Xbox 360 Xbox 360 need friends to play with

Hello. I'm in need of new friends for Terraria. It would be preferred if you have a mic and know how to get rare items ( long story of why ), but it's not required. Also, age doesn't matter, just as long as your voice isnt annoying, we're good. My GT is the same as my username. Thanks!
My GT is “SansDreamYT” Do not put The quotations i put that in to make it so you know to put only that also im open to other games
I use xbox one app to talk GT same as username I'm new
Hey guys . I am looking for Xbox 360 players of any age to play terraria with me . I would like you to have a mic of any kind (kinect or headset) . My gamer tag is : Da Monster56 ... Remember to have a space in between da and monster ... Also do not type: monster 56 ... Keep the : monster and 56 together like this : Monster56 .

Anyways, as I said, I'm on xbox 360 ONLY.. Add me whenever you want and I'll accept anyone with a mic,kinect, or headset ... Bye and see ya !!!:pumpking:
I use the xbox one app to talk
And I'm sort of new
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