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yes. bc my dream is to mae people feel well.
Unit Thirteen
Unit Thirteen
This doesn't mean he wants revenge, necessarily... but he's guaranteed to be in his darkest moments and extremely depressed. Are your dreams really worth ruining someone's life and crushing their dreams? Won't the guilt ruin your happiness?
The Triangle God
The Triangle God
Yes because I have an overpowered wish were everything I say comes true if I say abra kadabra at the end.
It would be too overpowered if anyone pressed it, so I would destroy it without pressing it.
The Triangle God
The Triangle God
So then I decide this man's life is restored abra kadabra
Depends if the man likes pineapple on pizza or not
I don't think I could do it mainly because I have a deeply rooted distrust for myself and feel like it would be bad to achieve the things I want.
Snek person🐿️
Snek person🐿️
no because i woukd rather work for things than get them for free
i can just move to another solar system or something and he'll never be able to get me cause i'm over there and FTL don't exist
and i mean it's just one guy out of 8 billion... if it was, say, a couple million then yeah i'd hesitate, but not this time
a really far away planet
a really far away planet
couldn't i just help him achieve his dreams again
Unit Thirteen
Unit Thirteen
They're completely crushed. You can't mend them. You can't fix his life. Also, he doesn't necessarily want you dead. But he's definitely very down, and will never be happy again. His life will be stripped of all meaning.
a really far away planet
a really far away planet
still yes
i could help the rest of humanity and only one guy would be ruined

also @zenithspeed the button press includes giving you superpowers, so you could technically invent FTL travel with the button press
yeah true
in that case i might as well just make my fictional universe real, so now you get a semi-utopistic world (it's kinda hard to explain) complete with three godlike robots, FTL travel, and a new DLC galaxy
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