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  1. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium #55

    It's time for another Creation Compendium, now at number fifty-five! For this CC we have some interesting news! First off, I'm leaving the Creation Compendium organization team. It's been a wonderful two years, but my motivation and general interest in the whole community project has...
  2. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium #53

    It was a dark and scary night... The lights were out, the room was so dark... and out of the corner of the eye, you see it. Creation Compendium #53! Welcome, everyone, to another Creation Compendium (now 20% more late...)! We've got another wonderful batch of creations for you guys! Remember...
  3. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium #51

    Alright, alright, party's over. On with the old, and forwards with the new! It's time for another Creation Compendium! Number fifty-one! This is usually the part where I say something nonsensical or whatever, but I do have an announcement on behalf of the CC team. As of today, we will be...
  4. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium #49

    It's time yet again, for another Creation Compendium! Cue the music! ...Or not! It's almost time for summer, isn't that awesome? Probably not, the heat sucks. But hey, at least you get to enjoy an awesome batch of creations from the community itself! Before we begin though, remember that if you...
  5. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium #47

    Mic check, mic check, one two three? No April Fools, friends! It's another Creation Compendium! Before we begin, remember to submit this month's entries to @darthmorf. Don't know how to submit an entry? Use this handy guide! And finally, remember to read our rules! Enough stalling now! Let's...
  6. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium #45

    Weigh anchor and set sail for this month's Creation Compendium! Welcome to yet another wonderful CC, hosted by yours truly. Before we start, let's get the formalities out of the way. If you'd like to enter in next month's CC, you'll have to send your entries to @darthmorf. Don't know how to...
  7. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium #43

    Pilot, your Creation Compendium will be ready in 60 seconds... Whoops, wrong game! Welcome yet again, to another wonderful Creation Compendium! Hope you've got your mittens on, because we're jumping into the heart of winter. Warm yourself up with these amazing creations, made by the community...
  8. QuackersDelta

    Drawings & Paintings The (New and Improved) QuackersDelta Art Thread

    Hi, my name is QuackersDelta. What can I do to get you in my art thread today? My old thread felt a bit stale, and most of the art there was pretty awful so I decided to start fresh. Here I'll post most of my art and throw around some hilarious memes or something. Hopefully I'll focus on the...
  9. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium #41

    Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to Creation Compendium! It's been a long, hard month, with most Terrarians enjoying a reunion, for better or worse, with the teenager's most vile villain; school. So let's kick back and enjoy some lovely creations from our great selection of creations this...
  10. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium # 39

    Would you look at the time? It's time for Creation Compendium, a collection of excellent creations created by the amazing Terraria community! Before we get to the entries, let me remind you that this month's entries will be going on @darthmorf's profile. With that out of the way, let's go...
  11. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium #37

    Another month passes, and another great batch of CC entries arrives! Welcome, yet again, to Creation Compendium, where we post all of the great creations that the Terraria community has contributed. I'll be your host this month, but for June, you will be posting your entries to @darthmorf for...
  12. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium #35

    It's no April Fools joke, I assure you, It's Creation Compendium, Number Thirty-Five! Welcome, ladies, gentlemen, and pranksters, to this month's Creation Compendium. We had a great bounty of entries this month, as usual, so let's cut to the chase. Throw your entries over to @darthmorf so you...
  13. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium # 33

    ...Hax4Ever Mr_Optimistic500 S3V3N7HR33 Marc IceBlade MisterM Zak TheLinXx ARANDOMGUY Kalifox The Terraria Hype Train *GROUNDING_INTENSIFIES* MisterMavin96 W0lfingt0n Fury Dra31ke --- And finally, for my favorite entry of them all. I don't usually show favorites...
  14. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium #31

    Creation Compendium was, yet again, delayed because I was lazy. Sorry team. But on the bright side, we can enjoy some quality entries since Creation Compendium is, indeed, finally here! As November's host, I must remind you that for December, you must post your entries on Darthmorf's profile. Ok...
  15. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium #29

    Could it be? A Creation Compendium that's late? Just the usual happens here at the Terraria forums. As usual, we've got a lineup of beautiful creations, artworks, and literature to show you all. As your host may I remind you on how to enter for October's spooky scary Creation Compendium. Post...
  16. QuackersDelta

    Drawings & Paintings Quackers and the Drawing Thread

    Welcome one and all this is my art thread because I decided to stop being posting art on my profile exclusively. I draw for fun and I don't particularly use it to gain profit or anything like that. I would have liked to profit from it but I feel it's too mediocre to offer to anyone for actual...
  17. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium # 27

    Welcome, yet again, ladies and gentlemen, to Creation Compendium! (Quackers isn't late edition, for a limited time only.) We have, as usual, gotten a lot of awesome entries this past month! With 1.3's release, we were impressed at the new tools being used by builders, artists, and writers...
  18. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium #25

    Ladies, gentlemen, fruits, and whoever else came in uninvited, welcome to Creation Compendium number 25! Remember to post on Darthmorf's profile for this month's compendium to enter! Now, let's cut to the chase here and enjoy these awesome creations! ajidot Khaios Daimera ppowersteef...
  19. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium # 23

    It's back! It never left! It's Creation Compendium number 23! Getting straight to the point, you folks all know how it works! Terrarians of all ages have come together and worked to create some amazing creations to showcase here! If you'd like to join in on this, post your entries to...
  20. QuackersDelta

    CC Creation Compendium # 21

    Ladies, gentlemen, Terrarians of all ages! Welcome to CC#21, featuring all kinds of amazing creations and art! I had an original joke to put in here but unfortunately I lost it so let's just get straight on to the meat of this post! (Oh, and remember to post on Darthmorf's profile for this...
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