few accessories that allow using other item slots as accessory and armor slots.

View attachment 232858
The Vanity Accessory Enabler allows you to use your vanity Accessory slots as normal accessories. Some mods already do this, so it's nothing new. But this one also allows for the armor in the armor slot to be counted towards your stats.
It is crafted with a Hive Pack, 20 Demonite/crimtane and 10 shadow scales/tissue samples.

View attachment 232861
The Hotbar Accessory Enabler allows you to use your hotbar slots as accessory slots. It will also apply armor effects (and defence). This is kinda new, and presents a challenge where you must choose between weapons/tools and accessories/armor pieces.
It is crafted with a Bone Glove 30 Demonite/crimtane and 20 shadow scales/tissue samples.

View attachment 232863
The Lowest Row Accessory Enabler turns your lowest inventory row (the bottom one) into accessory slots. You can place any item there, but only armor and accessories will provide effects.
Made with 20 Adamantite/Titanium and 50 Souls of Light and Night. This is the easiest one to make, and the only one available to non-expert players (unless you have a mod that adds expert drops in normal mode...)

The Two Lowest Rows Acessory Enabler (creative name, ain't it?) increases the effect of the above enabler to the bottom 2 rows.
Crafted with the above Enabler and the Minecart from the mechanical bosses.

View attachment 232865
The Almost Full Inventory Acessory Enabler increases the effect of the above to the bottom 3 rows (only the top inventory row below the hotbar is available for disabling accessories)
Crafted with the above enabler and a Shiny Stone.

View attachment 232866
The Full Inventory Acessory Enabler makes the entire inventory work as an accessory/armor slot. Only the hotbar escapes this (except if you have the Hotbar Accessory Enabler equipped in any non-hotbar slot, then its every slot as accessories.
Crafted with the Almost Full Enabler, 20 Luminte Bar and 20 of each vanilla pillar fragment.

View attachment 232867
The Total Inventory Acessory Enabler enables any player slot as an accessory/armor slot. It's the combination of the Full Enabler, Vanity Enabler and Hotbar Enabler at the Tinkerer's Workbench.

Still not Enough?

Then I have two extra accessories for you!

View attachment 232868
The Accessory Share Enabler allows players in the same team to share accessories with each other. So now your teammates can benefit from the accessories your have equipped.
It is a bit expensive, requiring 999 of both Souls of Light and Souls of Night and a Bone Key from the Dungeon Guardian!

View attachment 232869
This last one is special. It is so overpowered, it is even disableable and is disabled by default (enable in the config). This is the Chest Accessory Enabler !
Just use it on a chest, piggy bank, safe or Defender Forge, and all its accessory contents will be useable by you at any time! And if you enable it in the configs, you can have up to 100 of them equiped.
It does have some limitations, however. They deactivate every time you log into a world or shut the world down, so you will need (after loging in) go to the chest you want to use, open it and then use the Chest Accessory enabler on it again. This was done on purpose because of possible crashes if you log into a different world that does not have that chest. And that fixed also disabled it for the bank inventories too.
So, how can you get your hands on this bad boy? Simply gather one Terra Blade, 20 Luminite Bars, 2 Suspicious Looking Tentacles and a Bone Key, and you too can own one.

As always, report any bug found here. I can't guarantee a quick response ( as work as come once again) but I'll try to keep an eye on this thread.
The Chest Accessory Enabler is only allowing one chest, but I have it set to 100. When I click the chest it says "Accessory enabler now bound to chest 343" Then I click the other chest and it says "Accessory enabler now bound to chest 344", so it just swaps between chests.
how do I turn on remembering what chest it is using the accessories on re-load? I don't go to any other worlds so the crash doesn't effect me. Also I am wondering about the using multiple chests also, it only swaps between the chests I choose instead of using multiple
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