Updated to v 1.2, and there's a lot to add...
- Added the Powered Bait system. These baits, used as ammo by battle rods, inflict debuffs on the enemy (or in two baits case, a buff on the player). These baits can only be obtained from angler quests or, if the "Certificate of a Master Baiter" is obtained, crafted at a bottle with Apprentice, Journeyman and Master Bait, plus bait-dependent items.
- Added a Boss, the Cooler, with a whole range of weapons, not only for Fishermen. It drops the Certificate on expert mode anytime, or in hard mode for normal worlds.
- Added a couple of rare, situational armors for early game before star mix, the Snow Sloth Armor made from Flinx fur and Fungal Spores, The Werewolf armor made from Rotten Chunks/Vertebrea and Shadow Scales/ Tissue Samples, and the Beeteorite Armor, made with bee wax and meteorite.
- Added a couple of new Battle rods, including the Cooler Battlerod, Beeteorite Battlerod, Betsy's Battlerod and Dragon Mix Battlerod.
- Added Config options to Start with a Wooden Rod and/or Poison Bait (takes place at caracter creation), an option to return the Lure recipes to the old ones and an Array of TagID Items that can be replaced for crates when fishing.
- With this new list, it is possible to remove all but the first one (Wooden crate ID) to drastically reduce Crate spawn chance.
- In an effort to balance out the fishing, the Lures mostly changed recipes to harder to make versions gated by progression. Quad Lure now requires StarMix, Octo Lure requires Energy Amalgamate (the kind with Ectoplasm in it) the Box of Lures requires Luminite and Energy Amalgamate and Box of Countless Lures requires Fractalite.
- Also, Lots of Bug Fixes in both single player and Multiplayer.
The mod has been tested with a multitude of mods and in both single and multiplayer, and appears to be working fine on both, and tries to balance the mod were made... Some attempts at crowd control (in the form of the Beeteorite set and rebalancing of the Rod's spawns) were made as well. Feel free to drop bug reports and opinions on this thread as always.
I'll be updating the wiki with the new content, and should be ready in a few hours.