tModLoader [Tool] The Terraria Seed Project

Amazing mod, thank you very much! :passionate::passionate::passionate:
I was looking for spawn in Snow biome too and here what I've got

Large, expert, corruption
Spawn in Snow biome
1) Seed 0385396332 total Score (beta): 1401
Content last stored Seed: 385396332

Pyramids possible: 2
Number of Pyramids: 0
Number of Clouds: 7
Number of Living Trees: 3
Distance Tree to mid: 2425
Distance Cloud to mid: 153
Distance Pyramid to mid: 1337000
Max open air pyramid surface: 0
Max pyramid height: 0
Max pyramid tunnel height: 0
Max pyramid total height: 0
Max pyr. exit cav.-entr. distance: -100000
Enchanted Sword Shrine: 0
Enchanted Sword: 2
Near Enchanted Sword: 0
Very Near Enchanted Sword: 0
Enchanted Sword near Tree: 0
Near Enchanted Sword near Tree: 0
Enchanted Sword near Pyramid: 0
Near Enchanted Sword near Pyramid: 0
Meteorite Bar unlocked: 2
Biome Item in normal Chest: 0
Cloud Chest: 4
Tree: 3
Tree Chest: 1
Max Living Tree Size: 74
Min Living Tree Size: 52
Max Living Tree root Size: 105
Max Living Tree total Size: 179
Max Tree exit cav.-entr. distance: -276
Near Tree: 0
Water Bolt before Skeletron: 0
Water Bolt: 9
Temple Distance: 1380
Temple horizontal distance: 1267
Temple at player side of jungle (%): 47
Temple at ocean side of jungle (%): 53
Temple at height (%): 71
Temple at depth (%): 29
Near Sunflower: 0
Near Altar: 10
Near Spider Web count: 546
Near Mushroom Biome count: 0
Near Chest: 3
Near Cloud: 2
Nearest Teleportation Potion count: 1
Pathlength to Teleport Potion: 1421
Pathlength to Meteorite Bar: 1000000
Pathlength to Iron/Lead Bar: 523
Pathlength to Gold/Platinum Bar: 1421
Pathlength to Bomb: 2123
Pathlength to Dynamite: 2169
Pathlength to 2nd Dynamite: 2220
Pathlength to Gravitation Potion: 1539
Pathlength to Crystal Heart: 283
Pathlength to Jester's Arrow: 1421
Pathlength to Boots: 1033
Pathlength to Enchanted Sword: 7817
Pathlength to Altar: 349
Pathlength to Bee Hive: 3631
Pathlength to Temple Door: 3978
Pathlength to free ShadowOrb/Heart: 438
Pathlength to Boomstick: 4707
Pathlength to Suspicious Looking Eye: 2400
Pathlength to Snowball Cannon: 2771
Pathlength to Slime Staute: 7769
Pathlength to Shark Staute: 10703
Pathlength to Anvil: 9899
Pathlength to Ruby: 671
Pathlength to Chest: 523
Pathlength into 40% cavern layer: 3744
Pathlength to 40% cavern entrance: 1922
Tiles to mine for 40% cavern: 5
Pathlength to cavern entrance to mid of Jungle: 1922
Tiles to mine for mid Jungle cavern: 7
Pathlength to cavern entrance to deep Jungle: 1922
Tiles to mine for deep Jungle cavern: 28
neg. Pathlength to Teleport Potion: -1421
neg. Pathlength to Meteorite Bar: -1000000
neg. Pathlength to Iron/Lead Bar: -523
neg. Pathlength to Gold/Platinum Bar: -1421
neg. Pathlength to Bomb: -2123
neg. Pathlength to Dynamite: -2169
neg. Pathlength to 2nd Dynamite: -2220
neg. Pathlength to Gravitation Potion: -1539
neg. Pathlength to Crystal Heart: -283
neg. Pathlength to Jester's Arrow: -1421
neg. Pathlength to Boots: -1033
neg. Pathlength to Enchanted Sword: -7817
neg. Pathlength to Altar: -349
neg. Pathlength to Bee Hive: -3631
neg. Pathlength to Temple Door: -3978
neg. Pathlength to free ShadowOrb/Heart: -438
neg. Pathlength to Boomstick: -4707
neg. Pathlength to Suspicious Looking Eye: -2400
neg. Pathlength to Snowball Cannon: -2771
neg. Pathlength to Slime Staute: -7769
neg. Pathlength to Shark Staute: -10703
neg. Pathlength to Anvil: -9899
neg. Pathlength to Ruby: -671
neg. Pathlength to Chest: -523
neg. Pathlength into 40% cavern layer: -3744
neg. Pathlength to 40% cavern entrance: -1922
neg. Tiles to mine for 40% cavern: -5
neg. Pathlength to cavern entrance to mid of Jungle: -1922
neg. Tiles to mine for mid Jungle cavern: -7
neg. Pathlength to cavern entrance to deep Jungle: -1922
neg. Tiles to mine for deep Jungle cavern: -28
Free cavern to mid Jungle: 1
Free cavern to deep Jungle: 1
Jungle cavern not blocked by structure: 1
Free ShadowOrb/Heart: 1
Distance ShadowOrb/Heart to mid: 218
Bee Hives: 14
High Hive: 0
Spawn in Sky: 0
Open Temple: 0
Evil Tiles for Mud: 1269
Evil Tiles for Jungle Grass: 0
Evil Tiles for Sand: 24989
Evil Tiles for Ice: 7365
Ice surface evil: 4276
Ice Surface: 12098
Snow biome surface overlap mid: 8478
Jungle biome surface overlap mid: 0
Jungle biome distance to mid: 494
Snow biome distance to mid: -172
Evil biome distance to mid: 150
Nearest Evil left Ocean: -10
Nearest Evil right Ocean: 1890
Has evil Ocean: 1
Has evil Dungeon Ocean: 0
Has evil Jungle Ocean: 1
Hermes Flurry Boots Distance: 297
Nearest Altar left beach: 526
Nearest Altar right beach: 456
Nearest Altar Dungeon beach: 456
Nearest Altar Jungle beach: 526
Beach left: 274
Beach right: 8180
Dungeon beach: 8180
Jungle beach: 274
Beach penalty left: 3614
Beach penalty right: 945
Beach penalty mean: 2279
Beach penalty max: 3614
No Ocean: 0
Surface average height (aprox.): 171
Surface height (sqrt) variance: 88
Surface max-min height: 321
Underground layer height: 156
Chest duplication Glitch: 0
Dungeon tiles above surface: 0
Dungeon far above surface: 0
Dungeon below ground: 0
Dungeon below ground tree: 0
Dungeon has good Pos: 1
Dungeon in Snow Biome: 0
Dungeon has strange Pos: 0
Floating island cabin in Dungeon: 0
Pre Skeletron Dungeon Chest Risky: 0
Pre Skeletron Dungeon Chest Grab: 0
Pre Skeletron Dungeon Chest Any: 0
Pre Skeletron Golden Key Risky: 0
Pre Skeletron Golden Key Grab: 0
Pre Skeletron Golden Key Any: 0
Pre Skeletron Muramasa Chest reachable: 0
Pre Skeletron Cobalt Shield Chest reachable: 0
Pre Skeletron Shadow Key Chest reachable: 0
Alchemy Table: 3
Sharpening Station: 4
Dungeon farm spot: 0
Dungeon farm spot 3Wall inters.: 0
Dungeon farm spot 3Wall in line: 0
Dungeon wall color: 1
Dungeon side: 1
Hardmode evil side: -1
Floating Island without chest: 0
Many Pyramids: 0
Number different Paintings: 21
Number Paintings: 47
Different functional noncraf. Statues: 26
Number functional noncraf. Statues: 241
Different noncraf. Statues: 56
Number noncraf. Statues: 518
Angel Statue chest: 15
Angel Statue placed: 4
Dart Trap: 271
Super Dart Trap: 19
Flame Trap: 9
Spiky Ball Trap: 120
Spear Trap: 72
Geyser: 49
Detonator: 92
Score: 1402
Pyramid Bottle: 0
Pyramid Carpet: 0
Pyramid Mask: 0
All Pyramid Items: 0
Muramasa: 3
Cobalt Shield: 3
Bone Welder: 7
Valor: 3
Tree Chest Loom: 0
Green Dungeon Walls: 70468
Blue Dungeon Walls: 0
Pink Dungeon Walls: 0
Dungeon Wall count: 70468
All Dungeon Walls: 6612
All Dungeon Items: 1
Evil only one side: 0
Distance Dungeon to mid: 2977
Ice surface more than half evil: 0
Spawn in Snow biome: 1
Spawn in Jungle biome: 0
Spawn in Evil biome: 0
Cloud Ballon: 1
Cloud Starfury: 2
Cloud Horseshoe: 1
Cloud Sky Mill: 2
All Cloud Items: 1
Flower Boots: 3
Staff of Regrowth: 8
Fiberglass Fishing Pole: 1
Feral Claws: 5
Anklet of the Wind: 8
Lava Charm: 5
Water Walking Boots: 2
Dungeon Distance: 2976
Underground Distance to spawn: 131
Cavern Distance to spawn: 287
Seaweed Pet: 1
Fish Pet: 1
Enchanted Sword near Pyramid or Tree: 0
Aglet: 5
Hermes Boots: 29
Blizzard in a Bottle: 5
Ice Machine: 6
Snowball Cannon: 5
Ice Boomerang: 10
Ice Blade: 3
Ice Skates: 6
Living Mahogany Wand: 5
Honey Dispenser: 9
Band of Regeneration: 36
Shoe Spikes: 32
Magic Mirror: 51
Ice Mirror: 6
Flurry Boots: 9
All chest items you can't craft or fish: 0

Missing unmakeable items:
Sandstorm in a Bottle
Flying Carpet
Pharaoh's Mask
Living Loom
30 Painting

Score(beta) for seed: 0385396332
Score Pyramid number and CB 0
Score Pyramid -missing -145
Score Pyramid amount boni -145
Score Cloud Chest number -45
Score Cloud items -45
Score Tree 80
Score ESS 112
Score Water Bolt 102
Score Meteorite 170
Score Lava Waders 252
Score Aglet 293
Score Forest Chest items 276
Score Ice Skates 384
Score Snow Chest Items 549
Score Flower 724
Score FiberPole 734
Score Staff 817
Score Anklet 859
Score Feral 884
Score Seaweed Fish Pet 944
Score Dispenser Mahogany Wand 950
Score Hives 927
Score Evil Jungle 902
Score Evil SandIce 515
Score Evil one side 465
Score Near ES 465
Score Near Tree 465
Score Near Altar 527
Score Near Spider Web 575
Score Near Mushroom Biome count 550
Score Near Chest 566
Score Near Cloud 716
Score DungDist 666
Score TempleDistPath 555
Score GroundDist 495
Score RockDist 435
Score BootsDistPath 405
Score Path Teleport Potion 400
Score Path Gravitation Potion 395
Score Path Iron/Lead Bar 392
Score Path Gold/Platinum Bar 385
Score Path Meteorite Bar 380
Score Path Bomb 377
Score Path Dynamite 367
Score Path Ruby 374
Score Path Jester's Arrow 371
Score Path Looking Eye 370
Score Path Bee Hive 355
Score (Path) Exposed Orbs/Heart 581
Score Beach 492
Score Dungeon Pos 507
Score All Dungeon Walls 516
Score All Dungeon Items 556
Score Flame Traps 616
Score Paintings 621
Score Statues 650
Score Alchemy Table 687
Score Sharpening Station 718
Score Spawn in Snow biome 1138
Bonus Score:
Appearance chest items (75/100)
Rare unmakeable chest items (60/100)
Other unmakeable chest items (100/100)
Makeable nice to have chest items (100/100)
Positive World properties (75/100)
Negative World properties (22/100)
Bonus Score:
Boni appearance chest: (1/1)
Boni rare unmakeable: (3/5)
Boni other unmakeable: (1/1)
Boni makeable nice to have: (1/1)
Boni nice world: (3/4)
-Boni world not nice: (2/9)
Boni total: (7/12)
Bonus score: 263
Missing unmakeable items types: (5/44)
Seed 0385396332 total Score (beta): 1401

Spawn in Snow biome
2) Seed 1820461465 total Score (beta): 778
Content last stored Seed: 1820461465

Pyramids possible: 4
Number of Pyramids: 1
Number of Clouds: 6
Number of Living Trees: 2
Distance Tree to mid: 1106
Distance Cloud to mid: 336
Distance Pyramid to mid: 3742
Max open air pyramid surface: 10
Max pyramid height: 123
Max pyramid tunnel height: 175
Max pyramid total height: 298
Max pyr. exit cav.-entr. distance: 48
Enchanted Sword Shrine: 0
Enchanted Sword: 1
Near Enchanted Sword: 0
Very Near Enchanted Sword: 0
Enchanted Sword near Tree: 0
Near Enchanted Sword near Tree: 0
Enchanted Sword near Pyramid: 0
Near Enchanted Sword near Pyramid: 0
Meteorite Bar unlocked: 0
Biome Item in normal Chest: 0
Cloud Chest: 4
Tree: 2
Tree Chest: 1
Max Living Tree Size: 73
Min Living Tree Size: 55
Max Living Tree root Size: 135
Max Living Tree total Size: 208
Max Tree exit cav.-entr. distance: -196
Near Tree: 0
Water Bolt before Skeletron: 0
Water Bolt: 10
Temple Distance: 2570
Temple horizontal distance: 2459
Temple at player side of jungle (%): 64
Temple at ocean side of jungle (%): 36
Temple at height (%): 60
Temple at depth (%): 40
Near Sunflower: 0
Near Altar: 0
Near Spider Web count: 0
Near Mushroom Biome count: 0
Near Chest: 3
Near Cloud: 0
Nearest Teleportation Potion count: 2
Pathlength to Teleport Potion: 1129
Pathlength to Meteorite Bar: 1000000
Pathlength to Iron/Lead Bar: 199
Pathlength to Gold/Platinum Bar: 2550
Pathlength to Bomb: 1278
Pathlength to Dynamite: 2544
Pathlength to 2nd Dynamite: 2614
Pathlength to Gravitation Potion: 2550
Pathlength to Crystal Heart: 1385
Pathlength to Jester's Arrow: 2389
Pathlength to Boots: 2352
Pathlength to Enchanted Sword: 7421
Pathlength to Altar: 1994
Pathlength to Bee Hive: 4325
Pathlength to Temple Door: 5643
Pathlength to free ShadowOrb/Heart: 1000000
Pathlength to Boomstick: 5079
Pathlength to Suspicious Looking Eye: 1129
Pathlength to Snowball Cannon: 1129
Pathlength to Slime Staute: 12076
Pathlength to Shark Staute: 16912
Pathlength to Anvil: 9785
Pathlength to Ruby: 1997
Pathlength to Chest: 199
Pathlength into 40% cavern layer: 2690
Pathlength to 40% cavern entrance: 184
Tiles to mine for 40% cavern: 15
Pathlength to cavern entrance to mid of Jungle: 2880
Tiles to mine for mid Jungle cavern: 5
Pathlength to cavern entrance to deep Jungle: 2880
Tiles to mine for deep Jungle cavern: 5
neg. Pathlength to Teleport Potion: -1129
neg. Pathlength to Meteorite Bar: -1000000
neg. Pathlength to Iron/Lead Bar: -199
neg. Pathlength to Gold/Platinum Bar: -2550
neg. Pathlength to Bomb: -1278
neg. Pathlength to Dynamite: -2544
neg. Pathlength to 2nd Dynamite: -2614
neg. Pathlength to Gravitation Potion: -2550
neg. Pathlength to Crystal Heart: -1385
neg. Pathlength to Jester's Arrow: -2389
neg. Pathlength to Boots: -2352
neg. Pathlength to Enchanted Sword: -7421
neg. Pathlength to Altar: -1994
neg. Pathlength to Bee Hive: -4325
neg. Pathlength to Temple Door: -5643
neg. Pathlength to free ShadowOrb/Heart: -1000000
neg. Pathlength to Boomstick: -5079
neg. Pathlength to Suspicious Looking Eye: -1129
neg. Pathlength to Snowball Cannon: -1129
neg. Pathlength to Slime Staute: -12076
neg. Pathlength to Shark Staute: -16912
neg. Pathlength to Anvil: -9785
neg. Pathlength to Ruby: -1997
neg. Pathlength to Chest: -199
neg. Pathlength into 40% cavern layer: -2690
neg. Pathlength to 40% cavern entrance: -184
neg. Tiles to mine for 40% cavern: -15
neg. Pathlength to cavern entrance to mid of Jungle: -2880
neg. Tiles to mine for mid Jungle cavern: -5
neg. Pathlength to cavern entrance to deep Jungle: -2880
neg. Tiles to mine for deep Jungle cavern: -5
Free cavern to mid Jungle: 1
Free cavern to deep Jungle: 1
Jungle cavern not blocked by structure: 1
Free ShadowOrb/Heart: 0
Distance ShadowOrb/Heart to mid: 1333
Bee Hives: 14
High Hive: 0
Spawn in Sky: 0
Open Temple: 0
Evil Tiles for Mud: 2172
Evil Tiles for Jungle Grass: 0
Evil Tiles for Sand: 30715
Evil Tiles for Ice: 0
Ice surface evil: 0
Ice Surface: 22014
Snow biome surface overlap mid: 18126
Jungle biome surface overlap mid: 0
Jungle biome distance to mid: 2140
Snow biome distance to mid: -315
Evil biome distance to mid: 1200
Nearest Evil left Ocean: 12
Nearest Evil right Ocean: 1881
Has evil Ocean: 1
Has evil Dungeon Ocean: 1
Has evil Jungle Ocean: 0
Hermes Flurry Boots Distance: 557
Nearest Altar left beach: 56
Nearest Altar right beach: 469
Nearest Altar Dungeon beach: 56
Nearest Altar Jungle beach: 469
Beach left: 215
Beach right: 8125
Dungeon beach: 215
Jungle beach: 8125
Beach penalty left: 9256
Beach penalty right: 1408
Beach penalty mean: 5332
Beach penalty max: 9256
No Ocean: 0
Surface average height (aprox.): 138
Surface height (sqrt) variance: 52
Surface max-min height: 327
Underground layer height: 210
Chest duplication Glitch: 0
Dungeon tiles above surface: 0
Dungeon far above surface: 0
Dungeon below ground: 0
Dungeon below ground tree: 0
Dungeon has good Pos: 1
Dungeon in Snow Biome: 0
Dungeon has strange Pos: 0
Floating island cabin in Dungeon: 0
Pre Skeletron Dungeon Chest Risky: 0
Pre Skeletron Dungeon Chest Grab: 0
Pre Skeletron Dungeon Chest Any: 0
Pre Skeletron Golden Key Risky: 0
Pre Skeletron Golden Key Grab: 0
Pre Skeletron Golden Key Any: 0
Pre Skeletron Muramasa Chest reachable: 0
Pre Skeletron Cobalt Shield Chest reachable: 0
Pre Skeletron Shadow Key Chest reachable: 0
Alchemy Table: 3
Sharpening Station: 4
Dungeon farm spot: 9
Dungeon farm spot 3Wall inters.: 9
Dungeon farm spot 3Wall in line: 0
Dungeon wall color: 2
Dungeon side: -1
Hardmode evil side: 1
Floating Island without chest: 0
Many Pyramids: 0
Number different Paintings: 26
Number Paintings: 61
Different functional noncraf. Statues: 26
Number functional noncraf. Statues: 231
Different noncraf. Statues: 56
Number noncraf. Statues: 515
Angel Statue chest: 11
Angel Statue placed: 4
Dart Trap: 287
Super Dart Trap: 22
Flame Trap: 1
Spiky Ball Trap: 120
Spear Trap: 50
Geyser: 63
Detonator: 154
Score: 779
Pyramid Bottle: 1
Pyramid Carpet: 0
Pyramid Mask: 0
All Pyramid Items: 0
Muramasa: 3
Cobalt Shield: 3
Bone Welder: 4
Valor: 3
Tree Chest Loom: 1
Green Dungeon Walls: 0
Blue Dungeon Walls: 0
Pink Dungeon Walls: 73274
Dungeon Wall count: 73274
All Dungeon Walls: 19755
All Dungeon Items: 1
Evil only one side: 0
Distance Dungeon to mid: 3059
Ice surface more than half evil: 0
Spawn in Snow biome: 1
Spawn in Jungle biome: 0
Spawn in Evil biome: 0
Cloud Ballon: 1
Cloud Starfury: 1
Cloud Horseshoe: 2
Cloud Sky Mill: 3
All Cloud Items: 1
Flower Boots: 2
Staff of Regrowth: 7
Fiberglass Fishing Pole: 3
Feral Claws: 8
Anklet of the Wind: 7
Lava Charm: 5
Water Walking Boots: 0
Dungeon Distance: 3060
Underground Distance to spawn: 135
Cavern Distance to spawn: 345
Seaweed Pet: 1
Fish Pet: 1
Enchanted Sword near Pyramid or Tree: 0
Aglet: 5
Hermes Boots: 33
Blizzard in a Bottle: 9
Ice Machine: 6
Snowball Cannon: 10
Ice Boomerang: 4
Ice Blade: 3
Ice Skates: 1
Living Mahogany Wand: 9
Honey Dispenser: 7
Band of Regeneration: 42
Shoe Spikes: 41
Magic Mirror: 27
Ice Mirror: 3
Flurry Boots: 10
All chest items you can't craft or fish: 0

Missing unmakeable items:
Flying Carpet
Pharaoh's Mask
Water Walking Boots
25 Painting

Score(beta) for seed: 1820461465
Score Pyramid number and CB 100
Score Pyramid -missing 15
Score Pyramid amount boni 75
Score Cloud Chest number 175
Score Cloud items 175
Score Tree 325
Score ESS 330
Score Water Bolt 320
Score Meteorite 300
Score Lava Waders 292
Score Aglet 333
Score Forest Chest items 317
Score Ice Skates 402
Score Snow Chest Items 565
Score Flower 701
Score FiberPole 723
Score Staff 806
Score Anklet 847
Score Feral 872
Score Seaweed Fish Pet 932
Score Dispenser Mahogany Wand 939
Score Hives 916
Score Evil Jungle 873
Score Evil SandIce 473
Score Evil one side 423
Score Near ES 423
Score Near Tree 423
Score Near Altar 423
Score Near Spider Web 373
Score Near Mushroom Biome count 348
Score Near Chest 363
Score Near Cloud 363
Score DungDist 313
Score TempleDistPath 224
Score GroundDist 164
Score RockDist 104
Score BootsDistPath 41
Score Path Teleport Potion 36
Score Path Gravitation Potion 31
Score Path Iron/Lead Bar 61
Score Path Gold/Platinum Bar 54
Score Path Meteorite Bar 49
Score Path Bomb 46
Score Path Dynamite 36
Score Path Ruby 26
Score Path Jester's Arrow 23
Score Path Looking Eye 22
Score Path Bee Hive 7
Score (Path) Exposed Orbs/Heart 7
Score Beach -120
Score Dungeon Pos -105
Score All Dungeon Walls -78
Score All Dungeon Items -38
Score Flame Traps -18
Score Paintings 0
Score Statues 27
Score Alchemy Table 64
Score Sharpening Station 95
Score Spawn in Snow biome 515
Bonus Score:
Appearance chest items (97/100)
Rare unmakeable chest items (60/100)
Other unmakeable chest items (100/100)
Makeable nice to have chest items (100/100)
Positive World properties (75/100)
Negative World properties (22/100)
Bonus Score:
Boni appearance chest: (1/1)
Boni rare unmakeable: (3/5)
Boni other unmakeable: (1/1)
Boni makeable nice to have: (1/1)
Boni nice world: (3/4)
-Boni world not nice: (2/9)
Boni total: (7/12)
Bonus score: 263
Missing unmakeable items types: (4/44)
Seed 1820461465 total Score (beta): 778

Spawn in Snow biome
3) Seed 1820461466 total Score (beta): 280
Content last stored Seed: 1820461466

Pyramids possible: 0
Number of Pyramids: 0
Number of Clouds: 8
Number of Living Trees: 0
Distance Tree to mid: 1337000
Distance Cloud to mid: 102
Distance Pyramid to mid: 1337000
Max open air pyramid surface: 0
Max pyramid height: 0
Max pyramid tunnel height: 0
Max pyramid total height: 0
Max pyr. exit cav.-entr. distance: -100000
Enchanted Sword Shrine: 0
Enchanted Sword: 0
Near Enchanted Sword: 0
Very Near Enchanted Sword: 0
Enchanted Sword near Tree: 0
Near Enchanted Sword near Tree: 0
Enchanted Sword near Pyramid: 0
Near Enchanted Sword near Pyramid: 0
Meteorite Bar unlocked: 0
Biome Item in normal Chest: 0
Cloud Chest: 5
Tree: 0
Tree Chest: 0
Max Living Tree Size: 0
Min Living Tree Size: 9000
Max Living Tree root Size: 0
Max Living Tree total Size: 0
Max Tree exit cav.-entr. distance: -100000
Near Tree: 0
Water Bolt before Skeletron: 2
Water Bolt: 11
Temple Distance: 2893
Temple horizontal distance: 2616
Temple at player side of jungle (%): 66
Temple at ocean side of jungle (%): 34
Temple at height (%): 19
Temple at depth (%): 81
Near Sunflower: 0
Near Altar: 2
Near Spider Web count: 0
Near Mushroom Biome count: 0
Near Chest: 3
Near Cloud: 1
Nearest Teleportation Potion count: 1
Pathlength to Teleport Potion: 4226
Pathlength to Meteorite Bar: 1000000
Pathlength to Iron/Lead Bar: 469
Pathlength to Gold/Platinum Bar: 2374
Pathlength to Bomb: 808
Pathlength to Dynamite: 1950
Pathlength to 2nd Dynamite: 2433
Pathlength to Gravitation Potion: 2860
Pathlength to Crystal Heart: 1936
Pathlength to Jester's Arrow: 1950
Pathlength to Boots: 808
Pathlength to Enchanted Sword: 1000000
Pathlength to Altar: 378
Pathlength to Bee Hive: 3720
Pathlength to Temple Door: 6939
Pathlength to free ShadowOrb/Heart: 1000000
Pathlength to Boomstick: 4847
Pathlength to Suspicious Looking Eye: 2689
Pathlength to Snowball Cannon: 3704
Pathlength to Slime Staute: 15847
Pathlength to Shark Staute: 19924
Pathlength to Anvil: 8631
Pathlength to Ruby: 1352
Pathlength to Chest: 200
Pathlength into 40% cavern layer: 4380
Pathlength to 40% cavern entrance: 1246
Tiles to mine for 40% cavern: 19
Pathlength to cavern entrance to mid of Jungle: 3037
Tiles to mine for mid Jungle cavern: 9
Pathlength to cavern entrance to deep Jungle: 3037
Tiles to mine for deep Jungle cavern: 30
neg. Pathlength to Teleport Potion: -4226
neg. Pathlength to Meteorite Bar: -1000000
neg. Pathlength to Iron/Lead Bar: -469
neg. Pathlength to Gold/Platinum Bar: -2374
neg. Pathlength to Bomb: -808
neg. Pathlength to Dynamite: -1950
neg. Pathlength to 2nd Dynamite: -2433
neg. Pathlength to Gravitation Potion: -2860
neg. Pathlength to Crystal Heart: -1936
neg. Pathlength to Jester's Arrow: -1950
neg. Pathlength to Boots: -808
neg. Pathlength to Enchanted Sword: -1000000
neg. Pathlength to Altar: -378
neg. Pathlength to Bee Hive: -3720
neg. Pathlength to Temple Door: -6939
neg. Pathlength to free ShadowOrb/Heart: -1000000
neg. Pathlength to Boomstick: -4847
neg. Pathlength to Suspicious Looking Eye: -2689
neg. Pathlength to Snowball Cannon: -3704
neg. Pathlength to Slime Staute: -15847
neg. Pathlength to Shark Staute: -19924
neg. Pathlength to Anvil: -8631
neg. Pathlength to Ruby: -1352
neg. Pathlength to Chest: -200
neg. Pathlength into 40% cavern layer: -4380
neg. Pathlength to 40% cavern entrance: -1246
neg. Tiles to mine for 40% cavern: -19
neg. Pathlength to cavern entrance to mid of Jungle: -3037
neg. Tiles to mine for mid Jungle cavern: -9
neg. Pathlength to cavern entrance to deep Jungle: -3037
neg. Tiles to mine for deep Jungle cavern: -30
Free cavern to mid Jungle: 1
Free cavern to deep Jungle: 1
Jungle cavern not blocked by structure: 1
Free ShadowOrb/Heart: 0
Distance ShadowOrb/Heart to mid: 2014
Bee Hives: 11
High Hive: 0
Spawn in Sky: 0
Open Temple: 0
Evil Tiles for Mud: 19664
Evil Tiles for Jungle Grass: 3815
Evil Tiles for Sand: 2710
Evil Tiles for Ice: 0
Ice surface evil: 0
Ice Surface: 24170
Snow biome surface overlap mid: 8242
Jungle biome surface overlap mid: 0
Jungle biome distance to mid: 2047
Snow biome distance to mid: -165
Evil biome distance to mid: 1893
Nearest Evil left Ocean: 380
Nearest Evil right Ocean: 1378
Has evil Ocean: 0
Has evil Dungeon Ocean: 0
Has evil Jungle Ocean: 0
Hermes Flurry Boots Distance: 340
Nearest Altar left beach: 118
Nearest Altar right beach: 949
Nearest Altar Dungeon beach: 118
Nearest Altar Jungle beach: 949
Beach left: 179
Beach right: 8125
Dungeon beach: 179
Jungle beach: 8125
Beach penalty left: 1055
Beach penalty right: 1181
Beach penalty mean: 1118
Beach penalty max: 1181
No Ocean: 0
Surface average height (aprox.): 201
Surface height (sqrt) variance: 99
Surface max-min height: 361
Underground layer height: 126
Chest duplication Glitch: 0
Dungeon tiles above surface: 0
Dungeon far above surface: 0
Dungeon below ground: 0
Dungeon below ground tree: 0
Dungeon has good Pos: 1
Dungeon in Snow Biome: 0
Dungeon has strange Pos: 0
Floating island cabin in Dungeon: 0
Pre Skeletron Dungeon Chest Risky: 0
Pre Skeletron Dungeon Chest Grab: 0
Pre Skeletron Dungeon Chest Any: 0
Pre Skeletron Golden Key Risky: 0
Pre Skeletron Golden Key Grab: 0
Pre Skeletron Golden Key Any: 0
Pre Skeletron Muramasa Chest reachable: 0
Pre Skeletron Cobalt Shield Chest reachable: 0
Pre Skeletron Shadow Key Chest reachable: 0
Alchemy Table: 3
Sharpening Station: 4
Dungeon farm spot: 0
Dungeon farm spot 3Wall inters.: 0
Dungeon farm spot 3Wall in line: 0
Dungeon wall color: 1
Dungeon side: -1
Hardmode evil side: 1
Floating Island without chest: 0
Many Pyramids: 0
Number different Paintings: 31
Number Paintings: 74
Different functional noncraf. Statues: 26
Number functional noncraf. Statues: 248
Different noncraf. Statues: 56
Number noncraf. Statues: 523
Angel Statue chest: 9
Angel Statue placed: 3
Dart Trap: 283
Super Dart Trap: 33
Flame Trap: 3
Spiky Ball Trap: 120
Spear Trap: 28
Geyser: 94
Detonator: 152
Score: 280
Pyramid Bottle: 0
Pyramid Carpet: 0
Pyramid Mask: 0
All Pyramid Items: 0
Muramasa: 3
Cobalt Shield: 3
Bone Welder: 3
Valor: 3
Tree Chest Loom: 0
Green Dungeon Walls: 78394
Blue Dungeon Walls: 0
Pink Dungeon Walls: 0
Dungeon Wall count: 78394
All Dungeon Walls: 3963
All Dungeon Items: 1
Evil only one side: 0
Distance Dungeon to mid: 3627
Ice surface more than half evil: 0
Spawn in Snow biome: 1
Spawn in Jungle biome: 0
Spawn in Evil biome: 0
Cloud Ballon: 2
Cloud Starfury: 1
Cloud Horseshoe: 2
Cloud Sky Mill: 3
All Cloud Items: 1
Flower Boots: 2
Staff of Regrowth: 6
Fiberglass Fishing Pole: 1
Feral Claws: 7
Anklet of the Wind: 8
Lava Charm: 5
Water Walking Boots: 4
Dungeon Distance: 3622
Underground Distance to spawn: 144
Cavern Distance to spawn: 270
Seaweed Pet: 0
Fish Pet: 1
Enchanted Sword near Pyramid or Tree: 0
Aglet: 5
Hermes Boots: 47
Blizzard in a Bottle: 8
Ice Machine: 12
Snowball Cannon: 6
Ice Boomerang: 8
Ice Blade: 6
Ice Skates: 5
Living Mahogany Wand: 7
Honey Dispenser: 8
Band of Regeneration: 36
Shoe Spikes: 30
Magic Mirror: 31
Ice Mirror: 5
Flurry Boots: 8
All chest items you can't craft or fish: 0

Missing unmakeable items:
Sandstorm in a Bottle
Flying Carpet
Pharaoh's Mask
Leaf Wand
Living Wood Wand
Living Loom
Seaweed Pet
Enchanted Sword
20 Painting

Score(beta) for seed: 1820461466
Score Pyramid number and CB 0
Score Pyramid -missing -145
Score Pyramid amount boni -145
Score Cloud Chest number -45
Score Cloud items -45
Score Tree -45
Score ESS -165
Score Water Bolt -47
Score Meteorite -67
Score Lava Waders 18
Score Aglet 59
Score Forest Chest items 42
Score Ice Skates 150
Score Snow Chest Items 316
Score Flower 452
Score FiberPole 462
Score Staff 545
Score Anklet 587
Score Feral 612
Score Seaweed Fish Pet 632
Score Dispenser Mahogany Wand 638
Score Hives 602
Score Evil Jungle 52
Score Evil SandIce -47
Score Evil one side -97
Score Near ES -97
Score Near Tree -97
Score Near Altar -37
Score Near Spider Web -87
Score Near Mushroom Biome count -112
Score Near Chest -96
Score Near Cloud -21
Score DungDist -71
Score TempleDistPath -168
Score GroundDist -228
Score RockDist -288
Score BootsDistPath -317
Score Path Teleport Potion -322
Score Path Gravitation Potion -327
Score Path Iron/Lead Bar -324
Score Path Gold/Platinum Bar -331
Score Path Meteorite Bar -336
Score Path Bomb -339
Score Path Dynamite -349
Score Path Ruby -356
Score Path Jester's Arrow -359
Score Path Looking Eye -360
Score Path Bee Hive -375
Score (Path) Exposed Orbs/Heart -375
Score Beach -420
Score Dungeon Pos -405
Score All Dungeon Walls -400
Score All Dungeon Items -360
Score Flame Traps -330
Score Paintings -292
Score Statues -263
Score Alchemy Table -225
Score Sharpening Station -194
Score Spawn in Snow biome 225
Bonus Score:
Appearance chest items (46/100)
Rare unmakeable chest items (60/100)
Other unmakeable chest items (100/100)
Makeable nice to have chest items (100/100)
Positive World properties (25/100)
Negative World properties (33/100)
Bonus Score:
Boni appearance chest: (0/1)
Boni rare unmakeable: (3/5)
Boni other unmakeable: (1/1)
Boni makeable nice to have: (1/1)
Boni nice world: (1/4)
-Boni world not nice: (3/9)
Boni total: (3/12)
Bonus score: 55
Missing unmakeable items types: (9/44)
Seed 1820461466 total Score (beta): 280

Spawn in Snow biome

1: a little extreme snow biome but jungle biome is very close; 2 and 3: jungle and ocean in danger

Also I tried to gather stats of my first world but failed to recognize it in game :| Negative score: no pyramids, no living trees, snow biome was infected with crimson from start
Amazing mod, thank you very much! :passionate::passionate::passionate:
I was looking for spawn in Snow biome too and here what I've got

Large, expert, corruption
Spawn in Snow biome
1) Seed 0385396332 total Score (beta): 1401
2) Seed 1820461465 total Score (beta): 778
3) Seed 1820461466 total Score (beta): 280
Thanks for sharing. But keep in mind this score is in beta state. Haven't done some bigger update for that part since some time now (but added some stuff). Some properties might be missing some are underrated some overrated. Also a world might be still good with a lower score. In case it is good in one aspect but worse in another you don't care about. High score only means the chance is higher you got some good world.
Have to admit I'm having trouble getting a corruptionless Snow biome.
I've been trying different filters on the seed you got on the end of page 4 (1350987347). I've got Phase 1 set to pass every time (all random, pyramids 0) but nothing I've tried for phase 2 gets it to pass.

I tried evaluating positive for "Evil Tiles on Ice: 0" which passed. Makes sense that should pass every time. I changed it to 10 which no longer passed. Ok so it thinks there's less than 10 evil tiles. So I switch it to evaluating negatively if "Evil Tiles for Ice" > 8000 (the default) and it fails. So now it thinks there's more than 8000?
I'm truly confused.
Have to admit I'm having trouble getting a corruptionless Snow biome.
I've been trying different filters on the seed you got on the end of page 4 (1350987347). I've got Phase 1 set to pass every time (all random, pyramids 0) but nothing I've tried for phase 2 gets it to pass.

I tried evaluating positive for "Evil Tiles on Ice: 0" which passed. Makes sense that should pass every time. I changed it to 10 which no longer passed. Ok so it thinks there's less than 10 evil tiles. So I switch it to evaluating negatively if "Evil Tiles for Ice" > 8000 (the default) and it fails. So now it thinks there's more than 8000?
I'm truly confused.
Was the negative query the only one? It subtracts 1 for each negative. You need at least one positive to be true to pass the phase (or both empty to skip). If you only do a negative it starts with 0 points and subtracts 1 point if negative is true. So in total you can only have 0 or -1 points and never pass the phase (needs one point or more) . So currently you get no points if you have an empty positive list and one or some negatives. If you only want to do negative stuff (which subtract 1 each) you can use something which is always true in positive list to get 1 point to start with (0 true negative allowed then). If you want to start with more than 1 point (e.g. you are fine if 2 of 5 negative is true) you can add multiple positive lists with each containing something which is always true or as quick alternative you can use '-Tool- if all true, increase phase points by' and set it to the number you want to start with. That could be e.g. 5. With this 4 negative list objects can be true to still pass the phase. So negative and positive lists have a different usage.

Does it work now?
Ahhhhh I see now. That makes a lot of sense.
I did read the whole of the phase 2 information by clicking on it to find out what I was doing wrong but I guess that bit went in one eye and out the other.
Honestly I was assuming (given now how I know it works) that it would assume '-Tool- if all true...' to be at least 1 if there were no positives. Or something that would say this world passes unless it fails the negatives. But I get it now and I got it to pass the previous seed I tried, thank you.
Ahhhhh I see now. That makes a lot of sense.
I did read the whole of the phase 2 information by clicking on it to find out what I was doing wrong but I guess that bit went in one eye and out the other.
Honestly I was assuming (given now how I know it works) that it would assume '-Tool- if all true...' to be at least 1 if there were no positives. Or something that would say this world passes unless it fails the negatives. But I get it now and I got it to pass the previous seed I tried, thank you.
It's not well defined. The UI need some tweaks. I'm unsure if I should change it (get 1 point if nothing added in positive but negative). In Phase 3 you also have the option to takeover positive points from phase 2. So if you select take over points and have no positive but negative list elements it reduces the points you got in Phase 2. In that case an empty positive list should not give you 1 point. That would result in an exception of the exception^^
I seem to be having trouble generating worlds with this mod after getting Calamity. If I disable it the world generation works fine but if I turn it on I get crashes from the analyse phase with various errors but usually this one:
Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at TheTerrariaSeedProject.WorldGenSeedSearch.analyzeWorld(ScoreWorld score, generatorInfo genInfo, Boolean doFull)
at TheTerrariaSeedProject.WorldGenSeedSearch.Initialize()
at Terraria.ModLoader.WorldHooks.SetupWorld()
at Terraria.WorldGen.clearWorld()
at Terraria.WorldGen.do_worldGenCallBack(Object threadContext)
at Terraria.WorldGen.worldGenCallBack(Object threadContext)
I did some testing and found I get this error even if Seed Project and Calamity are the only mods loaded. Something Calamity is doing is making your mod confused.
Hey you know when it states that items that cannot be fished or crafted what specific items is it referring to( I know what type of items but can I have a list because I’m trying to find a seed).:confused:
It's not well defined. The UI need some tweaks. I'm unsure if I should change it (get 1 point if nothing added in positive but negative). In Phase 3 you also have the option to takeover positive points from phase 2. So if you select take over points and have no positive but negative list elements it reduces the points you got in Phase 2. In that case an empty positive list should not give you 1 point. That would result in an exception of the exception^^
Thanks for bug report, mod not made for worldgen changing mods but will try to resolve that. Did some trial and it worked for me. It may happen only at a certain seed. Have you tried different seeds? Could you share a seed (and size, diff, evil biome) which don't work for you?

Hey you know when it states that items that cannot be fished or crafted what specific items is it referring to( I know what type of items but can I have a list because I’m trying to find a seed).:confused:
  • All Pyramid Items (Flying Carpet, Sandstorm in a Bottle, Pharaoh's Mask, Pharaoh's Robe)
  • Valor
  • Bone Welder
  • Flower Boots
  • Living Loom
  • Sky Mill
  • Blizzard in a Bottle
  • Ice Blade
  • Ice Boomerang
  • Ice Skates
  • Ice Machine
  • Snowball Cannon
  • Fish Pet
  • Seaweed Pet
  • Honey Dispenser
  • Living Mahogany Wand
  • Shoe Spikes
  • Band of Regeneration
  • Lava Charm
  • Water Walking Boots
  • Magic Mirror
  • Ice Mirror
  • Flurry Boots
  • Hermes Boots
  • Angel Statue (also counts if placed somewhere)
So it does not count stuff which can't be in a chest, like
  • enchanted sword
  • arkhalis
  • water bolt
  • alchemy table
  • Sharpening Station
Or which always is (or at least should be) or can't be:
  • biome chest items
  • evil biome blocks
Or placeable:
  • paintings
  • vase, pots
  • banners
  • ...
Did I miss any? Here I did some related thread some time ago including some pictures. (But be careful it includes items with usage you can't get and not only those which can be in chests.)

gl for searching, so far I can't remember finding any seed with all chest items. (But I also did no search for). To speed up you search use the phase 1 options "pyramids possible". If you want all items you need at least 3 pyramids in your world. So pyramids possible should be at least 3, It skips all seeds which have no chance getting 3 pyramids in less than a second. To increase the chance of getting 3 pyramids you can also higher that value. I suggest 6 for small, 7 for medium, 8 or 9 for large. With this you may skip some seeds with 3 pyramids but those seeds which enter phase 2 have a much higher chance of actually getting 3 (or more) pyramids.

EDIT: in update I added some missing Items:
Web slinger and Shadow Chest items. There is about not chance they are missing but I added them to be sure.
Last edited:
Thanks for bug report, mod not made for worldgen changing mods but will try to resolve that. Did some trial and it worked for me. It may happen only at a certain seed. Have you tried different seeds? Could you share a seed (and size, diff, evil biome) which don't work for you?
It throws that error on every seed I've tried with Calamity active so I doubt it's anything to do with the seed. As soon as I turn Calamity off the same seeds that crashed work fine.
It throws that error on every seed I've tried with Calamity active so I doubt it's anything to do with the seed. As soon as I turn Calamity off the same seeds that crashed work fine.
maybe very unlucky you or lucky me. Can you give me one seed (size, diff, evil) you tried? If you don't want to share public you can also pm me. Won't use it anywhere else.
Strange it worked for me but not for you. Hard to find, it's a very long function.
Do you know if it happen in Phase 1 (direct after you started) or Phase 2 (~1/3 of progress bar) or Phase 3 (end of progress bar)?
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I just tried a load of them with various sizes difficulties and evil and they all gave the same error. It always fails at the "Analyze World for Jungle chest items and rare stuff" bit.
It seems to be before it's decided on whether it's passed phase 2. Because it will say "Seeds passed phases 1: 1" and 0 for phase 2.

Here are just a few of them:
1046776258: Small, Expert, Random.
1064863499: Medium, Normal, Random.
92287051: Small, Expert, Corruption.
1433443048: Large, Normal, Crimson.
777307544: Medium, Normal, Random.

And this is all with only your mod and Calamity enabled.
I just tried a load of them with various sizes difficulties and evil and they all gave the same error. It always fails at the "Analyze World for Jungle chest items and rare stuff" bit.
It seems to be before it's decided on whether it's passed phase 2. Because it will say "Seeds passed phases 1: 1" and 0 for phase 2.

Here are just a few of them:
1046776258: Small, Expert, Random.

Tried again, no error message for me. But! if I use Calamity something goes wrong with counting. Actually "Analyze World for Jungle chest items and rare stuff" is phase 3 but it does not count it. It seems my PC just don't care about the error and skips it. Thanks for this detailed bug description. Now I can have a closer look.
But getting late today and on short vacation at weekend. Will try to fix it next week.

Edit: I checked it again and it does work if other mod is active. Did some look in code but could not find a possible reason :(
May I send you a modified mod file which shows some more information? (a closer position of the bug in the function (it happen somewhere in 3500 lines of code))
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Thanks that’s really helpful... Just one last questions one is about how phase points work and do all the settings need to be true for it to pass a phase.
Also sometimes some of my custom settings don’t seem to spawn- is that where the phase points come in? Personally I find this mod VERY useful and It’s helping me quite a lot... I remember those tiresome days where i loaded a world and had to explore it on my own. Then I began using terra map but now I’m using a combination of both. All I want to say I really appreciate that you created this mod.;)
Thanks that’s really helpful... Just one last questions one is about how phase points work and do all the settings need to be true for it to pass a phase.
If you left-click at the headers of each section there is some explanation at the right side for each part. If you already did this I will try to rephrase it here.
To create a world vanilla Terraria runs a list of worldgeneration steps. This mod separates this list in three parts. After each step it checks the conditions you selected. If a seed doesn't fulfill the conditions you don't need to process further, save some time and continue searching with next seed.
To pass a Phase the seed need to have at least the phase count as points (1 point in Phase 1, >=2 points Phase 2, >=3 points Phase 3)
In Phase 1: very quick, in early world generation, not much is know yet, you can directly select all options. To pass Phase 1 all stuff you selected need to be true. (The seed gets one point)
Phase 2: You can select positive conditions lists and a negative list. Each positive list counts as one point if all elements are fulfilled. A seed can get multiple points if you add multiple positive lists (each of those can have multiple elements).
The elements you selected at the negative list negate the points by 1 every time they are true. If you have too many stuff at negative list it may happen, that many points are subtracted. You can boost you positive list with the option "-Tool- if all true, increase phase points by". With this a single positive list can generate more than one point.
You can also use this for weighting (How important is this positive list).
E.g. you could do two positive lists which give you 2 and 3 points. You also add 5 negative list elements. A seed passes this Phase if it gets 1 or more points in this phase (it already has the 2nd from phase 1). If both positive are true (=5 points) also 4 negative list elements are allowed. If only the 3 point list is true, only 2 negative list elements are allowed.
Phase 3: Same es Phase 2. In addition you have the option to takeover points from phase 2. If you do that and earned more than 2 points in phase 2 they also count for phase 3. From example above, e.g. the seed fulfilled the positive list for 2 and 3 points and all negative were false then you still have 5 points in phase 3. With this no positive list need to be true in phase 3 except there are more than 2 negative list elements true (5-2 = 3, 3 points needed to pass this phase and build the world).
If you don't takeover points you need at least one point in this phase to successfully build the world.

Feel free to ask again if something unclear.

Also sometimes some of my custom settings don’t seem to spawn- is that where the phase points come in?
"don't seem to spawn"? Does it mean: they don't work as expected? Some conditions are very rare. You can also add stuff which are not possible.

Edit: Did some small update, fixing the mod compatibility issue (at least I hope so). Added pathlength and icon for magic mirror and extractinator
Last edited:
Hello again- just like to clarify that I am in the process of searching through the seeds 1-2000000...
I have set it to these settings and I will be honest this is one of the best mods for searching through a world ever. I am just telling you this because I’d like to stop people searching through these seeds so they wouldn’t waste time... Anyway here are the settings I have set:
Pyramids:0 -guess this is default
All superior ore types (Not copper/iron/silver/gold)
Green moon
Green dungeon wall colour
Hallow biome jungle side
Dungeon side is remaining random

Phase 2
Pyramid bottle:1
Pyramid carpet:1
Tree chest loom:1
Bone welder:1
Water bolt:1
Alchemy table:1
Evil tiles for jungle/ice:0

Phase 3
Enchanted sword:1
Cloud sky mill:1
Sharpening station:1
Flower boots:1
Living mahogany wand:1
Honey dispenser:1
Blizzard in the bottle:1
Ice machine:1
Ice skates:1
Band of regen:1
Shoe spikes:1
Lava charm:1
Water walking boots:1
Seaweed pet:1
Fish pet:1

World size:Medium
Evil variant: Crimson

Hey if you’re searching for a seed Unftf I can help you too... because I don’t believe you’d create a mod just for the public- you’re probably in search of something really rare too.
(Just state what your searching for and I’ll help you once I have searched through all of those seeds- Wish me to be successful )
Just tell me and I can help your search.
Happy hunting...

Hello again- just like to clarify that I am in the process of searching through the seeds 1-2000000...
I have set it to these settings and I will be honest this is one of the best mods for searching through a world ever. I am just telling you this because I’d like to stop people searching through these seeds so they wouldn’t waste time... Anyway here are the settings I have set:
Pyramids:0 -guess this is default
All superior ore types (Not copper/iron/silver/gold)
Green moon
Green dungeon wall colour
Hallow biome jungle side
Dungeon side is remaining random

Phase 2
Pyramid bottle:1
Pyramid carpet:1
Tree chest loom:1
Bone welder:1
Water bolt:1
Alchemy table:1
Evil tiles for jungle/ice:0

Phase 3
Enchanted sword:1
Cloud sky mill:1
Sharpening station:1
Flower boots:1
Living mahogany wand:1
Honey dispenser:1
Blizzard in the bottle:1
Ice machine:1
Ice skates:1
Band of regen:1
Shoe spikes:1
Lava charm:1
Water walking boots:1
Seaweed pet:1
Fish pet:1

World size:Medium
Evil variant: Crimson

Hey if you’re searching for a seed Unftf I can help you too... because I don’t believe you’d create a mod just for the public- you’re probably in search of something really rare too.
(Just state what your searching for and I’ll help you once I have searched through all of those seeds- Wish me to be successful )
Just tell me and I can help your search.
Happy hunting...

Woohoo- Just found a single seed that has passed phase two... This is taking really long Anyhow it has found 1892 seeds that passed phase 1 , but only one that has passed phase two. Man... this is rare
[doublepost=1548435992,1548435948][/doublepost]Well at least it’s possible
Hey Plaxorite,
Hello again- just like to clarify that I am in the process of searching through the seeds 1-2000000...
Added you to list in 2nd post at page one.

Pyramids *possible*:0 -guess this is default
That is something you should change (if you search for pyramids). It tells you how many pyramids a seed can have. In phase 2 you search for seed which have at least 2 pyramids. So this value should be at least 2 for you. Else also seeds which can't have any pyramid or only one also pass phase 1. But they don't need to pass because they can't fulfill phase 2. If you select 2 only seeds which might have 2 or more pyramids can pass phase 1. With higher pyramid possible count also the chance increases the seed actually gets a high number of pyramids in later world gen steps. If you search for 2 Pyramids at medium I suggest you a value between 4 and 7 there.
Did some short test. About 40% of medium seeds can't have any pyramid or only one. Out of your 1892 seed which passed first phase 756 (40%) had no chance of passing phase 2. For those there was no need to generate phase 2 world gen steps. You can save a lot of time with a good pyramids possible value.
I should give it some better name. But don't know which one.

All superior ore types (Not copper/iron/silver/gold)
Green moon
Green dungeon wall colour
Hallow biome jungle side
Dungeon side is remaining random
You can do some maths about it:
in mean it should need (ores)2*2*2*2*(moon color)3*(dungeon color)3*(hallow side)2 = 288 seeds until one seed does pass
if you limit also to those which have a chance to pass phase 2 (pyramids possible = 2 (better do 4-7)) that would be *1.666 ~= 480
Phase 1 only takes less than a second but checking 480 seeds just to get one possible takes some time. Do you need all of it?

Phase 2
Pyramid bottle:1
Pyramid carpet:1
Tree chest loom:1
Bone welder:1
Water bolt:1
Alchemy table:1
Evil tiles for jungle/ice:0
Can't tell you the probability for normal worlds but for small worlds having 2 pyramids is about 1%.
Did some small test with possible pyramids value of 4 for medium (13% chance). Out of those 24% had 2 or more pyramids.
(With possible pyramids value of 2 only 13% had two or more.)
However in case you got 2 pyramids you also want 2 pyramid items. 2/3 * 1/3 = 2/9, so about 22% times those 24% above times other stuff.
I got 1 out of 50 seeds which passed that phase (seed 1156212078)(searched without other phase 1 conditions). You only got 1 out of 1892. So that pyramids possible value has a huge impact. If you use pyramids possible 4 together with your other conditions above phase 1 will take some time. In mean it should take over 2000 seeds until one passes it. But this has a much higher chance to pass phase 2. About 37 times higher than you did with pyramids possible value of 0 (1:1892 <> 1:50).
You can also go for a higher value than 4 for pyramids possible to increase the chance for having 2 or more pyramids even more but this also gets more and more rare which will increase the phase 1 time again. You can do some test about it to find out which is best ratio.

Phase 3
Enchanted sword:1
Cloud sky mill:1
Sharpening station:1
Flower boots:1
Living mahogany wand:1
Honey dispenser:1
Blizzard in the bottle:1
Ice machine:1
Ice skates:1
Band of regen:1
Shoe spikes:1
Lava charm:1
Water walking boots:1
Seaweed pet:1
Fish pet:1
Seaweed and Fish pet is rare stuff. Water walking, Lava charm, Flower boots also quite rare. But that should be possible. I guess less than 100 trials. But you can do some search without phase 1 and 2 conditions and just phase 3 to check out how rare it is.

It's some rare stuff you are looking for. To speed up you can open Terraria multiple times and search with each. Don't forget to start at a different seed in each!!!
That only works if you have some good CPU with multiple cores. One game for each core works well in most cases. Check out your CPU and RAM usage. It should be below limit, maybe 60-80%. If you do some long search session don't forget to check out from time to time if each search is still running. Vanilla world gen has some bugs, which I can't change with this mod. Sometimes the world gen can freezes and it won't progress anymore. Those seed also won't work in vanilla without any mods. Some only work if you generated a specific other seed before and some seeds produce slightly different results if you generate them multiple times. I hope the dev team fix that with next update.

Hey if you’re searching for a seed Unftf I can help you too... because I don’t believe you’d create a mod just for the public- you’re probably in search of something really rare too.
(Just state what your searching for and I’ll help you once I have searched through all of those seeds- Wish me to be successful )
Just tell me and I can help your search.
Thanks for offer but currently I'm just waiting for the next update. Initial motivation was to find a seed with many pyramids. I found those, small with 4, normal with 5, large with 6 Pyramids (if you like you can try to find more, pyramids possible value important here, can take weeks). Later I looked for a seed which is nearly the same as yours but for small size. If you press that green + icon in GUI there is a config named ExtremelyRare. I looked for something like that. Best would be if it also contains the items you wrote above. But that together is, as the name implies very rare. I may do some new search for this after next update.

Another motivation was to find rare and wired stuff. So nice would be if you could share your findings in case you got something crazy. E.g. in this thread or here or Terraria reddit
or in discord channel also many pictures:
There are more seeds than we can search in life time. So you can convert some more people doing some seed search :) to find more crazy/rare seeds.
Guess I can change a few things- guess the entire 200000 lot won’t have it...- even with 2 terrarias open (however that won’t stop me from not trying). I then decided to see how many chests spawn in each world size( Note: this is an average from 5 of each type of size):

*also I don’t know why I chose the best ores- that legit brings the factor down as you said- but I want to find a good seed for newer players*

Small: 8.4 ice chests
Small:9.6 jungle chests(ivy)

Medium:18 ice chests
Medium:15.6 jungle chests(ivy)

Large:33 ice chests
Large:44 jungle chests

I saw that most of the time the chests doubled each world size, but with small sometimes not containing even common structures like mahogany trees. This means that larger worlds have a higher chance of spawning those items but at a cost for them being dispersed further. Also I don’t think that large worlds for single player are that good because it kinda takes a while to locate items... But nether the less I’ll try it after that 2000000 medium worlds- Currently on 468,234 and 1,546,291. However I heard larger worlds have some troubles with the generator, and after doing a test it takes a lot longer to process but yeah- works like a lava charm . Anyhow thanks for the response to my many questions...
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