Xbox One Xbox One, Terraria, Finding Multiplayers, Trading



Difficulty: mostly master

Starting today's date. April 5th 2024.

Hours of operation: 8am - 10pm, 0800hrs- 2200hrs. Everyday unless otherwise occupied.

General Play style: exploration and collection.

Restrictions: I may not want to talk. If I do talk, speak English. I do not want to game with liberals. I'm here to try to enjoy the game not get into drama. I am too old for it and I am very blunt and very honest about it. You don't want honesty then it don't talk to me. I will tell you the truth good or bad. I expect the same if it will in the long run benefit in a good way only.
When I am tired, I am tired do not badger or beg me for more. I'm too old forit. I used to be able to do that and I have for hours and hours I can no longer do that. I can no longer extend myself beyond my measure for the sake of others. I have nothing left except for what I have.

Benefits to you: I will be honest with you and try to be helpful as much as I can be. I also have a few vault worlds. I don't mind trading goods. A lot of items I may have full stacks, 9999, of.

I prefer to trade for something that I don't have for something I do have.

I don't mind sharing.

Good night because I might give this a rest even if it is a middle of the day. I have used all my energy and my final energy here. Chronic fatigue sucks getting old sucks
Well that's good for you. I was looking for certain items. Now I just want people to play with otherwise there's no point
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