Serious Do staff members here every get bored?

There's really no difference from a regular member than a staff member, except that they have an extra task of enforcing the rules. It isn't really that hard of a task, unless you let it be.

It's not like they don't peruse and post on the forums like the rest of us. :p
They aren't machines. Just because they are here doesn't mean they do nothing but stare at the ticker all day long.

That's just what they want you to think. I have it on good authority that the staff here are actually machines sent here from the future to maintain and secure this forum, and snuff out any troublemakers or rogue spambots. It happened on the first forum, and this forum you could say is somewhat of a sequel, almost like some kind of judgment day. The third forum will be a complete and utter failure that the fans.... er... I mean posters will rebel against and try to forget. After a few years there will be hype of a fourth forum, which promises a different take on the franchise, and if successful, will span two more mov... ..forums, however this will ultimately be a disappointment and fall flat. A brand new forum will be announced several years later with an incredibly stupid name and a very confusing layout... that will have fans.. sorry, members finally giving up and realising nothing will ever beat the second movie forum.
The staff may look, sound and act like us, but be careful or you might just get termin... ... banned...
That's just what they want you to think. I have it on good authority that the staff here are actually machines sent here from the future to maintain and secure this forum, and snuff out any troublemakers or rogue spambots. It happened on the first forum, and this forum you could say is somewhat of a sequel, almost like some kind of judgment day. The third forum will be a complete and utter failure that the fans.... er... I mean posters will rebel against and try to forget. After a few years there will be hype of a fourth forum, which promises a different take on the franchise, and if successful, will span two more mov... ..forums, however this will ultimately be a disappointment and fall flat. A brand new forum will be announced several years later with an incredibly stupid name and a very confusing layout... that will have fans.. sorry, members finally giving up and realising nothing will ever beat the second movie forum.
The staff may look, sound and act like us, but be careful or you might just get termin... ... banned...
I see what you did there...
"Do staffy stuff."

Best sentence ever.

You know, behind that scary behemoth we call @Tunnel King, there is a very good and loving person, very concerned for the behalf of this community. These people you call "mods" are people just like you. They do the same stuff, and they keep you safe.
So I followed every TCF staff member a little while ago so I could stalk them via my News Feed, but despite my intent being to keep tabs on the more nefarious situations that go down here on the forums, against my expectations, I've found that nothing of the sort tends to happen outside of rare circumstances; and even when they do, it's never really all that bad, at least by my standards.

But then that got me thinking: I've found that the staff here tend to make a habit of scrubbing situations off TCF entirely, as in deleting entire conversations where something significant went down, their posts included. Of course, this is understandable, as it therefore prevents any further discussion about said situations, and thereby removes the possibility of them flaming back up again. But even still, with how tame the user activity seems to be on this site, it all makes you wonder about the "behind-the-scenes" of how the TCF staff truly operate.

So then I ask, how about a deeper insight into the inner-workings of how TCF goes about it's enforcement? I find that the staff here have succeeded where most have failed, so what might be the secret to making it all work out?

Down to an individual level & up to general collective, what are the "patrol" habits of moderators throughout the day-to-day? Are y'all just constantly on top of "Latest Activity", or do you have alternate, more "personalized" methods of makin' the rounds? Speaking of, how about all the fun stuff regular forumgoers never see? Reports, exclusive chats, potential watchlists that I'm definitely on...hell, I've even heard rumors of there being an automatic backlog of all deleted posts.

All-in-all, what more is there to TCF than what first meets the eye?
So I followed every TCF staff member a little while ago so I could stalk them via my News Feed, but despite my intent being to keep tabs on the more nefarious situations that go down here on the forums, against my expectations, I've found that nothing of the sort tends to happen outside of rare circumstances; and even when they do, it's never really all that bad, at least by my standards.

But then that got me thinking: I've found that the staff here tend to make a habit of scrubbing situations off TCF entirely, as in deleting entire conversations where something significant went down, their posts included. Of course, this is understandable, as it therefore prevents any further discussion about said situations, and thereby removes the possibility of them flaming back up again. But even still, with how tame the user activity seems to be on this site, it all makes you wonder about the "behind-the-scenes" of how the TCF staff truly operate.

So then I ask, how about a deeper insight into the inner-workings of how TCF goes about it's enforcement? I find that the staff here have succeeded where most have failed, so what might be the secret to making it all work out?

Down to an individual level & up to general collective, what are the "patrol" habits of moderators throughout the day-to-day? Are y'all just constantly on top of "Latest Activity", or do you have alternate, more "personalized" methods of makin' the rounds? Speaking of, how about all the fun stuff regular forumgoers never see? Reports, exclusive chats, potential watchlists that I'm definitely on...hell, I've even heard rumors of there being an automatic backlog of all deleted posts.

All-in-all, what more is there to TCF than what first meets the eye?
Hi @Menerick__∞ I moved your post into this already existing thread that has a very similar topic. :)
Hi @Menerick__∞ I moved your post into this already existing thread that has a very similar topic. :)
I would've preferred my post to have stayed in it's own thread instead of being necroed into one where the last reply occured 8 years ago, as mine was more geared towards a casual outlook wherein the staff could respond with personal anecdotes on how they generally go about their day-to-day routine, thereby allowing them to be more involved with the community on a social level via having a general discussion thread centered around them outside of short-lived profile post conversations & the occasional slap on the wrist here and there; because bear in mind, not everyone has been around these parts for as long as you have, Unit. A little introductory to fresh faces couldn't hurt, right?

But alongside that as well, a personal interest of mine is, to the extent at which you're comfortable sharing, all the parts of TCF that are hidden away from the general userbase & exclusive to the TCF staff. Of course, there's the report logs & staff-exclusive chats, but is there anything else that you all have tucked away behind-the-scenes? Personally, I've only ever been on a few forums, and I'm curious as to how things tend to operate on a technical level. Consider it to be TCF trivia!
I would've preferred my post to have stayed in it's own thread instead of being necroed into one where the last reply occured 8 years ago, as mine was more geared towards a casual outlook wherein the staff could respond with personal anecdotes on how they generally go about their day-to-day routine, thereby allowing them to be more involved with the community on a social level via having a general discussion thread centered around them outside of short-lived profile post conversations & the occasional slap on the wrist here and there; because bear in mind, not everyone has been around these parts for as long as you have, Unit. A little introductory to fresh faces couldn't hurt, right?

But alongside that as well, a personal interest of mine is, to the extent at which you're comfortable sharing, all the parts of TCF that are hidden away from the general userbase & exclusive to the TCF staff. Of course, there's the report logs & staff-exclusive chats, but is there anything else that you all have tucked away behind-the-scenes? Personally, I've only ever been on a few forums, and I'm curious as to how things tend to operate on a technical level. Consider it to be TCF trivia!
I understand not wanting to have a thread you started merged in with another, but both seemed, to me, to be of the same topic - curiosity about the staff and what they do. And, unlike other forums, we don’t have a rule about necro-ing threads, and would rather have an old thread replied to instead of a new thread created when possible. :)

As for personal anecdotes on how we do our day-to-day routine, I imagine it’s as varied as if you asked ten different members how they “read” and interact with the forums - you‘d get ten different answers - some like to stay on profiles, some live for the modding section, some only look at their alerts. Generally speaking I do all of that as well, but add in looking at reports.

In regards to sharing the behind-the-scenes workings, there’s a reason it’s behind-the-scenes. I understand the curiosity, but it’s not something that I’ll be discussing. :)
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