Avatar file size


Now I bet a few of us had had the problem where you have a beautiful avatar, like this one:
It says the file is too large for the server to process. How ironic.
or this:
Screenshot (10).png
but it's just too big (heh heh). Now I don't know how the files are stored, but I think that the file size of avatars should be ramped up to 2 MB. Now again, I have NO clue what I'm talking about, but it would be a good thing IMO.
I don't have much in this thread and I have no clue about anything, but I would like it to happen if it's possible.
Compressing a picture that large into a smallish avatar just won't look good at all. Although, while reading this I just got confused.
Compressing a picture that large into a smallish avatar just won't look good at all. Although, while reading this I just got confused.
My eyes

Sorry if the post confused you. Allow me to elaborate a bit more; have you ever had a time where you want to use an avatar but the file size is over 100 KB?
My eyes

Sorry if the post confused you. Allow me to elaborate a bit more; have you ever had a time where you want to use an avatar but the file size is over 100 KB?
Nah, not often. Although I try to limit uploading avatars between the dimensions of 300 and 700. :v
Neat trick almost nobody knows about: Use .jpg file format instead of .png. This chick in my avatar? The original image is well above 500 Kb, yet it gets compressed into ~17 Kb.

I think the issue is that the engine processes .jpg images better than it does other formats. Not sure if that could be fixed, tho.
Avatar size certainly shouldn't be upped to 2 mb. Not everyone has lightning fast internet connections. Imagine having to download a ton of avatars everytime you open a new thread and twiddle your thumbs waiting. No thanks. Some people's signatures are already enough of a nightmare.

There is a problem with the upload size though, like Craftamus Nightmarisite (gawd, why do people change their names all the time? I can't keep up. :( ), I uploaded avatars that were below 25k but were not accepted by the forum because it exceeded the 100k limit. Very odd.
I've asked Skiphs about it several weeks ago. Seems to me it's something that needs looking into. :indifferent:
The avatar you upload and its processed form are different, though. I've had some avatars which were 3 MB (wallpapers) and the system cropped them down to less than 100 Kb. I agree that the final, processed size of the avatars should not be 2 MB, or anywhere close to 500 Kb, even. My "1 Mb/s" connection speed would tell me to :red: off whenever I try to load a page. It's already bad enough having to adblock multiple images in signatures

Oh, and related to that, whose bright idea was to allow images in signatures without any rules regarding file size? Just checking. There should be a file limit, let's say, 500 Kb per signature, unless they put them behind spoilers (which aren't pre-loading like in TO from what I've seen, so they shouldn't affect page load speed.)
Didn't know the forum would resize even huge wallpapers all by itself.
The avatars I tried to upload were all gifs. I guess there's probably a problem then when the forum tries to adjust the size of these file types or something.

I definitely agree with the signature part. Some people seem to stuff half the internet in there.
Edit: But if spoilered content doesn't get loaded, it's alright I guess. Now that you mention it, I've never seen people's signatures load like on TO, where it'd take annoyingly long for the page to 'sit still' thanks to the endless :red:storm of signature content.
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Spoilers on TCF load closed. They loaded open on TO (trust me, made mobile use very difficult)

Skiphs would have to weigh in on the avatars, as it appears to be a server thing.
I noticed that, I would be happy if every member that has animated images would be kind enough to put them in spoilers. They usually amount to "candidate for seizure warnings" anyhow. %:sigh:
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