Builds Star-shaped houses.


New player.

Has anyone figured out how to make a perfectly symmetrical star shaped house?

I've been fiddling with a basic core, pentagon shape as a base and I can't seem to make any form of it geometrical pentagon, large or small and I know that I must be incorrect somewhere maybe it needs to be a certain number of squares before it becomes an actual pentagon, technically inverted pentagon so you can make an actual star. Anyway you get the point.
Making shapes using only squares is challenging, I threw this star shape together using a reference on Google images

The star I used is symmetrical along the middle, but due to the nature of pixel art it is not possible to create a perfect star with 5 lines of symmetry, the best we can do is 'good enough'.
I think in this case the shape looks more defined without hammering the blocks, but it is always good to experiment.
Making shapes using only squares is challenging, I threw this star shape together using a reference on Google images

The star I used is symmetrical along the middle, but due to the nature of pixel art it is not possible to create a perfect star with 5 lines of symmetry, the best we can do is 'good enough'.
I think in this case the shape looks more defined without hammering the blocks, but it is always good to experiment.
That's not bad. That was something similar I was considering except I was smoothing out the corners. I come up with something similar with cleaner edges just not symmetrical. It seemed like you can have one or the other but you can't have both.

The reason I was asking is I made a small Vault world to contain everything that was magic based or Star related. Turned out to be more, star, water, shimmer related because it seems that one is connected to the other with at least one item.
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