What is your favorite forum style?

What is your favorite forum style?

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I like the snow and hallowed (hallowed for the adorable wyvern) but my vote has to go to Underground. The glowing mushroom biome just looks SO COOL and it just blends in well with the site, in my opinion.
I use underground (as it seems most do) because of the sleek look. I t gives a nice, dim, cool (temperature) atmosphere.
I like the Snow one because it is the only truly "light" theme, but I use the Underground personally.
My own, based on Underground. :naughty:
Underground is good, but it makes the brown profile picture frames stick out like so many sore thumbs - for that reason I gotta go with Jungle. Is naice
I've had a look through them and they all look great (with exception to XenForo... ...which looks even better than great!... no, I kid, I kid) but my favourite overall has to be the Overworld theme, so I'm sticking with that for now.
Due to the proliferation of threads discussing Forum Themes, we are consolidating to one primary thread:

http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/community-forum-themes-get-yours-today.519/ in Forum Help and Feedback.

That thread was chosen because it was the earliest comprehensive thread about them made.

Please continue the discussion there, this thread is locked as duplicate topic.

Any questions/concerns, please feel free to PM me. Thanks.
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