Story anyone have any cool terraria creepypastas?

Terraria players have always been drawn to the game's dark and mysterious side. From the Corruption and Crimson to the Dungeon and Underworld, there's always something lurking in the shadows. But what if there's something even more sinister lurking in the depths of Terraria?
One player, named Matthew, was about to find out. Matthew was a seasoned Terraria veteran, and he had explored every corner of the game. But one day, he decided to try something new: he created a world with the seed "Nightmares."
As soon as Matthew spawned into the world, he knew something was wrong. The sky was a blood red, and the grass was black. The trees were twisted and gnarled, and the air was thick with the smell of death.
Matthew decided to explore the world, despite the eerie atmosphere. He soon discovered that the enemies in this world were unlike anything he had ever seen before. They were more powerful, more aggressive, and more terrifying.
One night, Matthew was exploring the dungeon when he came across a strange room. In the center of the room was a large, black altar. On top of the altar was a book bound in human skin.
Matthew approached the altar cautiously and opened the book. The pages were filled with strange symbols and incantations. Matthew had no idea what the book said, but he could sense its evil power.
Matthew closed the book and quickly left the room. But as he was running down the corridor, he heard a voice behind him.
"You shouldn't have read that book," the voice said.
Matthew turned around, but there was no one there. He continued running, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched.
From that day on, Matthew was haunted by the Nightmares world. He would often see strange things out of the corner of his eye, and he would hear voices whispering in the darkness.
One night, Matthew was trying to sleep when he heard a noise outside his window. He got out of bed and went to investigate.
When he opened the window, he saw a creature standing in his backyard. The creature was tall and thin, with pale skin and black eyes. It had a long, jagged mouth, and its fingers were tipped with sharp claws.
The creature looked up at Matthew and smiled.
"It's time for you to come with me," the creature said.
Matthew screamed and slammed the window shut. He locked the door and hid under his bed.
But it was no use. The creature had already gotten inside the house. It grabbed Matthew and dragged him out into the night.
Matthew was never seen again.
Some say that the creature took Matthew to the Nightmares world, where he is doomed to wander for eternity. Others say that the creature killed Matthew and devoured his soul.
But one thing is for sure: the Nightmares world is a dangerous place, and those who venture there should be prepared for the worst.
Terraria players have always been drawn to the game's dark and mysterious side. From the Corruption and Crimson to the Dungeon and Underworld, there's always something lurking in the shadows. But what if there's something even more sinister lurking in the depths of Terraria?
One player, named Matthew, was about to find out. Matthew was a seasoned Terraria veteran, and he had explored every corner of the game. But one day, he decided to try something new: he created a world with the seed "Nightmares."
As soon as Matthew spawned into the world, he knew something was wrong. The sky was a blood red, and the grass was black. The trees were twisted and gnarled, and the air was thick with the smell of death.
Matthew decided to explore the world, despite the eerie atmosphere. He soon discovered that the enemies in this world were unlike anything he had ever seen before. They were more powerful, more aggressive, and more terrifying.
One night, Matthew was exploring the dungeon when he came across a strange room. In the center of the room was a large, black altar. On top of the altar was a book bound in human skin.
Matthew approached the altar cautiously and opened the book. The pages were filled with strange symbols and incantations. Matthew had no idea what the book said, but he could sense its evil power.
Matthew closed the book and quickly left the room. But as he was running down the corridor, he heard a voice behind him.
"You shouldn't have read that book," the voice said.
Matthew turned around, but there was no one there. He continued running, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched.
From that day on, Matthew was haunted by the Nightmares world. He would often see strange things out of the corner of his eye, and he would hear voices whispering in the darkness.
One night, Matthew was trying to sleep when he heard a noise outside his window. He got out of bed and went to investigate.
When he opened the window, he saw a creature standing in his backyard. The creature was tall and thin, with pale skin and black eyes. It had a long, jagged mouth, and its fingers were tipped with sharp claws.
The creature looked up at Matthew and smiled.
"It's time for you to come with me," the creature said.
Matthew screamed and slammed the window shut. He locked the door and hid under his bed.
But it was no use. The creature had already gotten inside the house. It grabbed Matthew and dragged him out into the night.
Matthew was never seen again.
Some say that the creature took Matthew to the Nightmares world, where he is doomed to wander for eternity. Others say that the creature killed Matthew and devoured his soul.
But one thing is for sure: the Nightmares world is a dangerous place, and those who venture there should be prepared for the worst.
Honestly isn't as creepy as some of the actual existing seeds in the game tbh
Terraria players have always been drawn to the game's dark and mysterious side. From the Corruption and Crimson to the Dungeon and Underworld, there's always something lurking in the shadows. But what if there's something even more sinister lurking in the depths of Terraria?
One player, named Matthew, was about to find out. Matthew was a seasoned Terraria veteran, and he had explored every corner of the game. But one day, he decided to try something new: he created a world with the seed "Nightmares."
As soon as Matthew spawned into the world, he knew something was wrong. The sky was a blood red, and the grass was black. The trees were twisted and gnarled, and the air was thick with the smell of death.
Matthew decided to explore the world, despite the eerie atmosphere. He soon discovered that the enemies in this world were unlike anything he had ever seen before. They were more powerful, more aggressive, and more terrifying.
One night, Matthew was exploring the dungeon when he came across a strange room. In the center of the room was a large, black altar. On top of the altar was a book bound in human skin.
Matthew approached the altar cautiously and opened the book. The pages were filled with strange symbols and incantations. Matthew had no idea what the book said, but he could sense its evil power.
Matthew closed the book and quickly left the room. But as he was running down the corridor, he heard a voice behind him.
"You shouldn't have read that book," the voice said.
Matthew turned around, but there was no one there. He continued running, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched.
From that day on, Matthew was haunted by the Nightmares world. He would often see strange things out of the corner of his eye, and he would hear voices whispering in the darkness.
One night, Matthew was trying to sleep when he heard a noise outside his window. He got out of bed and went to investigate.
When he opened the window, he saw a creature standing in his backyard. The creature was tall and thin, with pale skin and black eyes. It had a long, jagged mouth, and its fingers were tipped with sharp claws.
The creature looked up at Matthew and smiled.
"It's time for you to come with me," the creature said.
Matthew screamed and slammed the window shut. He locked the door and hid under his bed.
But it was no use. The creature had already gotten inside the house. It grabbed Matthew and dragged him out into the night.
Matthew was never seen again.
Some say that the creature took Matthew to the Nightmares world, where he is doomed to wander for eternity. Others say that the creature killed Matthew and devoured his soul.
But one thing is for sure: the Nightmares world is a dangerous place, and those who venture there should be prepared for the worst.
oohhhh... scary!
Personally, I've always imagined Dontdigup as a post-apocalyptic world, as evidenced by the dead trees and entirely corrupted/crimsoned surface.

Also, have you tried playing TheConstant starting with nothing, and without placing any kind of light source that can be put out by rain? I'm doing that currently;
My world is called the Marsh of Shattered Hope, and it's surprisingly fitting!

EDIT: Also, what is a creepypasta?
Personally, I've always imagined Dontdigup as a post-apocalyptic world, as evidenced by the dead trees and entirely corrupted/crimsoned surface.

Also, have you tried playing TheConstant starting with nothing, and without placing any kind of light source that can be put out by rain? I'm doing that currently;
My world is called the Marsh of Shattered Hope, and it's surprisingly fitting!

EDIT: Also, what is a creepypasta?
a creepypasta is a basically a horror story on the internet
Once upon a time there was a Dutch gamer and Twitch streamer called DutchGamerNL whose favorite games were Minecraft and Terraria. They played now since 15 hours Minecraft on stream speaking Dutch and it was soon 6 AM. DutchGamerNL was playing and playing and suddendly there was a knock on the door.

"Who is that?" asked DutchGamerNL in Dutch. "Ugh, I can't stand up, my butt hurts from the long sitting.". DutchGamerNL slowly wanders to the door. When arriving at the door they see through the little door lens a winged being with curly afro hair. "Who is that?!", asked DutchGamerNL again, "I mean, what is that actually? A delayed April's fool joke?".

All that happened while the camera to the stream was running. The demon answered also in Dutch: "I'm Glasia🌳 and I have seen your stream starting 15 hours ago and watched a bit from 4 PM – 7 PM. Now I woke up and see your stream still running.". "How do you know my address? How did you get in?". DutchGamerNL, being surprised that a demon spoke Dutch well, blushed and was about to scream for help. Glasia🌳 answered: "At one point you put your address on Twitter and then the Tree Cult summoned me here."

DutchGamerNL screamed: "Glasia🌳, ga terug, GA TERUG!!!!" meaning to repel Glasia🌳 but the demon stayed. Both went into the room where the PC with running camera and microphone was standing. Suddendly the stream chat text changed from normal text like "You got that skeleton!" to "OH NO!!!" or "There is a demon!" or "Call police!". Glasia🌳 started to induce energy of wanderlust into DutchGamerNL. Suddendly DutchGamerNL heard voices in their head: "Enough playing today! Go walk now" and felt the urge to leave the house to walk.

Shortly after DutchGamerNL left their house they asked: "What the actual am I doing here?". Suddendly their legs started walking on their own. "That is too spooky to me!… I can’t stop!". Glasia🌳 followed DutchGamerNL. DutchGamerNL looked back and saw Glasia🌳. "Help me there is a handsome demon chasing me! He looks like Harry Potter with wings!". A passerby spoke: "Don’t worry, Glasia🌳 does not have his inferno fork with him! He won’t harm you!". "But he does not wanna go back! He will posess you!".

DutchGamerNL ran and ran for about five kilometers and then found a spot to hide from that demon in a big tent infront of a narrow house. However they didn’t know that they entered the club house of the Tree cult as they didn’t see the many 🌳 symbols over the door. In the first room there sat the fortune teller called CamillaA8F6🌳 and asked: „How can I help you, DutchGamerNL?“. „How do you know my Twitch name??? Is your crystal ball connected to the internet now???“ „For that I can know it without my magic ball, a Google search with your Twitch name sufficed to identify you.“. DutchGamerNL asked: „There is a demon after me! His name is Glasia🌳, with the tree emoji at the end and looks like Harry Potter with wings on steroids from Africa! He knows Dutch better than me! I had a great grade in Dutch language classes HELP ME TO GET THAT DEMON AWAY FROM ME!!!“

CamillaA8F6🌳 explained: „To get the demon away you need to go to sleep at 10 PM and it is better if you now only play Terraria because Minecraft became a bad game now“. „What do you mean? My 240K followers will hate on me!!!“ „What I mean is that you now should play Terraria more than Minecraft and overall reduce your daily playtime to maximum 5-7 hours.“.

After DutchGamerNL came back at noon and tried to start Minecraft on their PC, an error appeared. After that the PC restarted itself and wrote: „Processing updates 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳“„Ugh, suddendly Windows update! Guess, I will play Minecraft on my phone.“, DutchGamerNL thought. Suddendly a Twitch notification appeared: „I know you play Minecraft. Switch to Terraria now or get spammed!“. As soon as DutchGamerNL tapped on „Play“ in Minecraft, their phone got spammed.

„FINE, FINE, I SWITCH TO TERRARIA NOW!!!“ screamed DutchGamerNL into their phone, closed Minecraft and switched to Terraria. After being in Terraria the spam stopped. Soon the PC updated and DutchGamer switched to the PC to play Terraria to start the stream. In the stream they say: „I got told by a fortune teller that it is better to play Terraria“. Firstly in the chat came texts like „This is strange“ and then it turned into a spam of 🌳 emojis.

Shortly before DutchGamerNL stopped their stream, they got a 1.15 € donation by Glasia🌳 and a „Thank you for supporting Terraria“ message by Glasia🌳.
Once upon a time there was a Dutch gamer and Twitch streamer called DutchGamerNL whose favorite games were Minecraft and Terraria. They played now since 15 hours Minecraft on stream speaking Dutch and it was soon 6 AM. DutchGamerNL was playing and playing and suddendly there was a knock on the door.

"Who is that?" asked DutchGamerNL in Dutch. "Ugh, I can't stand up, my butt hurts from the long sitting.". DutchGamerNL slowly wanders to the door. When arriving at the door they see through the little door lens a winged being with curly afro hair. "Who is that?!", asked DutchGamerNL again, "I mean, what is that actually? A delayed April's fool joke?".

All that happened while the camera to the stream was running. The demon answered also in Dutch: "I'm Glasia🌳 and I have seen your stream starting 15 hours ago and watched a bit from 4 PM – 7 PM. Now I woke up and see your stream still running.". "How do you know my address? How did you get in?". DutchGamerNL, being surprised that a demon spoke Dutch well, blushed and was about to scream for help. Glasia🌳 answered: "At one point you put your address on Twitter and then the Tree Cult summoned me here."

DutchGamerNL screamed: "Glasia🌳, ga terug, GA TERUG!!!!" meaning to repel Glasia🌳 but the demon stayed. Both went into the room where the PC with running camera and microphone was standing. Suddendly the stream chat text changed from normal text like "You got that skeleton!" to "OH NO!!!" or "There is a demon!" or "Call police!". Glasia🌳 started to induce energy of wanderlust into DutchGamerNL. Suddendly DutchGamerNL heard voices in their head: "Enough playing today! Go walk now" and felt the urge to leave the house to walk.

Shortly after DutchGamerNL left their house they asked: "What the actual am I doing here?". Suddendly their legs started walking on their own. "That is too spooky to me!… I can’t stop!". Glasia🌳 followed DutchGamerNL. DutchGamerNL looked back and saw Glasia🌳. "Help me there is a handsome demon chasing me! He looks like Harry Potter with wings!". A passerby spoke: "Don’t worry, Glasia🌳 does not have his inferno fork with him! He won’t harm you!". "But he does not wanna go back! He will posess you!".

DutchGamerNL ran and ran for about five kilometers and then found a spot to hide from that demon in a big tent infront of a narrow house. However they didn’t know that they entered the club house of the Tree cult as they didn’t see the many 🌳 symbols over the door. In the first room there sat the fortune teller called CamillaA8F6🌳 and asked: „How can I help you, DutchGamerNL?“. „How do you know my Twitch name??? Is your crystal ball connected to the internet now???“ „For that I can know it without my magic ball, a Google search with your Twitch name sufficed to identify you.“. DutchGamerNL asked: „There is a demon after me! His name is Glasia🌳, with the tree emoji at the end and looks like Harry Potter with wings on steroids from Africa! He knows Dutch better than me! I had a great grade in Dutch language classes HELP ME TO GET THAT DEMON AWAY FROM ME!!!“

CamillaA8F6🌳 explained: „To get the demon away you need to go to sleep at 10 PM and it is better if you now only play Terraria because Minecraft became a bad game now“. „What do you mean? My 240K followers will hate on me!!!“ „What I mean is that you now should play Terraria more than Minecraft and overall reduce your daily playtime to maximum 5-7 hours.“.

After DutchGamerNL came back at noon and tried to start Minecraft on their PC, an error appeared. After that the PC restarted itself and wrote: „Processing updates 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳“„Ugh, suddendly Windows update! Guess, I will play Minecraft on my phone.“, DutchGamerNL thought. Suddendly a Twitch notification appeared: „I know you play Minecraft. Switch to Terraria now or get spammed!“. As soon as DutchGamerNL tapped on „Play“ in Minecraft, their phone got spammed.

„FINE, FINE, I SWITCH TO TERRARIA NOW!!!“ screamed DutchGamerNL into their phone, closed Minecraft and switched to Terraria. After being in Terraria the spam stopped. Soon the PC updated and DutchGamer switched to the PC to play Terraria to start the stream. In the stream they say: „I got told by a fortune teller that it is better to play Terraria“. Firstly in the chat came texts like „This is strange“ and then it turned into a spam of 🌳 emojis.

Shortly before DutchGamerNL stopped their stream, they got a 1.15 € donation by Glasia🌳 and a „Thank you for supporting Terraria“ message by Glasia🌳.
how spooky
An excerpt from the Terraria Wiki:
The Mysterious Package

The Mysterious Package was an unobtainable pet summon, which was supposed to summon a pet drone that would drop a box every few minutes. It was likely intended to be available to those who bought Terraria on Amazon. It was only obtainable through hacks and was removed entirely shortly after its introduction.
  • The pet resembles the drones used by the delivery service Amazon Prime Air.[1]
  • The pet's buff had the Pet Elfa buff icon.
  • The item and pet has a sign on the package that represents the Amazon logo.


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