A place to ask me things I guess

Do you think you would be able to defeat Magikarp-Machamp in an arm-wrestling match?
I personally appreciate the rich and well developed lore many games have to offer, or their secrets left behind from development. So often I take as much time as possible to uncover as much as possible.
Why am I not surprised that Niyr is a dataminer.
Why am I not surprised that Niyr is a dataminer.
Because despite being unaware, it seems like the sort of thing you might expect based on what he has done in the past.
Yes that was me answering a rhetorical question because I thought it might be funny considering this is an AMA...

I mean, his whole thing is gathering knowledge, so...
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite shape?
And not certain...
What would you do if you could hypnotize people via eye contact, and why? This question also goes to 3 of your OCs.
Might be easier to answer the second part with specific OCs listed, but I also don't think my list has the same specifics others do, and I'm not certain if you know them either...
What would you do if you could hypnotize people via eye contact, and why?
I'm not certain, probably not use it often, but, I might use it sometimes...
Probably for finding out information mostly.

Izviing, Niyr, and Yarkha.
I could finally establish wyverns as the superior species, even greater than dragons...
You feel yourself becoming calm, my eyes filling your vision... You relax, giving in... Fear is so tiring... So much easier to trust... So much easier to tell me everything...
With such a thing, I could finally bring about an end to conflict and violence...
<To you> I would have asked you what your favorite OC to use is... but someone else already asked you that in this thread. Instead, what has to be your least favorite OC that you've used?

Edit: <To Niyr> If you could hypnotize me, what would be the first thing you would make me do?
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What is your favorite (or one that first comes to mind) videogame that you however don't plan on ever actually playing yourself?
Coming back to this as I just remembered now.
Changed. I certainly like it in concept and in terms of some of the designs that have come from it, however to me the gameplay isn't really that deep from what I've seen.
It's technically possible I may get it some day but right now despite liking seeing videos or artwork of it I don't plan on playing it.

<To you> I would have asked you what your favorite OC to use is... but someone else already asked you that in this thread. Instead, what has to be your least favorite OC that you've used?

Edit: <To Niyr> If you could hypnotize me, what would be the first thing you would make me do?
Winston Arthur Johnson "Little Jim" Farland AKA d4rkProtagonist, but just call him John.
Barely used them, but, looking back I'm not too big a fan of their concept and even their name is a joke.

However, out of the ones that actually saw long-term use, that'd have to be Carl. Pretty certain they started off as a side character, and they never really developed nor did they really have anything unique about them either.

I suppose I would most likely start off having you divulge all of your secrets to me, unless the situation called for something else.
If you were arrested for committing war crimes and about to be executed, what would you choose as your last meal?
If you could enter a single video game, which one would you choose, and why? You would be able to enter/exit that game freely.

Several things to note about this: If you die, you follow the respawn mechanics of that world, or get booted out of the game if you have to reload a previous save(you would still be able to enter the game again, effectively loading the last save). You cannot bring in anything into the game with you, nor can you take anything out of the game, intentionally or not. Pain would not exceed a certain threshold; if you pinch yourself, it would feel like a normal pinch, but being stabbed would feel more like a dull punch.
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Favorite type/s of dragon?
...I'll need a narrower context or else I'd just have to answer dragon.

I don't think there are really any solid types outside of a specific fiction.
Closest thing may be how it seems people have generally accepted wyverns, drakes, dragons, etc. to have specific limb arrangements.

If you could enter a single video game, which one would you choose, and why? You would be able to enter/exit that game freely.

Several things to note about this: If you die, you follow the respawn mechanics of that world, or get booted out of the game if you have to reload a previous save(you would still be able to enter the game again, effectively loading the last save). You cannot bring in anything into the game with you, nor can you take anything out of the game, intentionally or not. Pain would not exceed a certain threshold; if you pinch yourself, it would feel like a normal pinch, but being stabbed would feel more like a dull punch.
Hmm... Tough question, as there are a lot of games I'd want to enter for several different reasons...

I suppose it'd depend on a few different factors, but, based off what I assume...
...Maybe the Elder Scrolls?
[To Streyll, Niyr, Renati and Kulautt:]
If your entire body were to be changed to one material (without killing you,) what would you pick?
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