Hello all. We'd like to pose a question for all of you. The more that answer, the better of an opinion we can get for this, so if you do see this, please leave your opinion (if, of course, you actually play this).
Would you like a release before Christmas that is smaller, or a release next year that is much bigger?
We would like to ask this because we've spent a lot of time on one portion of the mod, trying to make it as good as possible, and haven't had time to work on the other
segments that we are yet to do for 1.2. We want 1.2 to be beautifully huge, but if you would like a release before Christmas, then we will release 1.2 in a smaller state.
We would love to have a Mac version working, and we will try our best to get that sorted, once we figure out how (need to ask Bluemagic some questions, sit him down in a room and maybe tortu- I mean hug him a bit to get him to tell me what to do

), we will. I'll do that preferably when 1.3.1 comes out (actual terraria version) and 1.2 for Ulterraria is completed, which is when I will painstakingly update it.