Casual The People of TCF

It would be nice for a good amount of us to do a panoramic together (if anyone is in the mood)!
I don't see how that'd be possible. I'm pretty sure a lot of people on this site don't know each other IRL.
Unless someone wants to go to the effort of going through all these pages and editing all of them together, which would look kinda crap anyway TBH.
Have to tame the mane for work, so man bun it is.
You look like blonde Jesus, you only need the beard. I actually look like the younger brother version of you, in that aspect. Though my hair is more like blonde-gray. And my eyes are gray. My beard is a small goatee. I am god.
I usually wear band shirts, and chains. So I look like a metalhead 99% of the time. xD

EDIT: Or, wait. I AM a metalhead!
I usually wear preppy gear. Artesanal shoes, leather shoes and stuff. Belts, lacoste shirts and clocks. Silver/iron chains, and stuff liek that. I mostly dress to impress, and I act like a little preppy sack of flesh. I'm most like the Antithesis of my irl friends. They all wear swaggot gear. Tho, tbh, I enjoy their company and the only pet peeves are their clothing and musical tastes, but oh well. But looking like a metalhead 99% of time sounds like a very good idea! I wish I had a shirt with the sigillum dei, just to shock people. They would all assume I was a satanist or cultist of any kind, while the sigillum dei is a symbol of god. Oh ho. That would be funny.
Since you fellas seem to love my ugly mug so much, have I got a few more pictures for you. :)

These ones were taken the day after I arrived home. I had a haircut and shaved shortly afterwards. I've also elected to wear something a little different to what I would usually wear.

Hopefully, now, I look more presentable, and less like I wandered into the present from a cave in the middle of nowhere. :D

Prepare your ovaries, ladies. ;)

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