Mobile Rod of regrowth?


I got a "Rute des Nachwachsens" (in German, directly translated it would be rod of regrowth).

I can't find that item in the Internet.

Probably its the Staff of regrowth but its missing the leaves on the stem in the icon and there's nothing in the tooltip about harvesting plants.

I tried harvesting my plants in clay pots that are flowering (water leaf) but even they did flower it didn't harvest them.

So are there 2 such things (Staff and Rod of regrowth) that are different or has it been changed?
Hi Gorkde, you're correct that it is the Staff of Regrowth. There is no Rod of Regrowth. (There is a Rod of Discord and a Dirt Rod, but those are completely different).

On mobile, the Staff of Regrowth will grow grass on dirt. It does not harvest plants yet. That was added in version 1.3.

Although the mobile version of Staff of Regrowth has a portion of its tool tip that says "Increases alchemy plant collection when used to gather", I am not certain that feature is implemented in mobile. That feature was part of the 1.3 update which mobile does not have yet. I have a feeling the tool tip being included is incorrect, rather than the Staff not working properly.
Here is what the Staff of Regrowth looks like and what the tooltip says on the mobile version right now. Click to enlarge.

Mobile is expecting to be updated to 1.3 hopefully next year, and at that time it may be able to harvest plants.
I got the same but my Tooltip (Amazon Version) does only say ut grows gras nothing else
[doublepost=1475248753,1475248709][/doublepost]NEXT YEAR?!

At my terraria version stands, that its grow grass on dirt nothing more...
Correct. On mobile, the Staff of Regrowth will grow grass on dirt. It does not harvest plants yet. That was added in version 1.3.
I want to say that's on my tooltip don't stand and I'm german with the bad translated german version of terraria... and next time i will make a threat with all the translate fails like
German: Ente or the other sort of duck called: Ende
English: Duck
Why is that one Duck a Ente and the white one Ende ?
I want to say that's on my tooltip don't stand and I'm german with the bad translated german version of terraria... and next time i will make a threat with all the translate fails like
German: Ente or the other sort of duck called: Ende
English: Duck
Why is that one Duck a Ente and the white one Ende ?
Ah, I think I understand now. You're saying that your tooltip says that it grows grass. And that the tooltip does not say "Increases alchemy plant collection when used to gather" like mine says.

Interesting that the German version has the tooltip correct. Hopefully my version will be corrected soon, it can be confusing for those that think it does more than grow grass.

For the ducks - I'm not sure if the German version has the correct translations. I do know that there are two different ducks that count as critters in the game.

An all white common duck is just Duck. And a particular type of duck that has green on it and it's called a Mallard Duck.
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