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  • About all I do on TCF now is update my status once in a rare while... how the times change.
    Once I considered entering me Skeletron Prime picture into the creation compendium. As is probably obvious I never did it.
    I finally got a new 3DS. no longer need I put up with busted L and R buttons. :D
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    Reactions: MegaMage314 🌳
    MegaMage314 🌳
    MegaMage314 🌳
    On the bright side, the Switch at least has a pretty ingenious way of staying intact if you drop it. Since you'll always have a joycon on either side, they basically act as a buffer from impacts. Some guy actually dropped their switch from a thousand feet in the air and the console still worked perfectly fine afterwards.

    Of course, the left joycon was completely destroyed, but still.
    You lucky people. I'm still stuck here playing Ruby on my gameboy. What I would do to get Omega Ruby and main mudkip in 3D
    I find the D Pad on the 3DS is fine, then again with the circle pad and it's uncomfortable positioning I never really use the dang thing.
    I haven't been able to post due to my laptop breaking down but I finally have a way to post again.
    I just got a game from a series I loved when I was younger. Steam is awesome. :)
    For those who want to know what the game is, it's Chicken Invaders 4. No, I'm not joking.
    I definitely remember playing those games years ago. Didn't know they were on steam though.
    I was curious so I checked, the only one not on steam is the first game, it's on the chicken invaders site or free.
    I was gonna post on how my inactivity is because I've been too busy, but I'm not one to lie. ;)
    Last night I decided to draw a horse, I didn't finish the rider, I was too worn out.
    I actually looked up a video on how to saddle a horse in order to understand how everything was supposed to look.
    I now know what it's like to rip jeans from packing on too much weight.
    I need to lose a couple pounds I guess, been wanting to do that anyways so whatever.
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