Console Two Requests for Console Version


I find it really surprising these two options are not available yet:
  1. Option to enable/disable yellow outlines on interactive objects (while helpful early on experienced users may which for a more aesthetic experience, enjoying the pixel art)
  2. Cursor sensitivity for manual cursor mode (this seems essential without a mouse -- it takes too long to aim from one side of the screen to the other -- some items unfortunately are worse than PC versions by proxy)
Anyone else want these options? Having dev experience myself I know these are possible with minimal effort -- most of the work would be just adding the menu elements to interact with :)
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Considering there's still bugs and glitches being ironed out these kinds of changes probably aren't coming soon. Also remapping a UI isn't always simple. Especially since you're the first person to request removal of the highlighting. Though many have requested increased cursor sensitivity. :)
I'd be surprised if I was the only one to request the noob guides to be an option and not something they force on you. It's even uglier when you paint an interactive object because the outline changes color with the paint.

It'd be nice to have a cursor alpha setting as well.

I don't want increased sensitivity -- someone out there would complain. Just give us options to set things like that ourselves.
Well then be surprised because I've read every thread in these console sections and I've never heard someone complain about out before XD
Well that's even more complicated, I'm certain there's reasons they haven't done stuff like add full controller customization to consoles. If we ever do get a bug free update, maybe they'll consider some quality of life stuff like this :) But as we've seen, Terraria isn't easily ported so don't hold your breath XD
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