When I Break The Demon Altar With The Pwnhammer It Doesn't bless my world with mythril and andemite

You can only have Cobalt or Palladium, Mythril or Orichalcum, and Adamantite or Titanium in one world.

If you want the other ores, you need to generate a new world, defeat WoF again, and break altars. If they bless you with the ores you don't want, repeat until they do.
Yeah, don't worry. They're alternate ores, that's all. And it looks like the problem's been solved.
Translated for fools:
When I break the Demon Altar with the Pwnhammer it doesn't bless my world with Mythril and Adamantite

Desc.: It blesses my world with titanium and orichalcum
@MarioKart7z - If you see what you think is a troll thread, report and move on. It is NOT your job to decide the nature of threads, and pre-emptively calling out a thread as a troll is off-topic, and in a way, trolling yourself. Do not do it again.

Translated for fools:
When I break the Demon Altar with the Pwnhammer it doesn't bless my world with Mythril and Adamantite
Desc.: It blesses my world with titanium and orichalcum

And @Fredbear, you can leave the "translated for fools" at the door. That is completely unnecessary, and very insults and personal attacks are not allowed on this forum.
The poster has been looking up very old antiquated content. Thats all
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