Weapons & Equip Two Dye Slots—Effect & Colour | New Effect Dye: Rune Power Dye


Skeletron Prime
Two dye slots—effect & colour—would be nice.

Say you had some void dye, liked the effect but not the black colour? Or just wanted another colour?

How about we remove all colouring from dyes that change an effect, and have the player mix and match their vanity outfit's dye's colours and effects by having the effect dyes go in one slot in the dye area, and the colour dyes in another?


New effect dye: Rune Power Dye

Since void dye isn't QUITE like the Rune set's effect, how about making a new effect dye that adds in... the rune set effect?

Also, that dye would, when applied to things like Hermes Boots, allow the player's dust particles while running to be like the rune set's walk particles.


Thoughts? Also, d'ya like my hyphen en-dash em-dash big-line em-dash en-dash hyphen line? :D
I think it should work like this:
(example using acid dye)
dye trader only gives acid dye. When used, it applies the acid effect to your player, but with no colour.
Can be crafted with any other basic coloured dye to make [colour] acid dye.

That way no more slots are needed. (Although it would add LOADS more dye items.)
I think it should work like this:
(example using acid dye)
dye trader only gives acid dye. When used, it applies the acid effect to your player, but with no colour.
Can be crafted with any other basic coloured dye to make [colour] acid dye.

That way no more slots are needed. (Although it would add LOADS more dye items.)
I think that might add way too many dye items, probably well over one thousand.
I think it should work like this:
(example using acid dye)
dye trader only gives acid dye. When used, it applies the acid effect to your player, but with no colour.
Can be crafted with any other basic coloured dye to make [colour] acid dye.

That way no more slots are needed. (Although it would add LOADS more dye items.)

Yeah... if there are gonna be somewhere around 12 effect dyes, and something like 70 coloured...

840. Huh. I don't think the game can take that... slots are fine, though, no?
If the devs can pull it off, then maybe this could also allow you to use two regular dyes, to get an effect similar to when you use a dye combined with black or white (but with any color).
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