Items X-Ray Specs


I'd like to offer a suggestion for a small gimmick item, though it could be useful in certain situations. I'm suggesting an accessory item called "X-Ray Specs".
When worn, you can see through you and other players' vanity armor, and see what they're actually wearing underneath.
They'd be sold for a small amount of gold by the travelling merchant. Not sure what the exact cost or chance they would sell the things would be.
I see no reason for this not to be in the game. I think they should also reveal the appearance of the player if they aren't wearing vanity, and if they aren't wearing armor, well... hmhmhmehehe... they would appear as a skeleton.
Oh, I thought this was going to be like the X Ray Scope in Super Metroid, maybe an item that works like the spelunker, hunter, and dangersense potions and such but uses up mana and has a focused search beam.

Because I would immediately want that.

Still, seeing the truth is nice as well.
Oh, I thought this was going to be like the X Ray Scope in Super Metroid, maybe an item that works like the spelunker, hunter, and dangersense potions and such but uses up mana and has a focused search beam.

Because I would immediately want that.

Still, seeing the truth is nice as well.
That sounds awesome
Here's an Idea. Make it give a debuff to the people you use it one: Radiation: You are burning from the inside- loose 6 health every minute, x2 per extra minute. X-Rays can be pretty bad for you under long periods of exposure.
Here's an Idea. Make it give a debuff to the people you use it one: Radiation: You are burning from the inside- loose 6 health every minute, x2 per extra minute. X-Rays can be pretty bad for you under long periods of exposure.
That's an extremely harsh penalty for an item that doesn't affect game balance, not even a little bit.
That's an extremely harsh penalty for an item that doesn't affect game balance, not even a little bit.
Wait, do you have to aim at the person to see it, or does it show to everybody? Cause if it's to everybody all the time, then I see why that's bad.
Wait, do you have to aim at the person to see it, or does it show to everybody? Cause if it's to everybody all the time, then I see why that's bad.
It's an accessory. We never have to aim accessories (one exception, Rifle Scope, which barely counts as "aiming"). As such, the effects apply only to the wearer of the accessory.

I fail to see how that's broken enough to justify adding such a harsh debuff (or indeed any debuff at all).
It's an accessory. We never have to aim accessories (one exception, Rifle Scope, which barely counts as "aiming"). As such, the effects apply only to the wearer of the accessory.

I fail to see how that's broken enough to justify adding such a harsh debuff (or indeed any debuff at all).
I didn't exactly state how it would work right. The idea was that if you had you cursor over the character, witch I guess you don't have to, every 10 seconds the would take 1 damage. If you can hold it on them for longer, it will be ever 10 seconds they would take 2 damage, but it would reset if it was not aimed, and it would only last while aimed.
I didn't exactly state how it would work right. The idea was that if you had you cursor over the character, witch I guess you don't have to, every 10 seconds the would take 1 damage. If you can hold it on them for longer, it will be ever 10 seconds they would take 2 damage, but it would reset if it was not aimed, and it would only last while aimed.
Oh. So you mean that this would turn it into a way to passively damage other players in multiplayer.

That's even more unfair than what I initially thought it was. You're telling me that people can inflict a powerful debuff on other players... outside of PvP?
Unless it requires PvP conditions to activate. Then that makes it a rather weak and pointless weapon.

I know you're trying to improve the idea, but... you're not.
I didn't exactly state how it would work right. The idea was that if you had you cursor over the character, witch I guess you don't have to, every 10 seconds the would take 1 damage. If you can hold it on them for longer, it will be ever 10 seconds they would take 2 damage, but it would reset if it was not aimed, and it would only last while aimed.
That's... really, really unnecessary. Like Baconfry said, there's no reason for this. Besides, X-Ray specs aren't even x-rays... They're a novelty toy... and let's be real, we've all had x-rays. Obviously none of us have died from malignant tumors.
When I get an X-Ray all I see is two lungs, my head and my throat. Is that bad? The rest is titanium alloy.
Oh. So you mean that this would turn it into a way to passively damage other players in multiplayer.

That's even more unfair than what I initially thought it was. You're telling me that people can inflict a powerful debuff on other players... outside of PvP?
Unless it requires PvP conditions to activate. Then that makes it a rather weak and pointless weapon.

I know you're trying to improve the idea, but... you're not.
How is it overpowered? 1 every 10 seconds is slow, and you have to keep it on them. + I never said it worked outside of pvp.
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