PC Tutorial on how to copy a Mobile character/world file to Mac


Skeletron Prime
Disclaimer: I only know how to do this from an iPhone to a Mac, because I only have those two platforms, plus PS4.
Step 1
Locate the file(s) that you want to copy over to your Mac on your iPhone. This should be easy, because as of the release of 1.3 to mobile, character and world files are stored in the Files app. These files are stored in the "Players" and "Worlds" folders, respectively. It should be fairly easy to locate the desired files because they are named after the character/world.
Step 2
Locate the "Players" and/or "Worlds" folders on your Mac. This is by far the most confusing step if you don't know the ins and outs of a Mac. I myself had to look up a guide on how to locate these folders. This step is so confusing because the "Terraria" folder is stored in the "Application Support" folder, which in turn is located in the "Library" folder, which is a hidden file that you will need to unhide using commands in Terminal. This is how you do it:
  • Open Terminal
  • Type "defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE"
  • You will now need to restart Finder.
    • This can be done by restarting your computer, or by executing the following command in Terminal: killall Finder
  • This will take a few moments, but not too long.
Now open your "Home" folder and scroll until you find the "Library" folder. Then locate the "Application Support" folder and find the "Terraria" folder. Inside, there will be many different files. Locate the "Players" or "Worlds" folder, depending on the file that you want to copy to your Mac. Congratulations! You have made it through the most difficult part! Woohoo!
Step 3
Plug your iPhone into your Mac. If a window pops up saying that your computer needs a software update to connect to this iPhone, there is a workaround for this problem that does not involve waiting for the update to install.
  • Copy the desired files over to your iCloud Drive.
  • Select the files and tap the [^] button.
  • Select "Messages" and enter the phone number that your Mac uses for it's Messages app, and send the message. This WILL work if the phone number is also the one that your phone uses.
  • Open "Messages" on your Mac and drag and drop the character or world files into the correct folder, where the folder will have been converted to a .zip file.
  • Unzip the .zip file.
  • Success!
If you don't need a software update, just plug your phone into the computer via USB and copy and paste the files into the correct folder.
Step 4
Open Terraria and have fun with your new(ish) character!
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