What terraria character would you keep as a pet

I'm going to take the word "character" and include NPCs. I am going to have a nice long adventure with the Zoologist, that's for certain.

She loves to be pet. That sentence isn't missing a word. :p
Zoologist for sure, I have this idea that she pounces around on all-fours while running at top speed. Also, I wonder what her wings would like like in-flight. 🤔🍹
HMMMMMMMMMMM...I think the twins would be a good defense...
HMMMMMMMMMMM...I think the destroyer would be a good digger.
But later, we have the npcs...
I still keep my mechanical eyes and my mechanical worm.
I would keep a wyvern as a pet, because they look cool and I like dragons, and I could ride on its back into the sunset.
Yes,but you would have to give them food.
And now, the time for the uno reverse card.
-And what about the destroyer and the twins?
Well, the retinazer cant eat, and spazmatism and destroyer have a mouth (I think) But they are robots, AIs, i think they dont have to eat...
I think...
i know this is basic but probs one of the pets (or maybe even a summon) because look at em they're just so CUTE*
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