Hot Topic What is your favorite Weapon?

My favorite would have to be the terrarian because yoyos are pretty good on my own opinion and my least favorite would have to be the bat bat since I got one and tried using it against the WoF and it was slow as a snail so I just used a yoyo and beat it.
Hi @Master-Chief I moved your post into this already existing thread for the same topic. :)
I have made a post here before, but my opinions have changed since then, so I am going to make a more detailed list here.

10 - Zenith
I think the idea of an ultimate sword that is the culmination of your journey is neat. It is also fun to use and has awesome visuals.

9 - Stardust Cell Staff
While Dragon is much more viable, I like Cells more. They are more mechanically interesting, they look cute and also fun to use (something important!).

8 - Nebula Blaze
The dust effect it gives to your character's hand has always been awesome to me. It is also strong and effective, in top of being cool.

7 - Stellar Tune
A friend of mine who loves this weapon made me like this weapon. It sounds and looks nice, its also pink and starry, something I appreciate! Its fun, too.

6 - True Excalibur
Its a close ranged weapon in the stage of the game where close ranged combat can work the best. Its effective, looks cool and fun to use. Simple.

5 - Starlight

It might not be the most effective weapon on its tier, but I like it. Its a very fast hitting rapier, satisfying and fun.

4 - Eventide
I always found it to be better than Tsunami. It has nice visuals (bow sprite looks awesome as well) and its effective even when using an Endless Quiver. Fun to use and effective.

3 - Phantasm
An insanely powerful pillar weapon that is very effective for both clearing out pillars and Moon Lord (my least favorite boss in the game). The bow sprite is awesome, and its concept (a bow charging with phantoms) is no different. Seeing those huge damage numbers makes it much more fun.

2 - Starfury
It is very good for a pre-boss weapon. Has nice visuals and is effective, in top of being a starry sword. I have always liked it and its definetly my favorite sword in the game.

1 - Daybreak
Daybreak is perfect for my liking, exactly what my favorite weapon ever would be. Its a thrown spear and a very ethereal looking one, it explodes, is fun to use, is very strong and effective, and its DoT (Damage Over Time) effect is the best in the game. Additionaly, it is the weapon I used when I first ever defeated Moon Lord. It has a badass name, too.
1) Stardust Dragon: Always good
2) Beenades: I don't know! I just love them!
3) Blade Staff: Carried me through early Hardmode
time to make a more detailed comment here i guess
as much as i like the Zenith, i won't talk about it a lot because we all know how busted it is
i've mentioned it many times before, but i'm a huge fan of the Flying Dragon, as even though it's a bit tedious to get (it's from OOA🤮) it's ridicilously powerful and the projectile having wallpass is extremely beneficial (if only it had a higher fire rate...)
Terra Blade, both before and after the revamp, is always a classic, should be no surprise that it gets a mention
i love both the solar pillar weapons too, though nowadays i mostly just use them for lighting lmao
also, two rarer EoL weapons: the Terraprisma is well-known, and while i do like it, it never really worked well for me, it rarely detects enemies properly; the other is the Stellar Tune, which is in a similar position to the Flying Dragon where it's really good but also not very accessible (made even harder in this case because grinding EoL is very tedious thanks to how rare PLw's are)
1. Wooden Bow.
2. Candy Corn Rifle. It was fun to shoot around corners with this thing. One server had this weird circular area, and the candy corn rifle was excellent at shooting people trying to enter it from inside.
3. True Night's Edge. The projectile is unique and requires a different mentality to use.
My by far favorite weapon has to be the starlight. It is just so satisfying to absolutely melt anything in range of it, and it is very consistent, but it still takes skill to kill with it, since getting into range for it can be challenging.
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