Console Allow Split Screen on console to be fully zoomed out


As of right now on ps5, the max you can zoom out really hinders multiplayer bossfights in split screen it has a much less zoomed out cap than single player, I presume to accommodate for smaller screen size, this hurts the experience, especially when hardmode bosses tend to be mostly offscreen and only charging through temporarily before switching aggro to another player that is off screen. (Don't get me started on underground exploration LOL)

This really differs from my experience of terraria on network based multiplayer and I think for the few of us that end up in a scenario where can only play split screen with someone (maybe they dont have a console or you just want to bang out a quick playthough with friend/family member over a weekend they're visiting) This would absolutely be a game changer as right now its so restricting, especially when know you are playing on a 4k screen that could easily accommodate all the player viewpoints needed and you are getting wrecked by master mode projectile and boss charges from offscreen.

I know nowadays split screen is basically nonexistent in gaming but I love playing terraria so much and having more quality of life for when you playing together in person is something we really need, as it sucks to know that the experience is different than what re-logic have built the game around when restricted to a smaller perspective, especially when playing with what would be someone's first time and that is their impression of the game. I just feel like this wasn't really playtested or at least playtested in harder difficulties where knowing stuff that shouldnt be offscreen is coming from is extremely beneficial.
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