Casual What Would Be Your Boss Theme?

If I was a villain, I'd probably be a tragic one. My final boss battle would have two phases, most likely. One where I'd display my full strength and the other where I'd be giving up.
For phase one, it would be this:
For phase two, it would be this:

I feel like mine should be fast-paced like this?
Idk. I really dont know what my boss theme would be.
Or, if im a psychopathic B:red: this
Megolomaniac means, umm.. Someone who desires or has thirst for power I guess.
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Normal Mode Battle Theme:

Expert Mode Battle Theme:

True Finale Battle Theme:

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Quite recently, what I view as my boss theme changed.

Why this? I just get this feeling of heroism in this song or at least something with no ill intent. More or less, fighting something that isn't necessarily a bad guy.
Everyone has all of these upbeat songs that they just enjoy and not actual battle music that you want to kill something listening to not that I have a problem.

This would be my theme assuming I am in a rpg game and the villainous wants to kill me for a clothing item of mine it has a mischievous twist towards it.

If I was a heroic antagonist, this theme would be mine:
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