Terraria Community Forums

Hey sorry mate, I was on break for a few days.

Okay, so dystopia's a really wide genre. You can play it so many ways. However, central themes in most every dystopia you'll see are control and personal freedoms and ambitions being restricted. Imo this is quite difficult to play with a Norse time and culture as the Vikings were very decentralised and indivudalistic.
If you did want to go with that however, a good motif for it would be to have the characters be in a closed small nation under the control of a warlord who himself believes - and more importantly, has convinced his populous - that he is the incarnation of a god, and that his word and edicts are law on pain of death to those defying.
Most of the people in the setting would venerate him, and express their gratitude for the success of the city-state under his rule, but both in terms of the people's opinions and with the state of the nation it'd be fraying around the edges. Quality of life would be poor, but the God-King of course would be living in the greatest luxury.
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