Story I love terraria so I write a novel about it. (Be kind ;-;)


My first language is not english even tough i can speak fluently, i may not be able to use a diversed vocabulary. Plus my keaboard isn't in english, so excuse me for my errors, i will do my best.

The forest here isn't that bad.

Once you get used to the danger and the constant threat, it is a beautiful place to live peacefully.

I like to take long walks all day, it allows me to exercise, gather plants and mushrooms for food and know which areas I should avoid in the future; one stone several birds.

However, today is a bit… special? I found someone unconscious. I checked and he was alive.

The lying stranger had a rather unique appearance that I had never seen before. Hair blue as the sky, his eyebrows the same color, a well-proportioned face. And honestly, he's quite handsome.

Why? Why would anyone in their right mind choose such a place to sleep?! What do I do?!

While I was busy wondering, the stranger showed signs of waking up.

When he opened his eyes, I could see their blue color like the ocean. Yep, he's definitely attractive.

He got into a sitting position, staring around for a few seconds, then fixed his gaze on me.

He sounded confused and hesitant as he asked softly:

“Where am I?”, he had a crystal-clear voice and good elocution. But something about him seemed strange, he had an accent that I had never heard before.

I realized I had frozen when I saw him staring at me expecting an answer from me, I cleared my throat to ease my embarrassment and replied:

“In the forest...on the central continent.”, I received a different reaction than I expected, he seemed to understand the situation even though his expression remained lost.

We were in an awkward silence for a few seconds, before I continued:

“I bumped into you moments before you woke up, and I didn't do anything weird so don't worry…”, as I embarrassed myself in front of the stranger, he seemed quite indifferent. I don't know if I should be relieved or hurt. I tried to catch up, introducing myself:

“I live in this forest, my name is *ploc*.”

“Plock?”, asked the confused stranger.

*ploc* *ploc*

The end of my sentence was cut by a particular sound that I recognized immediately, the sound resembling that of the shock between a gelatinous substance and a hard surface. I warned myself and the stranger seeming to grasp my intention stood up and prepared as the origin of the sound seemed to approach.

I immediately took my bow and arrow out of my inventory and nocked the arrow when I saw a figure appear behind a tree. The figure turned out to be a green slime (thank the gods).

I shot my first arrow to then call a second in my hand after confirming the impact of the first which made the slime move back slightly, I motioned for the stranger to back up and I followed him while shooting the second arrow that got the better of the slime, which after a few seconds compressed on itself until it formed a small mass of inanimate gelatin: these were the remains of the slime. I took a few moments to catch my breath.

“What was that?”, during this short battle the stranger was not a dead weight and seemed to understand the gravity of the situation quickly, but I thought he had no weapon since he didn't help in the fight.

It's stupid to come to this place without any means of defense. The more it goes, the more I tell myself that this person is weird. I answered without thinking:

“A gelée or a slime, the name varies depending on the region, they are clumps of living gelatin, and as you could see for yourself, they are big and resistant even if they lack the power of attack. Individually they are not a threat but in groups they can be formidable enemies but the worst thing about them is the sound they make when they move, it makes them predictable and incredibly annoying. Generally, they are passive, at least until they find prey or are attacked. There are several variants: green, blue, purple, and many others with different abilities. I would like to taste the rose gelatin, apparently it's delicious and...”

Ah! I let myself be carried away. He asked me one simple question. It's so embarrassing.

The stranger seemed interested in the information I had if I believe his answer:

“You know a lot.”

I just replied in my embarrassment:

“Sorry, I talk a lot.”, he didn't seem to care too much. I continued:

“I think we should go to my house to talk. As you have just seen, it is not a very safe place.”, while indicating the direction in which my house was. He nodded and we started moving.

Along the way we encountered 2 green slime thanks to the safe path I created last time; we performed the same tactic to get rid of them. The ride was long and quiet, thanks to my poor social skills.

We arrived home a little before sunset. I lit the campfire in front of the house adding the gelatin to it, I noticed the curious eyes of the stranger and I spoke:

“Gelatin is very flammable; it is an efficient fuel. Which explains the weakness of slimes to fire”.

“You really know a lot of things,” he said, looking at the campfire.

“Okay, let's talk inside we'll be more comfortable”, I invited him to come inside after making a torch with wood and gelatin which are in my inventory. The Unknown saw the torch appear in my hand had a very interested look but said nothing.

I must say that I appreciate his discretion.

Once inside, I placed the torch on the same wall as the door and another on the table in the middle of the room.

“You can sit where you want.”, I said, pointing to the two chairs facing each other with the table between them.

He sat down and I did the same. We were maintaining eye contact in this bizarre atmosphere before I broke the silence:

“As I said earlier, I live in this forest, my name is Andrew. Pleased to meet you.” I say, smiling.

“My name is Ezo and I'm glad I met you before the slimes,” he said, chuckling lightly.

“It could have ended badly, that's for sure”, I laughed back.

“I want to thank you. Without you it could have become problematic.”

“It is natural to help someone in the face of a common enemy. Besides, why didn't you help me? Not that it was necessary but still.”

“I would have liked to, but I have nothing on me at the moment…”, his embarrassed answer confirmed my suspicions.

"That's strange, why didn't you bring anything with you?”

He was silent as if he couldn't answer and we were in an awkward silence for a moment.

I broke the silence by asking the question that piqued my curiosity:

“Ezo, may I know what happened to you?”, I was very curious. He seemed aware of his surroundings, and his physical abilities are not ordinary.

“I don't know, I just remember waking up and seeing you; you know the rest.”, he had a troubled expression as he said that. I didn't think he was lying to me. After all, in this place that kind of behavior would lead to death.

“You know, it's strange to sleep in a forest, especially in this place. Out of curiosity, is this your first time in a forest?”, I asked with interest.

“Yes, this is the first time I’ve set foot in the forest. he replied with an embarrassed air, then continued:

“Besides, you said we were on the central continent, what did you mean by that? »

I was troubled:

"Wait, don't you know where you are?”, he looked at me with a raised eyebrow, waiting for me to continue.

“Tell me, how did you get here?” I asked to confirm my suspicions. And as I expected, he said:

“I told you; I don't know. I just remember our meeting.”

After a few seconds of silence, I asked:

“Ezo, are you okay?”

“That's to say? I don't understand what you're saying. Since a while ago you keep asking me questions without explaining anything to me.”, I don't understand. he sounded frustrated and I felt bad.

“Sorry, this is the last time, I just want to confirm something.”

“Okay, but will you answer my questions later?”

“Of course, I promise you. So, have you lost your memories?”

Faced with my question, he paused, took a moment as if to formulate what he wanted to say and replied in an uncertain tone:

“Maybe? I am unsure. I know who I am, but…I don't remember who I am. The only memories I have are those after I woke up. It's hard to describe.”, he looked at the torch on the table, but it was as if he was looking at something else. He seemed lost. He went on to say:

"I know it's weird, but I... I can't explain it any other way. I know it's a lot to ask but please believe me.”, I thought before answering:

"I am unaware of what is your situation, and I won't look any further than what you want to tell me." Each has its circumstances and its secrets; moreover, in this place, you must stick together. I will be happy to help you.”, I tried to be understanding. He didn't make me feel like he was lying so I chose to trust him.

After a few moments of comfortable silence, he struck up the conversation for the first time:

“It's kind of embarrassing to say it but, I don't know much, and I would really appreciate it if you could tell me more about...almost everything.”, he said, scratching his head.

“Of course, I will be happy to help you. I think we should go gradually.”, I said, rubbing my chin.

" Oh...? How are you going to proceed? Are you going to teach me a lesson or something?”, he asked me, curious.

" Almost. I'll send you what you need tomorrow and then you can explore. If you have any questions or are curious about something, you can come see me and I'll be happy to answer you. I want to see how you adapt and then I will decide which approach to use.”, I tried to make him understand my intentions.

“I see.”, he replied, nodding in agreement with my decision.

We sat in comforting silence before I decided to speak again.

“You had questions, didn't you?”

“Yes, I have some.”, he took a second before continuing.

“You keep saying this place this, this place that etc. I know you're talking about the central continent, but I don't understand.”

“Ah… I understand what you're saying but it's going to take a little time to explain.” I wanted to warn him at least.

“I have plenty of time.” he says smiling, showing me his teeth (a beautiful smile).

“There are 5 continents. A continent for each cardinal point…”, before I finished, he interrupted me.

“As one in North, South, East, and West and I guess the central continent the center. Of course.”, he laughed in the last part.

“Exact.”, I replied with a smile, I appreciated that he participated in the conversation.

“Each continent has its culture and generally has a good relationship with the others except the central continent that everyone avoids, and you will understand why.”, he nodded telling me to continue.

“In the past, the Central Continent was an incredibly prosperous, great empires were settled and oddly lived in perfect harmony. After all this continent is the largest and it constitutes the heart of this world, therefore it has an aberrant amount of natural resources and a great environmental diversity. It was the jewel of this world.”

I felt sad not to be able to see this place which is my home at its peak. Ezo, with a concentrated gaze, asked me:

“It was? What happened?”

I answered in a serious tone:

“400 years ago, the central continent was the scene of disasters. An unimaginable scourge has befallen this world, directly on the central continent. All nations united to fight the threat, but they failed. Without any other choice, they decided to flee, that's how they discovered the other 4 continents.”

Ezo seemed completely immersed in my story when he absently asked:

“So, what happened? the scourge is still in the central continent?”

I simply answered his question:

“No. No one really knows what happened; but according to legend, an ancient race linked to the heart of this world has gone to war against the scourge. After several weeks of fierce battles that ravaged the continent, this overpowered race managed to repel the scourge and then disappeared.”

Ezo was silent, so I continued:

“After that all attempts at recolonization failed due to a barrier surrounding the continent. After many attempts, forces from 4 continents finally bypassed the barrier, only to be greeted by an extreme and dangerous environment. They tried to adapt, to tame this place, but nature won in the end.”

“Okay, I can understand but that doesn’t explain your presence here, nor mine.”, he seemed deep in thought as he said this.

"Don't worry, I'm coming to it.” I reassured him and continued.

"So, after the general failure of the expeditions, the central continent was declared 'forbidden land' to regulate contact with the mainland, I guess.” I shrug my shoulders towards the end.

“Eventually, the central continent became a place of exile where they banished…special people.”

“ that's what you're here for?” he asked uncertainly.

“Yeah, but I'll explain that to you another time.”, I didn't want to talk about it.

"It's getting late, you should rest, we walked a lot today, plus we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.”, I offered, pointing to the bed in the corner of the room.

“And where are you going to sleep?”, he asked uncertainly.

“Don't worry about me, I don't get much sleep and I have some reading to catch up on.”, I said, showing the library in the room.

“...I understand, thank you for your hospitality.”, he struggled a bit before finally accepting and fortunately besides, I am not very good at convincing people.

After discussing the legend and the continents for a while longer, he went to bed, and I went to pick up one of the many ten-times-reviewed books in my library. I tried to read, but I couldn't concentrate. I'm a little excited for tomorrow. Something tells me that a lot of things are going to happen.

I looked out the window and couldn't help but smile.

thanks for reading, i will post each week
Disclamer : My first language is not english even tough i can speak fluently, i may not be able to use a diversed vocabulary. Plus my keaboard isn't in english, so excuse me for my errors, i will do my best. hope you enjoy

Void, a strange place that seems to stretch on forever. Pure, immense, deep, oppressive.

I stood alone in the center of this void. I had an unusual appearance; my body was made of blue light, and I burned like a flame.

Around me, there was a blue halo that surrounded me, I felt safe there but not for long. I felt it shrink more and more every moment, without this protection I would have been swallowed up by things in the void a long time ago.

It kept shrinking more and more and I was starting to worry. Just before it broke, the force of the void withdrew. I was relieved to see that I was not going to die. But my worry did not go away because the void seemed to move. The Things were starting to shift, space was twisting, something was happening I could feel it.

After a few hours(?), where I was stressing as things in the void got louder, everything suddenly went quiet. The air (?) around me grew cold, it was there. it was behind me; I could feel him. it terrified me, I was afraid to look at it.

I heard a voice. She seemed to come from everywhere.

“Mmh. I was distracted, you see me sorry.” Suddenly everything seemed to lighten up, I wasn't so scared of it anymore.

“It is better now. You can turn around.”, I nodded and turned to look at it.

it was huge. Where did it start, where did it end, I didn't know. But one thing was sure, if it wanted to finish me, it would have done it already.

“Thanks for the compliment I guess and yes I can read your mind.”, I was speechless (thoughtless?).

Ok, that's not scary at all. So, may I ask where I am, why I'm here and who you are?

I tried to get information.

“You will have the answer to all your questions when the time is right.”, as I expected, no response.

So, what am I doing here? I asked once more.

“You connected on your own, it’s surprising but not unexpected. Avoid sleeping if you don't want to disappear. You can come back when you have more power.”, I couldn't understand what he meant.

Connect? Why? Why not sleep anymore?

As I was scrambling for information, I noticed that the things in the void started to wiggle. The titan (?), giant (?) spoke quickly:

“Your time here is limited; I will send you back. Don't forget who you are. Don't forget that you have been chosen. Ah. And congratulations on finding the guide, I'm going to give you a little gift that will help you.”, again, it spoke incomprehensibly.

Guide? Are you talking about Andrew? Despite its words, I kept asking questions.

“Yes, goodbye.”, then everything went black.


I woke up with a start in this familiar room. This sparsely furnished room, two chairs facing each other separated by a table next to the only window in the room, a bookcase behind one and a clock behind the other, the finishing touch being the bed I had lain on.

Spawn point set

As soon as I woke up, I heard this voice in my head giving me a strange message. It was my own voice. It's so weird! I decided to care about it another time, there was nothing I could do to change anything now.

I scanned the room and found the one I was looking for. Andrew was sitting in the same chair as before but there were several books next to him and one in his hands where he was writing.

He turned, saw me, and greeted me:

“Oh. Hi Ezo, how are you? »

“Is something wrong? You look pale.” I must have made a strange face given his expression.

“Oh no, it's fine, I just had a nightmare.” I tried to reassure him but what I saw was certainly shocking and I was a bit panicked at the time. On Andrew's head were numbers, his name, and the word "guide."

Andrew (guide)


Oh my-! For the love of-! I don't know what it is, but it wasn't there yesterday. How did it get there?!!!

“You slept long enough, a little over 10 hours.”, he looked at the clock on the wall in front of him, then turned to the book in his hands.

“And you don't look tired at all." Don't tell me you wrote all that…”, I was interested and wanted to ignore these things I was seeing.

“Yes, 10 hours is a lot you know. I tried to make a beginner's guide for you.”, he said, his eyes still on the book he was writing.

“Oh…I can't wait to read what you wrote.”, I said, taking a seat in the chair across from him.

“Don't worry, you won't be disappointed.”, I could feel the pride in his voice.

We stayed like that for a while, the sound of Andrew writing and me writing and me listening to him looking at the wall behind him. Or at least I was trying.

Since I woke up, something was disturbing my vision. Like dust in the eye, the more time passed the more frustrating it became. It was as if I was being forced to look in a specific direction where nothing was. If I tried to look away, my eyes would roll in the same direction automatically.


After a while something appeared where I was looking, in the upper right corner of my vision. Two kinds of bars, one red with a red heart on top of a blue with a blue star, with numbers and letters that I saw when I focused.

HP: 100

PM: 20

Huh? What? For what?

My mind was chaotic, but I tried not to show it to Andrew.

I had calmed down after a while, luckily Andrew seemed focused on what he was writing.

Finally, Andrew spoke first:

“Last night you were quite troubled. Do you want to talk about it?”, he kept his eyes on the book.

“Mmh…I don't think it's that important.”, I said after a little thought.

“It was just a weird dream.”, I really didn't want to talk about it.

“Of course, if ever something bothers you, remember that my door will always be open to you. he said with a smile. He's so nice, it warms my heart. I continued: “I'll let you finish in peace; I'm going to take a little walk outside.”

For the first time Andrew looked up from his book and looked at me seriously, saying:

“Do not go too far, it's dangerous outside and you do not have a weapon...”, he paused a little before getting up to come closer to me. He reached out to me, and a small bag appeared in his hand, then asked me to take the bag:

“There are the basic tools in this bag, a pickaxe, an ax, and a short sword. I'm not asking you to fight but to be careful, it's dangerous outside.”

I really appreciate his concern, but I have a lot of questions now.

“Where did you get that bag from? This isn't the first time I've seen you pull stuff out of nowhere, first a bow, arrows, jelly and now this bag. Besides, how can there be a sword in such a small bag? “, I was very curious to know where he could get all this, and I let myself be carried away by my enthusiasm.

He simply smiled and rolled up the sleeve of his right arm to show me what looked like a tattoo or a large birthmark. But I was sure it was a tattoo, it was big, covered his entire forearm and was very detailed. It was shaped like a strange key made of flesh, it seemed alive and didn't answer any questions. He opened his mouth in front of my questioning look:

“It is the stigma of the inventory. It is an advanced form of magic, alchemy and enchantment that allows you to create a magical subspace to store your items. Anything can fit in there, except humanoid creatures that individually exceed a certain weight. It is very expensive and difficult to shape, very few people have one. The bag I gave you is a lower inventory variant; the enchantment only lasts 24h and it can be destroyed.”

“It's incredible!!! Thank you for giving me one, even if it is temporary. Could I have one like yours?” I asked hopefully.

Andrew got a complicated look, he paused then said:

“Only…special people can have one for certain reasons. Normally you should have one.”

I took off my coat, rolled up the sleeves of my shirt, hoping to have the stigmata.

Nothing on my left arm, nothing on my right arm.

“Oh…” I was a bit disappointed.

“Well, the shape and location of the stigma varies from person to person.”; Andrew said observing my reaction.

I took my shirt off without thinking. Andrew tried to stop me:

“Hey! What are you doing ?!” but too late.

To my relief, there was a tattoo on my chest, where my heart is. I assumed it was the stigma because like Andrew, he looked alive. It was a huge tree that covered more than half of my chest. Additionally, there were the numbers 1,2 and 3 on the leaves, trunk, and roots.

As I smiled glad that something was finally going my way for once; Andrew urged me to get dressed, smiling too.

“Hurry up and put your shirt back on. Also, avoid undressing in front of people.”

“Yeah, yeah.”, I answered distractedly, putting on my shirt and then my coat.

“Well. At least we know now that you did not come here with nothing.”, he says smiling.

“Yeah.”, I was happy.

“Do you know how to activate it?”


“I suspected that. You just need to inject or direct mana to your mark.” said Andrew distractedly.


“It's the energy to use magic, it's rare to have even less to be able to use it. But since you have the stigma, you should be able to use it, even if you don't remember.”

“I see. Can you show me how?”

“Mmh…to put it simply, you channel the energy in your heart to your stigma and you will activate it. You will have to concentrate to do it the first time and then it will become natural over time.” Andrew seemed to have a preoccupied mind.

“Okay, I'll try that outside.”, I headed for the door and before Andrew could say anything, I walked out.


I walked through the woods not knowing where I was really going. I was unable to think coherently but managed to get used to these new sensations. It was easy to dodge slimes, I could see their information from almost 10 meters away and through obstacles. I've seen green slimes, blue ones stronger than green ones, and rarely even stronger purple ones. Andrew must have led us down a safe path, which says a lot about his knowledge of this forest.

I finally took a break in a relatively safe corner. And I tried to open the inventory. I didn't want to do it in front of Andrew because of how many weird things happened. After several minutes of intense concentration, I could feel something warm, comforting, and friendly(?) in my heart, I tried to direct it towards the stigma. And after a few failures due to my lack of control, I finally succeeded and something weird happened (what a surprise).

4 icons in semi-transparent boxes appeared in front of me. Or was it a single board with 4 icons? they moved with my movements. The icons were a hammer, a bag, a house, and a helmet.

After several minutes playing with what appeared to be my inventory interface, I made a few discoveries (and had a lot of fun).

First, the bag was the real storage place, I was able to put the bag Andrew gave me in it just by thinking about it; and could control the interface mentally and physically. Which seemed very helpful. The inventory showed 50 boxes in a 5x10 layout plus another with a trash can inside. I was unable to find anything to put in it (or didn't think of it.) so I didn't really understand the storage capacity.

Then I switched to home, all it showed me was two icons one with...Andrew's head (it was disturbing) and one with a question mark. In addition, the boxes or entries were red and opaque, unlike the semi-transparent ones in the inventory.

The hammer...I couldn't really figure out what it was for, and I had no real ideas. I was planning to ask Andrew later.

Then came the helmet. It was the one that seemed the most complicated and elaborate. After pressing the icon 2 tables appeared, one left and one right. The one on the right having 24 entrances in 3x8 and 3 mannequins alongside with the numbers 1,2 and 3; the right one only 5 entries. A shield icon with the number 0 inside separated them. I didn't really know what all that meant, I was confused but also very eager to learn more about my inventory.

After playing around with the inventory a lot, I felt better. So, I decided to go home. The sun was quite high in the sky, and I hadn't seen the time pass. I tried to remember the path I took but nothing. I was afraid of being lost.

(Sigh)…if only I had a map.

At my words appeared a map (how convenient) in the left corner of my vision. Showing my head on the map, Andrew’s, and the path I had taken today and yesterday with Andrew. There were also a few details like the green dot next to Andrew (whose movements I could follow. It was very disturbing.); borders (?), limits (?) which seemed to create zones.

I started the way back without delay. I could feel I was going to have a lot of fun.
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