Whatcha' playing?

Stolen Deploy Bits in All-Out Mode is also pretty painful.

The English version is on Playism right now for $7 with a promise of Steam keys when it hits Steam. Here's the link.
I'm perfectly fine with paying $7, I got nearly 24 hours out of OWH and I only paid 89 cents for that!

I'm pretty interested in playing the tourist. Gets a unique goal and ending along with 0 in every stat, it's gonna be fun, yo!
That means i should start saving a few bucks. I too have 24 hours of platytime, so it's worth it.
I'm home once a week, and when I am home, Minecraft.
Working on draining a huge lake, building a house, then pouring it back (but sealing off the house), and making underwater caving systems.

Right now i'm at the phase of underwater caving systems, and it's really hard to do in survival just an fyi. (SO MANY SPONGES, AND WATER BUCKETS... MY LORD)
I've been playing Fire Emblem: Awakening a lot recently. I normally go on normal, but I've started up a hard profile this month. It's pretty fun, buy it right now at this moment.
DotA 2 is my main focus, Binding of Isaac Rebirth is a game I play a decent amount of time, Town of salem, fun flash game, Wizard101 stfu Minecraft is another focus right now, and a bit of gmod
Currently playing through Final Fantasy 8. I know several people don't rate it too highly as far as mainline Final Fantasy games go, but so far I'm 9 hours in and I have to say, it's quickly becoming one of my favourite entries*. Yes, the junctioning system has its flaws, but I really like the concept of tying magic to your stats to buff them up. I also really love the setting, characters (really liking Rinoa and Zell so far, something tells me Squall has more to him than he lets on) and the plot.

I've also been leveling up in Guild Wars 2 and doing a heck of a lot of dungeons with my friends. I'm unsure whether to stick with my Guardian or switch to my Engineer alt. I have fun with both, but my Guardian is a little too brittle for my liking. I could just be playing him wrong :p

*I have played XIII (complete) XIII-2 (complete), VII (Disk 2), X (20 hours), XIV:ARR (if that counts), and III (stopped at a leviathan). i am still very much a FF noob in many aspects.
Currently playing through Final Fantasy 8. I know several people don't rate it too highly as far as mainline Final Fantasy games go, but so far I'm 9 hours in and I have to say, it's quickly becoming one of my favourite entries*. Yes, the junctioning system has its flaws, but I really like the concept of tying magic to your stats to buff them up. I also really love the setting, characters (really liking Rinoa and Zell so far, something tells me Squall has more to him than he lets on) and the plot.

I've also been leveling up in Guild Wars 2 and doing a heck of a lot of dungeons with my friends. I'm unsure whether to stick with my Guardian or switch to my Engineer alt. I have fun with both, but my Guardian is a little too brittle for my liking. I could just be playing him wrong :p

*I have played XIII (complete) XIII-2 (complete), VII (Disk 2), X (20 hours), XIV:ARR (if that counts), and III (stopped at a leviathan). i am still very much a FF noob in many aspects.

I fell in love with FF8 shortly after it came out years ago. The systems in the game are a dramatic departure from 7 but I never saw that as a negative. Great story, great mechanic of summons standing in for characters in battle and great collectible card game. I hope you enjoy the rest of it.
As of this post, I'm playing Darksiders as well as Thief Gold. I normally have at least 2 games I play at a time that I jump between when I'm shortly burned out on one of them.
I bought Vicera Cleanup Detail and have been putting mad time into it. Also Dark Souls Prepare to DIe Edition and Farcry 4. A little dissapointed with Farcry. It is a beautiful game on the Ps4 but it plays like a mod for Farcry 3. Almost nothing new mechanic wise. Wait, elephant riding and everywhere you go a rhino is obliterating you.
Cycling through my old games right now. Just finished Tales of Vesperia for the sixth time, now on to Kingdom Hearts 2.
I finished my second playthrough of Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow and since all my schoolwork is done, I'm just playing Ys: Memories of Celceta. I've also got a Tails run of Sonic 3 and Knuckles that I can finish off anytime now. Although I'm still miffed that I'm at Death Egg with 6/7 Super Emeralds...
There was another game I was saving for after my schoolwork, but I've gone and forgotten it. It was probably the third arc of Rune Factory 4, though.
I've been playing Star wars the force unleashed. I missed the release and licked it up recently on steam. Its great#
I've been playing Star wars the force unleashed. I missed the release and licked it up recently on steam. Its great#

It really is. The Star Wars purists think Jedi Academy is better but I enjoyed the Force Unleased alot. I won't spoil it for you but there is a specific part where Starkiller uses the force to do something never before seen. One of my favorite Jedi by far. Believe me, you will know what I am talking about when you see it.
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