Recent content by Tulula

  1. Tulula

    Hmph, forgot how bad at building I am... May just end up doing my usual floating mansion again

    Hmph, forgot how bad at building I am... May just end up doing my usual floating mansion again
  2. Tulula

    A new EM:QFC will begin soon.

    A new EM:QFC will begin soon.
  3. Tulula

    Back setting myself up for a new adventure giving all the updates since I last played. My old...

    Back setting myself up for a new adventure giving all the updates since I last played. My old save file is no more so I will begin again.
  4. Tulula

    Things are gonna be a bit quiet for the next few days/weeks. As someone famous once said, life...

    Things are gonna be a bit quiet for the next few days/weeks. As someone famous once said, life finds a way.
  5. Tulula

    RNGesus loves you! Keep the faith haha

    RNGesus loves you! Keep the faith haha
  6. Tulula

    Safe to say me and hornets are not friends... something about hornet genocide 0.0 dont look at me!

    Safe to say me and hornets are not friends... something about hornet genocide 0.0 dont look at me!
  7. Tulula

    Not sure, they keep denying my friend request 0.0

    Not sure, they keep denying my friend request 0.0
  8. Tulula

    Well after relentlessly slaughtering 5k hornets I need a break 0.0 may they rest in hive heaven!

    Well after relentlessly slaughtering 5k hornets I need a break 0.0 may they rest in hive heaven!
  9. Tulula

    Yeah its dull as hell but I do get an occasional break, I use the stardust dragon when having a...

    Yeah its dull as hell but I do get an occasional break, I use the stardust dragon when having a drink/eating.
  10. Tulula

    Casual kills, sitting in my biome on my fishing platform with a solar eruption :D greedy ring ftw

    Casual kills, sitting in my biome on my fishing platform with a solar eruption :D greedy ring ftw
  11. Tulula

    xD you know, casual kill count haha just hit 1600 tortoise and 1000 spiked slime to

    xD you know, casual kill count haha just hit 1600 tortoise and 1000 spiked slime to
  12. Tulula

    8300 hornet kills thus far xD

    8300 hornet kills thus far xD
  13. Tulula

    Todays haul :: 93 hornet banners 0.0 just a small amount and still climbing!

    Todays haul :: 93 hornet banners 0.0 just a small amount and still climbing!
  14. Tulula

    Well they dont call him Dr Bones for nothing xD

    Well they dont call him Dr Bones for nothing xD
  15. Tulula

    xD question is does he get a bone from finding bones 0.0

    xD question is does he get a bone from finding bones 0.0
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