Terraria Community Forums

Star and Moon
Star and Moon
Like pretty much every Nintendo game with dialogue does this. It's pretty annoying because the only time I've ever hit 'yes' is by accident.
*Has nightmarish flashbacks to dialogues with Kaebora Gaebora.*
Why... why does it default to the answer that repeats the whole thing? Why? *Curls up in a fetal position.*
Supeh Mario
Supeh Mario
i really don't understand why they did this in paper mario games. you can literally read again what they told you just by pressing Z while the speech bubble is still there. i actually used this feature in recent playthroughs because sometimes my mind skips words and i pressed A too fast but i need to reread.
@Shadow_Mantis Because people tend to fastforward skip by a spamming during dialogues. You'd accidentially press no and then you cant view the entire thing. Basically, its better to annoy those that want to skip the thing than to leave those that didnt want to skip clueless.
But yes, at times i curse damnation upon diaologues when that happens. Gaaaahhh
The kamen rider
The kamen rider
''Did you get all that? Yes/No?"
''Do you want to hear what I said again? Yes/No''
That owl also tries to trick you!
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