Terraria Community Forums

All Seeing Eye
All Seeing Eye
I have made myself REDiculously antisocial
Wehl dat ain't gud.
All Seeing Eye
All Seeing Eye
I went home one december day, :red:ing everything up because everyone keeps beating me with the same words and I just got sooo tired of them, that I shamed myself and shamed everyone I knew. Welp, whatever I did it was done and it happened.
Oh boy.
Well....Atleast there's a less likely chance of that happening here right?
All Seeing Eye
All Seeing Eye
I guess this is the point of reconciliation. The stress of being alone hit me awhile back to the point of wanting to end things. I couldn't rely on anyone's opinion and nobody looked at me like I was reliable to even myself. It blows my mind how angry I've been at everyone. I still am.
All Seeing Eye
All Seeing Eye
I don't know
I was mad because everyone said "I just need guidance" but every time I heed their words they just look endlessly clueless at the directions they give me. Even to the point where I kept telling them that they're actually the ones that need help but since they're my elders, they have this innate pride to make me believe that I'm wrong.
All Seeing Eye
All Seeing Eye
Then, I :red:ed everything up for a very long time, deconstructing everything I hated, hoping some deus ex machina would reconstruct better relationships while also learning how to do it. It's a rough eternal phase. I guess this is life. I'm still 4 after all. (but not really so people got disappointed at me.)
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