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General Milky
General Milky
It's like arguing religion. You NEVER do it, because it's not only nigh impossible to change the other person's mind, but it only results in fighting and pride clashing. The best thing to do with moron SJWs is to let them be, and most CERTAINLY don't let them speak for you.
Even if it is an excercise in frustration, one should either try their best or ignore the issue completely - ignoring it is the best way to express one's disdain for it. At least by trying to put forward's one arguments you gain better clarity of your own ideals.
Besides, I can't help but note you only dub SJWs as the morons in the equation. I see this all the time; it's one side or the other that're morons, the other side is either a little misguided but on the right track or completely right. Why is that?
In pretty well any issue, you can guarantee that the people either very firmly for it or very firmly against it will be flatly incorrect.
And this comes as someone who's been called all of an SJW, a sexist, a racist and an apologist by different parties all at once, just because I've looked for my own edition of the issue rather than coming flat down on one side or the other, where the majority of the participating opinions lie. But it's rare to be able to talk through things, it often just curls-up into name-calling.
To be fair it is true that this is often the case 'cause people who generally fall in the middle; like me, generally don't give enough of a :red: or don't think it's a big enough deal to be worth talking at great length about. They'd rather buy a pint and banter on the game. You gotta be a bit extreme to be impassioned about an issue. I can grudgingly respect both those.
General Milky
General Milky
When I speak of a moron SJW, I mean the type that is the root of the problem in the first place. The problem being defined as, the ridiculous opinion that generates the hate.
I've been called a SJW before, as well as sexist, bigot, alt-right, nazi, racist, etc etc. But I find this to be the best: "I feel no grief for being called something which I am not; In fact, it's enthralling, somehow, like a good back rub." - Charles Bukowski.
General Milky
General Milky
Look no further than the so-called SJW who wants "equality" but thinks that means, men are pigs, women are awesome, kill everything with a :red:. You know, the hatemongers who aren't there for progress or a reasonable movement, but for hating and oppressing others. They're the one people don't wanna deal with.
Okay, definitely fair. See, I didn't generally think that was how an SJW would be defined. But yeah, I've seen and read articles to that effect. Usually via the New Statesman. They are terrifying, and whether they're worded eloquently or not they're only there to make things regress to an even worse state than they're already in.
As a general rule any complicated and long-spanning issue... which feminism and gender equality really really is... requires compromising through a balanced mix of both hindering the party currently at an advantage and boosting the party at a disadvantage.
For example, I personally think much more effort needs to be taken at levels as low as primary and middle-school to get more women tending towards sciences and more men tending towards the arts. Yeah, it doesn't sound like much, but the fact it doesn't sound like much is precisely the reason it could be a good place to start.
A SJW is a member of the regressive left. I've seen the term being tossed around ad-nauseum and by doing so it loses part of it's meaning, the same as words such as oppression, bigotry, sexism and racism. That I agree. Being something and being called something are different things. Showing someone is a SJW or a bigot are the same matter.
But tbh it's a lot easier for people to make threats and throw insults than work together to try and find balanced and simple solutions. :(
My honest thought is just the following: close down all fake studies which hinder the careers of many and let them choose fields of work which are actually useful and helpful for their own lives and the lives of others. We should let women and men decide the courses they want by themselves, for themselves. They're adults.
Thanks for the definition. I actually hadn't seen regressive Left being bandied about so I appreciate the TIL. It certainly wouldn't be the only definition to be used incorrectly extremely frequently. My personal favourite has gotta be 'misogynist',
in Britain this one is thrown-out all the time (I guess because people get bored of plain-ol' sexist) but most frequently at Lad 'culture' like Dapper Laughs, which just doesn't fit.
Yes, but people aren't made sufficiently aware of what paths they could follow from an early-enough age; at least in Britain, nor is sufficient warning given as to what degree paths you're basically bollocking your long-term prospects by following.
For me? Literature's hardly the best-considered, but at least it's better respected in Britain than in America: more importantly, you have to pursue what you enjoy and what you're best at. I never would've made it in some :red:e like Petroleum Engineering. But plenty of people of both genders could; but didn't, because it was never in their frame of mind in the first place.
Ah yes, woman hater. I've seen that being thrown around all the time. I've been branded such today, for calling out BS that my country's army service has for officials' children. You see, if you're a high officer and have children, only daughters may inherit your money here, not sons. Two cousins of mine get paid huge sums of money while their only brother is dirt poor b/c of that.
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