What is the dumbest thing you have ever heard someone say?

"Give me one good reason why [The Rainblower] is worse than the flamethrower!"
"Technically, they're equal, but I just don't like pyrovision."
"Give me TWO reasons!"
Its first-person viewmodel is larger and obscures more of your screen.

Wait, who was the dumb one in that conversation?
My little brother was the dumb one.
Yeah, but which side of the conversation was that? Because "I don't like pyrovision" isn't that good a reason for the Rainblower being bad.

EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, Pyrovision is pretty crappy for playing the game in.

Yeah, but which side of the conversation was that? Because "I don't like pyrovision" isn't that good a reason for the Rainblower being bad.

EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, Pyrovision is pretty crappy for playing the game in.
It was either the Flamethrower, or the Rainblower.
Cause I don't have any good flamethrowers. Only the degreaser other than them two.
My lil bro thinks the Rainblower is better, but they're equal.
I told him that, and that was when he asked for the two reasons when he had already asked for one.
Generally speaking, stock is the better of the two, by virtue of it not obscuring half the damn screen and not resulting in obnoxious visuals.

Back to the matter at hand, some people never cease to amaze me.

Last year, I mentioned in class that I was born in Melbourne. This one guy overheard and said "THEN GO BACK TO NEW SOUTH WALES"
Another time, he called the Empire State Building the "Emporer State Building" and said it was in Paris.
This guy is the supreme ruler of idiots. And there are many kids in my class - mostly guys - that are pretty close candidates for it.
As a general term, that may actually be correct. A lack of motivation and self-discipline for day-to-day work doesn't mean that a person isn't organised or hardworking for anything else.
People who live off of welfare because they're too lazy to get a job count as "lazy people" in my book.
Some guy which was in the same group as I was, in a ghost house, when one of the guys working in there tried to jumpscare him:
"Sorry, I'm not a virgin yet."

Or, in class:
"I'm not an attention :red:, I just want you to listen to what I have to say!"

In a break, some sporty guy comes discreetly to me and asks:
"Is it possible, than on another planet, temperature can be colder than absolute zero?"

Once, over a coffee:
"Yay, I just cracked Team Fortress 2!"

A girl I know, while speaking through the phone:
"Shut up [whoever she was talking to], I'm trying to find my phone!"

On another game forum:
"Lol projectiles are no skill in shooters, only hitscan is"
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