tModLoader Tremor Remastered [discontinued]

Do you like Tremor Mod? (If "No" please tell why)

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    Votes: 241 13.9%

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Hey man, I've been playing the mod for a while now, and it's really awesome. There's a bug/glitch that I found and a lot of people have commented on it. Spawn rates for entities have been lowered. During a blood moon, I only got like 5 zombies and 2 phantoms even with a water candle. I was away from spawn and sunflowers, so it shows that spawn rates have been lowered. It would be awesome if you took a look into that! Great mod man, keep it up!
Please comment it in the tmodloader thread too, I comented it in the thread, another one comented too, but bluemagic and another peoples say that is just a bad "RNGesus" ("bad luck")
A small spoiler for something giant...
I have some balance issues to report:
- Steel armor seems quite underpowered considering the difficulty to get it. (It also slows your movement speed, so it is not really good at all)
- The Long Bow is also quite underpowered compared to the crimsom bow
- So is the crossbow (Really needs a buff, iron bows have the same stats and are less rare)
- I found the Tomb Rider quite strong
- Demon Blood and Phantom Soul are too rare, either lower the amount needed for recipes or raise the drop chance (Especially the phantom, he almost never appears in my blood moons)
- You should really add a crafting chain of accessories, so the accessories sold by the NPC's can be crafted into something else or fused together
Other bugs:
Toxic Razorknife is broken (the projectile shoots from lower than it should, making it impossible to shoot forward)

Keep up with the mod, it's amazing
I have some balance issues to report:
- Demon Blood and Phantom Soul are too rare, either lower the amount needed for recipes or raise the drop chance (Especially the phantom, he almost never appears in my blood moons)
Keep up with the mod, it's amazing
the reason for this is apparently TMLs bugs include spawn rates cut in half..I've seen the same problem of rare enemies even without the mods on... :/
Please comment it in the tmodloader thread too, I comented it in the thread, another one comented too, but bluemagic and another peoples say that is just a bad "RNGesus" ("bad luck")
the reason for this is apparently TMLs bugs include spawn rates cut in half..I've seen the same problem of rare enemies even without the mods on... :/
I honestly don't know why you guys are saying this is some sort of bug, when only a few people out of over 6,000 are mentioning this, and when around the same amount of people have mentioned that they don't have this "problem". It's nothing but bad luck; I personally get swarmed with enemies whenever I try to test stuff on tModLoader, and then in vanilla never find any enemies when I go banner hunting. We might as well call it a bug that I can never ever get a Rod of Discord in vanilla, that I can't find any sand slimes pre-hardmode in vanilla, etc.

As to why specific enemies are so rare, it looks like they've been given very low weights in the CanSpawn hook. For example, it looks like vanilla monsters are 10 times more likely to spawn than the Phantom. Then when you consider the fact that there are even more monsters added to the spawn pool to reduce both their chances, it makes a lot more sense why specific monsters are so rare.
It won't work for me.
I guess I'm saying (uhum, typing) this on behalf of all the people on this forum that want to help: 'It doesn't work' doesn't work for us :p
We need something to help WITH. So my question(s) to you: what exactly doesn't work? Do you get an error? Or specify if none of the above (or before).
I guess I'm saying (uhum, typing) this on behalf of all the people on this forum that want to help: 'It doesn't work' doesn't work for us :p
We need something to help WITH. So my question(s) to you: what exactly doesn't work? Do you get an error? Or specify if none of the above (or before).
Yeah i got an error and the mod did not work after that.
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