**REPORTED** Floating flashing items randomly appearing


Skeletron Prime
Your Terraria Device
Moto g 5g 2023
Mobile OS
Android 14
This has happened twice in the few days since I picked up the game on a new device I recently got after not playing for a while.

The first time (the star) there's no knowing how long it was there, however the second time (the gel) I suddenly noticed a light in the same direction I'd just come from. And turned around to check it out.

I have screen captures that do a better job explaining than I could. However the forums don't seem to support MP4 files. I might be able to convert the visual part to a gif.

Forgot to mention this is the in-app-purchase/old-trial version.


This is the first time I've used the gif tool on my device.
It just records a portion of the screen (I couldn't get it to go all the way to the edges so I just selected what's important) and seemingly messes up the colours a little.


Just remembered some potentially useful information.

When I first got the device played a bit of journey mode and didn't encounter this. It has since updated fram Android 13 to 14 so it could be related to the os version.
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This effect, at least for the Gel, is certainly the effect of an item after it rises from the Shimmer, just to make it clear.

Of course I have no idea why it'd be happening unless you have any Shimmer nearby.
Both were not far from the middle of the world in opposite directions.

Edit: just realized this was after crafting my enchanted boomerang which I lost a star farming godly on at the shimmer though I don't think I've undrafted anything made with gel.


just checked the crafting section of the gel page on the wiki. I haven't had anything from that list on this world/character to my recollection.
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Nice bug, as far as i remember the desktop version does not erroneously set the shimmering state, so this is a nice deviation
Thanks for the report - I’ve inconsistently noticed this as well. Do you find it tends to happen when you’re close to shimmer, or can it happen regardless of distance? If you could pinpoint specific world coordinates, as well as attach the world, that’d be helpful too in ruling out potential causes.
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