What is your favourite sprite you've created?


Probably this mushroom spore from one of my suggestions. It is my third and 2nd latest sprite, so it's not like I have too much to pick from.
Blackhole Cannon
Blackhole Cannon TMOD.png
Galactica Speedsters
Galactica Speedsters.png
Galaxium Pickaxe
Galaxium Pickaxe.png
Iron Shard
Iron Shard TMOD.png
Tenebrae Mod Icon

These are only a few, but I like the look of all of them.
Hmmmmmmmm what to choose

I can't not put this one here:

but my actual favorite is probably:
Crimson Axeling.png
which is pretty simple (and used one of storm's sprites as a base with his permission) but I still really like it in the end.
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