What's your guilty pleasure?


Official Terrarian
Everyone has one. It could be a video game, TV show, food or activity, as long as it makes you feel guilty about it.

My guilty pleasure is the show Adventure Time. I know, it corrupts brain cells. But its so stupid, its funny. What show can you go from battling a barn with legs to being on a train that's more like a video game? Nothing can immerse you in such a weird world of imagination (kinda like Steven Universe, actually).

I'll leave you with a quote from Jake: "Why do I spend so much time trying to impress strangers?"
I really enjoy "Lego" games. I find it extremely satisfying to find all the secrets and unlock every character.

Another one... many people around me absolutely despise anime, but I quite enjoy it. Every time anime comes up, I hear "You actually like anime? Anime is horrible."
My very, very long list of media that I should read/watch/play, but will most likely never even start.
Another one... many people around me absolutely despise anime, but I quite enjoy it. Every time anime comes up, I hear "You actually like anime? Anime is horrible."
Bruh, have you met half the people on these forums? Anime fans are everywhere, there's even a thread for them.

Also, some LEGO games are the bomb. LEGO Battles for instance.
FOOD :p. *note I am not a fat man in his mothers basement, I actually have about 80 more years to live*
I love to program. Ever since I was a little kid I've always dreamed of being a game developer. Who knew that I would actually make an attempt towards it? Unfortunately, even though I program as a hobby, I often feel guilty since I give up rather quickly. Trying to break that habit so I can fully enjoy my pleasure!

Another pleasure of mine is gaming in general. Feel as if I should get some sunlight. Why hasn't anyone developed lamps that produce Vitamin D and other forms of radiation for the body and what-not?!
My very, very long list of media that I should read/watch/play, but will most likely never even start.
This is truth.
FOOD :p. *note I am not a fat man in his mothers basement, I actually have about 80 more years to live*
#videogames #food
Nothing wrong with either of those.
I'm talking about mostly people I know IRL.
That's what I feel like in my community too.
*sigh*, my guilty pleasure is Skrillex, mostly his first few albums. I can't really defend them as good songs, but I catch myself coming back to them every now and then.
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