tModLoader Zocklukas Coding help Thread

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These is an Thread for some Coding help
If you have any Questions for Codes or get Errors post them Here
With the Time i add more Help for Specific Items

author = YourNameHere                                     (Here you add Your Name)
version = 1.0.0                                                 (These is your Version Number)
displayName = YourModNameHere                        (Thats the Name,how that get shown in the Modbrowser)
homepage = LinkToYourModPageHere                    (Copy your link to your Mod Page in)
hideCode = true                                                (On true,if TModReader extracts your Mod, .dlls and .cs Files dont get Extracted)
hideResources = true                                          (On true,if TModReader etracts your Mod,  .png and .wav Files dont get Extracted)
includeSource = false                                          (On true, .cs Files Get Extracted trough TModreader ( hideCode needs to be on false for these))
buildIgnore = *.csproj, *.user, obj\*, bin\*, .vs\*      (Add these to build.txt,if you work with Visual Studio)

More Informations here = " "; //add the Item Name Between " "
item.toolTip = " "; //add the Item Tooltip Between " "
item.toolTip2 = " "; //add the Second Tooltip Between " "

item.damage = 10; //Replace "10" with the Damage You want
item.crit = 0; //Replace 0 with the Amount of Crit chance you want (0 = 4% Crit Chance | 4 = 8% Crit Chance)
item.melee = true; //makes it Damage Goal as melee Damage
item.knockBack = 5; //Replace 5 with the Amount of Knockback you want to have
item.autoReuse = true; //Set it on true,to make it Auto Reusing
item.useTurn = true; //set to True,to make the Sword able to Switch Directions while using

item.width = 42; //The Hitbox of the Item
item.height = 40; //for swords,it should be the same size of the Sprite

item.useTime = 30; //the Cooldown of the item after Use 30 = 0.5 Seconds
item.useAnimation = 30; //the Animation length at Use, should be the same like useTime, for a Normal Sword
item.useStyle = 1; //how the item get Used (1 is for Swords)
item.useSound = 1; //what sound gets played on use (1 is the Vanilla Sound for Sword)

item.value = 1000; //the worth for the item (1000 = 1 Silver Coin)
item.rare = 1; //the Rarity of the item (pink, blue, green, etc)

If you want an Video Tutorial you can look in our Tutorial Playlist on Youtube

These is an Thread for some Coding help
If you have any Questions for Codes or get Errors post them Here
With the Time i add more Help for Specific Items

author = YourNameHere                                     (Here you add Your Name)
version = 1.0.0                                                 (These is your Version Number)
displayName = YourModNameHere                        (Thats the Name,how that get shown in the Modbrowser)
homepage = LinkToYourModPageHere                    (Copy your link to your Mod Page in)
hideCode = true                                                (On true,if TModReader extracts your Mod, .dlls and .cs Files dont get Extracted)
hideResources = true                                          (On true,if TModReader etracts your Mod,  .png and .wav Files dont get Extracted)
includeSource = false                                          (On true, .cs Files Get Extracted trough TModreader ( hideCode needs to be on false for these))
buildIgnore = *.csproj, *.user, obj\*, bin\*, .vs\*      (Add these to build.txt,if you work with Visual Studio)

More Informations here = " "; //add the Item Name Between " "
item.toolTip = " "; //add the Item Tooltip Between " "
item.toolTip2 = " "; //add the Second Tooltip Between " "

item.damage = 10; //Replace "10" with the Damage You want
item.crit = 0; //Replace 0 with the Amount of Crit chance you want (0 = 4% Crit Chance | 4 = 8% Crit Chance)
item.melee = true; //makes it Damage Goal as melee Damage
item.knockBack = 5; //Replace 5 with the Amount of Knockback you want to have
item.autoReuse = true; //Set it on true,to make it Auto Reusing
item.useTurn = true; //set to True,to make the Sword able to Switch Directions while using

item.width = 42; //The Hitbox of the Item
item.height = 40; //for swords,it should be the same size of the Sprite

item.useTime = 30; //the Cooldown of the item after Use 30 = 0.5 Seconds
item.useAnimation = 30; //the Animation length at Use, should be the same like useTime, for a Normal Sword
item.useStyle = 1; //how the item get Used (1 is for Swords)
item.useSound = 1; //what sound gets played on use (1 is the Vanilla Sound for Sword)

item.value = 1000; //the worth for the item (1000 = 1 Silver Coin)
item.rare = 1; //the Rarity of the item (pink, blue, green, etc)

If you want an Video Tutorial you can look in our Tutorial Playlist on Youtube
Idea: How to remove recipes from items tutorial?
so i'm trying to add an alternate recipe for endurance potions, but when i try to build my mod it says "no suitable method found to override". here's the code:

using System;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;

namespace plasma.Items
public class EndurancePotion : ModRecipe
public override void AddRecipes()
ModRecipe recipe = new ModRecipe(mod);
recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.Obsidian, 20);
recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.Granite, 15);
recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.Blinkroot, 25);
recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.Fireblossom, 1);
recipe.SetResult(ItemID.EndurancePotion, 1);
so i'm trying to add an alternate recipe for endurance potions, but when i try to build my mod it says "no suitable method found to override". here's the code:

using System;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;

namespace plasma.Items
public class EndurancePotion : ModRecipe
public override void AddRecipes()
ModRecipe recipe = new ModRecipe(mod);
recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.Obsidian, 20);
recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.Granite, 15);
recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.Blinkroot, 25);
recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.Fireblossom, 1);
recipe.SetResult(ItemID.EndurancePotion, 1);

Never made much with Recipes
Possible that posts can help you
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