Language Pack My resource pack isn't changing dialogue


I'm making a resource pack to change the Zoologist's dialogue. I'm able to load it in the resource pack menu, but the dialogue is unchanged. The localization file is located in "Documents\My Games\Terraria\ResourcePacks\Quotes for Cured Zoologist\Content\Localization" and is named "en-US-CuredZoologistQoutes.csv". The code:

BestiaryGirlChatter.Chatter_1,I can collect critters again!
BestiaryGirlChatter.Chatter_2,My mind seems normal again...except I still want to snack on dog treats.
BestiaryGirlChatter.Chatter_4,"My older bro called me a lycanthrope. It means I was like, part animal or something. He'd know, though, because he spends all his time outside!"
BestiaryGirlChatter.Chatter_6,"I no longer have to worry about my tail. I kept chasing it, but somehow would always get away."
BestiaryGirlChatter.Chatter_7,My hair is back to normal.
BestiaryGirlChatter.Chatter_8,"It was nice to be able to hear far away, but load sounds don't hurt anymore."
BestiaryGirlChatter.Chatter_10,I love looking at the moon. I didn't know how much I would miss it.
BestiaryGirlChatter.Chatter_11,"There was a lot I forgot, but it all came back to me."
BestiaryGirlLycantropeChatter.Chatter_1,I wont be howling tonight.
BestiaryGirlLycantropeChatter.Chatter_2,"Don't worry, I wont bite."
BestiaryGirlSpecialText.Party,"I feel like I can enjoy parties more. I know longer have to force myself not to eat everything."
BestiaryGirlSpecialText.Graveyard1,"This place is scarier than I remember."
BestiaryGirlSpecialText.Graveyard2,"Ok, like, this place is totally freaky. It makes my hair stand on end!"
BestiaryGirlSpecialText.Windy1,"Running in the wind makes me feel so free. Totes try it sometime!"
BestiaryGirlSpecialText.Storm1,"It's so nice to be able to enjoy the sound of thunder!"
BestiaryGirlSpecialText.Storm2,"Thunderstorms are so scary anymore. They're pretty neat!"
BestiaryGirlSpecialText.Rain1,"I love this rain. It can continue for days."
BestiaryGirlSpecialText.Rain2,"The rain feels nice."
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirl.HateCrowded,"I'm uncomfortable with all these people around!"
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirl.DislikeBiome,"{BiomeName} really makes me want to run away. Too bad I don't run as fast as I used to!"
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirl.LoveNPC,"I can't explain it. I have like, a thing for {NPCName}. He seems close with critters."
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirl.LikeNPC_Princess,"I appreciate how much {NPCName} tried to break my fox curse! I'm glad she doesn't have to worry about me anymore."
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirlTransformed.Content,"I'm feeling good, actually! Thanks for askin'!"
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirlTransformed.NoHome,"Like, I can't just go live in a burrow, you know. I need a house!"
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirlTransformed.FarFromHome,"I'm uh, like, a little homesick? Plus I need to feed my pets!"
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirlTransformed.DislikeCrowded,"I get a little anxious around a lot of people. I like, don't want that."
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirlTransformed.HateCrowded,"Eek! I hate feeling worried about what will happen with all these people around!"
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirlTransformed.LoveSpace,"I absolutely love having my own place to be myself! This is like, totally awesome!"
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirlTransformed.LikeBiome,"I love animals, so naturally {BiomeName} is like, the best place ever! Yas!"
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirlTransformed.LoveBiome,"I love {BiomeName}."
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirlTransformed.DislikeBiome,"{BiomeName} really makes me want to run away. Too bad I don't run as fast as I used to!"
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirlTransformed.HateBiome,"Like, {BiomeName} totally reeks of those curses that fox cub had -- the one that bit me!"
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirlTransformed.LikeNPC,"Of course I like {NPCName}! I like, knew them since I was born!"
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirlTransformed.LoveNPC,"I can't explain it. I have like, a thing for {NPCName}. He seems close with critters."
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirlTransformed.DislikeNPC,"I don't like how cruel {NPCName} is!"
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirlTransformed.HateNPC,"I really totally hate what {NPCName} does to animals!"
TownNPCMood_BestiaryGirlTransformed.LikeNPC_Princess,"I appreciate how much {NPCName} tried to break my fox curse! I'm glad she doesn't have to worry about me anymore."
Pretty sure the file's supposed to be named "en-US.csv" and that's it.
I tried it and it didn't work. I use a couple of resource packs that was named like that, (for example: one is named "en-US-Witch.csv"), and they worked fine before, but now they're also not working.
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