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Everyone saying it's neutral and doesn't tell you who to vote for clearly hasn't watched it.
It's the previous president telling you if you have an issue with the current administration you must go vote. The same president who is clear about his position on the matter.
He may not say directly vote against Trump but he may as well be.
"And if your concerned about what we've been seeing coming out of the white house over the last couple of years and I think we're seeing some unprecedented behavior that violates norms"
How is that not biased!
All you need is a reminder, hey go out and vote Its important. That's nuetrality. Not "This is a urgent time" or a 4 minute video.
Spare me. Clearly if this was reversed you would not think it's nuetral because it isnt. You're just biased.
I won't deny there are some serious double standards regarding the use of official twitter accounts for political or social messages, but this is an extremely mild case if at all. You're getting too worked up.@Giga
I never said it was to force you to vote. Where did you get that from?
If it was just "you should do your civic duty and vote because it's important" cool great! I'd love that. But it wasn't. You clearly skipped over the quote "And if your concerned about what we've been seeing coming out of the white house over the last couple of years and I think we're seeing some unprecedented behavior that violates norms" among others. If this was Goerge W. saying this about Barrack Obama could you tell me nobody would care about it? It's just telling people to get out to vote?
It's not that the message bothers me. It's that I follow Terraria for their came content. Not their ideological bent. If they wanted to do this using their names great for them. I just wish they didn't use the Terraria brand to do it. Cause now for me Terraria is associated with a political bent.
I am going to vote. Thanks for assuming I'm a troll and I don't actually care about this though. Really shows to your character, assuming peoples motives to dismiss their concerns.
Look, I love Subnautica and will likely continue to purchase Unknown Worlds products despite resenting their politically corrupt management. Re-Logic look like centrists compared to them. There's hardly anything to ignore. And without examples of extreme political bias from Re-Logic it is difficult to understand your point.Mild to you, that's an opinion. I fu***** love Terraria and now I have to really try and ignore this. And having people tell me "just calm down and don't get worked up over it" doesn't really make me not care anymore. It's also not the only tweet recently they've used with an ideological bent. I just really hope they stop because it does get tired having to ignore the people behind the game and just enjoy the art and game.
Because politics determine pretty much everything.Why does everything need to be political!
I never said it was to force you to vote. Where did you get that from?
If it was just "you should do your civic duty and vote because it's important" cool great! I'd love that. But it wasn't. You clearly skipped over the quote "And if your concerned about what we've been seeing coming out of the white house over the last couple of years and I think we're seeing some unprecedented behavior that violates norms" among others. If this was Goerge W. saying this about Barrack Obama could you tell me nobody would care about it? It's just telling people to get out to vote?
It's not that the message bothers me. It's that I follow Terraria for their came content. Not their ideological bent. If they wanted to do this using their names great for them. I just wish they didn't use the Terraria brand to do it. Cause now for me Terraria is associated with a political bent.
I am going to vote. Thanks for assuming I'm a troll and I don't actually care about this though. Really shows to your character, assuming peoples motives to dismiss their concerns.
If you’re that bothered by learning that a game company is made up of people who shockingly have a political belief, you’re better off just not following them. You’re absolutely reading too much in to this, and even though you’ve now said you’re not a troll it’s surprisingly easy to mistake you for one given this long rant about something controversial that literally nobody else would care about.It's the previous president telling you if you have an issue with the current administration you must go vote. The same president who is clear about his position on the matter.
And what you are literally doing is asking the people working at a video game company to stop exercising their first amendment rights.They used the Terraria brand. Did you look at the post? They didn't use the Re-Logic brand. It was under Terraria on facebook.
I never said they couldn't do this or are obligated to stay silent. I just wish they didn't. I am free to have a voice and say that? I am free to be upset that this is another thing that has become political in my life. I like politics but I also like being able to compartmentalize it and just have fun doing something such as searching for video game news.
I do have grounds to use my first amendment and ask for a video game company to use their brand for video game purposes.
I have been reading and that’s absolutely what it’s coming across as. You’re upset that suddenly Terraria makes a vaguely political post. About registering to vote. On National Voter Registration Day. That’s called public relations, and it’s equally important for a company to have good PR as it is for them to promote their product.Absolutely not. Have you been reading?
I'm bothered by wanting to see Terraria related things when I see the Terraria brand and not politics.
Honestly if this was Trump saying register to vote for him under the Terraria brand I would also be upset. I dont want to relate Terraria with Trump or Obama or politics in genera.
That’s because understanding how other people are interpreting your words is really important. And I don’t think you’ve been reading either, because LITERALLY NOBODY SAID THIS MAKES THE GAME POLITICAL! The game’s PR has literally nothing to do with the game besides the brand name. Terraria is and always will be apolitical. The people who run the PR may not be. If you can’t play Terraria without thinking of this one post, I think it’s probably time for you to rethink your opinions.How? please explain? I have never said they should stop exercising their right. They can keep doing this if they want. Asking someone if they would stop being political isn't telling them to stop using their free speech. It's asking them to take your concerns into consideration. If I were trying to force them which I am not then I would agree with you. This is just me voicing my concerns of wanting something to be apolitical. Not forcing anything.
When I see the Terraria brand posting it, yea it makes it related to politics. Now when I search for Terraria news I can expect to occasionally get politics.
If you are just going to interpret what I say by saying "this is what its coming across as" and not take my words for what they are we have nothing left to discuss. I'm just voicing my concerns of wanting my video games to be apolitical. It's your opinion that its a "vague" political tweet and that's fine. But not everyone thinks like you do.
Unless you deliberately search this one post, no. It might pop up for the next few days or so because it’s recent, but it’ll be buried soon under other posts. This one post doesn’t make Terraria a political game or platform at all. Just move on, I guarantee you won’t care by the end of the week.When I see the Terraria brand posting it, yea it makes it related to politics. Now when I search for Terraria news I can expect to occasionally get politics.
With respect, your opening post doesn't have a "please take my concerns into consideration" attitude to it. It's quite a bit more... aggressive... than that.How? please explain? I have never said they should stop exercising their right. They can keep doing this if they want. Asking someone if they would stop being political isn't telling them to stop using their free speech. It's asking them to take your concerns into consideration. If I were trying to force them which I am not then I would agree with you. This is just me voicing my concerns of wanting something to be apolitical. Not forcing anything.
Are you absolutely sure this is about Re-Logic taking a political stance and not about Re-Logic taking a specific political stance (as you heavily implied in your opening post)? It seems to me that if you searched for Terraria news and found something political, you could simply skip it if you weren't concerned with what political message said news was trying to convey.When I see the Terraria brand posting it, yea it makes it related to politics. Now when I search for Terraria news I can expect to occasionally get politics.
You’re the one who’s ranting about something harmless that shouldn’t even bother anyone. I’ll let you think about that.You can keep telling me I shouldn't care about it and it's so small just ignore it and yea eventually I will. But that is very condescending of you to tell me what I should and should not care about.
omegalulcoming from someone who knows my thoughts and assumes everything I think....... yea your opinion means nothing. Keep being condescending though.
You say my opinion doesn’t matter, but when I say something even remotely similar I’m accused of assuming things and you call me despicable.Proof?