What is the dumbest thing you have ever heard someone say?

and is not a place to bash political figures.
While I :red:ing despise Trump, no bashing. I've moderated too many forums in my life to let a blatant :red:ing flamewar start even if I think the subject is justified. Take it to another thread, because the mods and admins will do an absolute :red:ing pirouette of the handle if a flamewar starts.
Which comes into my next 'dumbest thing', which is any time someone starts a flame war on purpose, such as going onto a Warriorcats forum and saying the character Ashfur is your favorite/least favorite, or saying a legendarily crappy anime is your favorite, for the express purpose of watching the ensuing chaos. The two posts prior are not, in my opinion, such blatant attempts.
But still, keep it apolitical in these threads.
My sister (what she would be saying):
"oh, i'm using the gaming desktop computer instead of the nice portable laptop for some google drive homework because it's easier to use. will you stop bugging me?"
i highlighted the things i heard. everything else is for detail.
sorry for the salt.
when you're in withdrawal from your favorite game and your sister is hogging the only usable computer for that game, isn't that crud?
"I will not let you down"
"We will wipe terrorism off the face of the earth"
"I will take the power from the government and return it to the people"
"I will Bring Back the roads, bridges, tunnels, ect."
-Donald Trump at his inauguration
(those were not his exact words, but the meaning sure is.)
"That's quite indubidible there."
-Some annoying kid in my science class.
"Indubidible" isn't even a word, and when confronted on this, he claimed he had the authority to make up words and have them be actually important.
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