Recent content by Nfour

  1. Nfour

    PC My Razer keyboard's RGB doesn't have the Terraria RGB support.

    Ohhhhhh, I really appreciate your help in solving this problem. It has been bothering me for a long time, and I am finally able to obtain RGB support in the game
  2. Nfour

    PC My Razer keyboard's RGB doesn't have the Terraria RGB support.

    Error Logging Enabled. Resolution changed to: 3440x1440. Razer Chroma not supported: System.NullReferenceException: 未将对象引用设置到对象的实例。 在 ReLogic.Peripherals.RGB.Razer.RazerDeviceGroup.Initialize() Razer Chroma unitialized.
  3. Nfour

    PC My Razer keyboard's RGB doesn't have the Terraria RGB support.

    I have installed Razer Synapse, and have Chroma Connect as well as Chroma Studio. Razer RGB is set to true in the config.
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