Map-Golf Wide and simple golf map


This is a large map that simulates real golf, it is plain with long distances between holes, some are 2000ft, others 3000ft, with 6 holes in total, counting both sides and it has a central house with necessary items.

The world is in Journey mode, so, I recommend activating godmode and decreasing the respawn rate to 0.

We will add some beauty into it through the next weeks, because we want it to look as incredible as other golf maps, but regarding the golf camp it is definitely where we want it to be.

Anyway, it can be fun for someone just like it was for me and my friends who created it, that's why we are sharing our map.


Main house and teleporters leading to the further holes


One of the holes, notice the wide open area​

Made with the help of: alky_mista and neo4one.

This map would not exist without TEdit/Terraria-Map-Editor and Builder's Workshop Map, thanks a lot!


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