Empress of Light
I see your point... however, my personal issue here is that the loot would become obsolete if you used it on JM anyway. You can duplicate anything you have enough of already, and after that there's no point in storing things you can just spawn in abundance anyway. You could use JM to build that castle, but it would have already lost its purpose. I think JM serves more or less as a different playstyle and a map-building tool, and I think the main thing that keeps JM's progression valid is the new town system. We don't know as of yet whether you will be able to sell things you duplicate, duplicate money, or the like sort. I feel like those things will be addressed, but in the longrun I don't see JM being the common way of playing Terraria. You're probably better keeping your castle Journeymode-free, and I think that's for the best-- not just because it's impossible not to.JM characters can't visit non-JM worlds and vice-versa. All of those years of loot are utterly useless to Journey Mode.
It's not really about starting from scratch; I do that at least once in every Terraria version drop. The problem is that this years worth of loot will never be added to any JM collection I make.
I don't build fancy stuff just because; I build fancy stuff because I have some in-game need to build a thing, so I may as well make it fancy. What's the point of JM's near-infinite building possibilities... if I cannot use anything I build there?
I like the idea, but so long as all my years of stuff lives in a non-Journey Mode world, JM will just be a minor distraction to me. A place where maybe I can build some nice things, but it's never going to be a place I live.
If it's between my loot and Journey Mode, that's not even a question.