Underground Necromancy Base


The Destroyer
Hello I am going to show you my Necromancy base with Flaming Boner
Capture 2015-11-23 20_30_39.png

Here the Entrance of the Necromancy base and I going the first room.

Capture 2015-11-23 20_31_25.png

This is for studying the dark arts of magic, curses and other voodoo magic stuff.
The two skellys are my taking helpers I called them Bloodsucker and Skintaker.
On the next room.
Capture 2015-11-23 20_31_50.png

This room where I make my potions, poisons, a blood generator and a table with a book with all the things can use for bad things like building a nuclear bomb, this had a LOT of pages.

Capture 2015-11-23 20_32_24.png

Ok this is the last room I going is there I put these skeletons in there for making an evil army and other stuff.

So there is the end of the tour of my first build for Terraria Forums and what you think? is it good or Badass.
I hope this going to be on Creation Compendium #31
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