Hot Topic What Boss is the hardest boss for you guys? And why ?

Usually what I end up doing, is I'll find the largest open area in the Jungle, and study the map a bit and then go find a bulb and drag her to that area. You just need enough room that you can keep running away from her while plugging her with the weapon of your choice, turn around and go back the way you came when you run out of room. As long as you got, I don't know, 2-3 full screen lengths of space that you can travel and keep her in line of sight the whole time and preferably have room for her bouncy balls to fall out of harm's way, you should be good. A few wooden platforms to refresh flight time are also helpful, but you don't need to make a full arena.

Also, setting down a temporary campfire or two and/or heart lanterns or two can help loads too. Most people scoff at passive regen (at least from what I've seen on forums), but they don't realize that over the course of 2-3 minutes they get a free potion worth of regen.
I agree but...for me I don't care i just make a big room like 200 block tall and 100 block wide. and some healing stuff like heart lantern and some campfire.
I agree but...for me I don't care i just make a big room like 200 block tall and 100 block wide. and some healing stuff like heart lantern and some campfire.

Well, I said that for people who don't feel like making a huge room, especially with Hardmode hornets and turtles everywhere.
The Twins, no doubt about it. I always find them really hard when I set out to kill the Mechs. (Although I did just come up with a great strategy with gravity potions.)
Twins for me as well. They were the mech boss that killed me the most (D/ 15, Sp/0, T/20-30)
While I found it t difficult since it is essentialy two bosses, I probably died a whole lot because I was to lazy to make a sky bridge out of platforms to fight them.:guidetongue:
Hello Everyone :dryadwink:

Well,i recently "finished" the game by beating moon lord and getting the vortex armor, and, as you can tell, i played as an archer.
In my entire experience playing as an archer, the boss who killed me the most and was a pain to defeat was Duke Fishron (I think it's because i don't know how to evade him :dryadsad:)
So, i want to know your opinion, thank you :dryadgrin:
If you aren't lucky enough to get a Daedalus Stormbow before fighting the Destroyer, he's about the worst boss to face in my opinion.
tbh, expert eoc. Granted I haven't fought any of the hard mode bosses in expert mode yet but when you're just starting a new character with early game armor and what not it's hard to do enough dps to power through his rush and likely you won't have much armor. Expert queen bee is up there too because she has way too much health for a pre hard mode boss in a confined space like that. It's a stamina battle honestly and if your arena isn't good enough she'll catch you off guard easily.
tbh, expert eoc. Granted I haven't fought any of the hard mode bosses in expert mode yet but when you're just starting a new character with early game armor and what not it's hard to do enough dps to power through his rush and likely you won't have much armor. Expert queen bee is up there too because she has way too much health for a pre hard mode boss in a confined space like that. It's a stamina battle honestly and if your arena isn't good enough she'll catch you off guard easily.

Yes, i think EOC is annoying if you aren't well equipped enough, but in my playthrough it was really easy because i had an hermes boot and a hook already.
It's hard to say for normal, since I find defeating bosses on that mode not an extraordinary challenge. But in expert? Duke Fishron. His third phase makes it almost impossible to kill him
DUKE FISHRON is the most difficult boss for me in this game the Cultist was the 2nd hardest, without an InfluxWaver or a TerraBlade, or a UFO, but also, the DESTROYOR is really hard without the Daedalus Bow (you need a DaedalusStormBow, with Holy Arrows) (3rd hardest), as well as the WoF, even using Beenades and Molotov's, that guy is the 4th HARDEST BOSS to me
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The Twins. I play on the Wiiu so I don't have any of the good equipment you guys have. I was stuck with unreal megashark with exploding bullets, adaminte armor and a platform skybridg with lots of campfires and heart lanterns. Even then I still died a lot cause it's essentially fighting two bosses at once.
In vanilla I'd have to say expert mode Duke Fishron. I think the reason I say that is because I have played against expert EoC and Skeletron that I have kinda got into a rhythm for those two. Sure expert mode skeletron still kills me here and there, but I found he is easy to beat if you make a long bridge and have the ends ramp upwards. He will chase you up the ramp, but then you can double jump, then EoC shield dash over his head and go the other way (sometimes he catches you when his spinning ends and he zoom to get above you).

But if you are down for my opinion on mods, I'd have to say the Devourer of Gods from Calamity is the hardest I have fought so far. I just finished beating him last night only because I got a Moonlord weapon from an unknown mod called "The Penetrator: which is gives you a long dash, and leaves behind a line of homing moonlord eyes. It allows you to just barely keep ahead of the boss. Also, I didn't know about its second phase (don't wanna spoil it) which caught me off guard.
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