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That's a lotta murder
She'd be perfect for my Undertale RP- I'm thinking that whatever entity restricts people to original Undertale also blocks their LoV and doesn't let it get past 19 until they defeat one of the Final Bosses (Omega Flowey, Asriel, or Sans).
Champion Greninjoid
Champion Greninjoid
@Wynaut yes, yes it is.
@G1!+¢h+r@p nice. They’d probably be one of the strongest characters in the RP, lol
At least initially lol-
Let's not even talk about how the entire freakin' Undertale multiverse starts to get unlocked after Undertale is beaten xD
Champion Greninjoid
Champion Greninjoid
What will the power level restriction be? Since she can range from decently powerful to pretty much godlike depending on what’s allowed... That’s a question I should save for when the OOC’s released, isn’t it?
Okay, so godlike has a lot of gray area in the greater Undertale Multiverse. You have godlike as in Asriel Dreemurr, or godlike as in Error404!Sans (who is the most powerful being in the Undertale multiverse [if you don't include crappy ripoffs and the like])
Champion Greninjoid
Champion Greninjoid
A bit less powerful than Asriel. Her attacks are stronger, but she isn‘t invincible. Dodges a lot though.
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