What is your favorite sword ? And why ? (CORRECT)


Eye of Cthulhu
Legendary Murasama

I love his melee
I already posted on the other one, you can ask Loki to delete the last one. :/ Anyways, Terra Blade is probably my favorite :)
You are all idiots. The Horseman's Blade, just look at it, it is OP, especially legendary ones
It might not do the most dmg, but it pretty does x2 as much, so instead of 75 dmg, they pretty much have 150 dmg, one for the actual sword hit and one for the pumpkin.

You can never get better than a horseman's blade, snowman cannon, beetle armor (Defense), Ankh shield, and master ninja gear!
In terms of hilarity, the Purple Clubberfish. I find it hilarious to whack various enemies around with a giant fish.
In terms of design, the Breaker Blade because it's so massive!
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